Firebase FAQ

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Firebase console


Does Firebase offer no-cost trial credits for paid products?

Firebase paid services can be used under the Google Cloud Free Trial . New Google Cloud and Firebase users can take advantage of a 90-day trial period that includes $300 in free Cloud Billing credits to explore and evaluate Google Cloud and Firebase products and services.

During the Google Cloud Free Trial period, you'll be provided a Free Trial Cloud Billing account. Any Firebase project that uses that billing account will be on the Blaze pricing plan during the free trial period.

Don't worry, setting up this Free Trial Cloud Billing account does not enable us to charge you. You are not charged unless you explicitly enable billing by upgrading your Free Trial Cloud Billing account to a paid account. You can upgrade to a paid account at any time during the trial. After you've upgraded, you can still use any remaining credits (within the 90-day period).

Once the free trial expires, you'll need to either downgrade your project to the Spark pricing plan or set up the Blaze pricing plan in the Firebase console to continue using your Firebase project.

Learn more about the Google Cloud Free Trial .