Form Center

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  1. If you are a resident of Moline and are unable to visit the library due to long or short term disability, you can register for the Moline Public Library's Books By Mail service. 

    To qualify for the Books By Mail service you must meet the following criteria:

    1. The participant must be a Moline resident.
    2. The participant must have or obtain a valid Moline library card.
    3. The participant is unable to come to the library and does not have a mobile relative or friend living at their residence.
    4. The participant must be willing to accept and abide by the rules governing the delivery and return of library items.

    After completing a brief form about your reading preferences, items will be delivered to your place of residence through the mail. Return postage will be provided. When your books are received back at the library, we will send more to you. You may also make requests for titles or authors that you would like to receive. 

    Fill out the attached form, and we'll get you started! 

    If you have any questions, call 309-524-2470.

  2. Preferred Format *
  3. Please Check Your Reading Preferences *
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