(例)She can be a littlemaladroitin social situations.
【前回の単語】 1月1日の「nadir 」 (By 1932, the depression had reached itsnadir.) いかがでしたか?
nadirの意味は、 どん底、最下点、 the time when a situation is at its worst、 という意味です。 the nadir of despair(絶望のどん底)という言い方もありますね。
【Bon appetit!】
A conscientious objector is a person who, on the basis of religious or moral principles, refuses to participate in military service. Political opposition to the particular aim of conscription(徴兵), such as that maintained by many during the Vietnam War, is usually considered a separate category. The postwar Selective Service Act(選抜徴兵法), passed in 1948, required that conscientious objection be based on religious belief and training that included belief in a Supreme Being(神).