There is no royal road to learning.(学問に王道なし)と言われています。 本当でしょうか? ある時、「私には知らない英単語はない!」と周りの人に対して、豪語することにしました。 不思議なことに、この時から、知らない英単語がどんどん無くなっていきました。 この方法は使えます。皆さんも「知らない英単語はない!」と豪語してみませんか?
Usage: The manner in which he said this made Ned feel sure that Tom had had other thoughts, and that he had used a littlesubterfugein his answer.
Definition: (noun) Something intended to misrepresent(偽って伝える、わざと不正確に伝える)the true nature of an activity.
Synonyms: blind
【Bon appétit !】
Researchers are working on a new therapy called airway bypass that they hope will help the estimated 24 million Americans with breath-robbing COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患), or chronic obstructive pulmonary(肺の)disease. With airway bypass, doctors thread(糸を通す)a tiny needle through a tube inserted in the windpipe and poke up to a dozen holes through the airway's wall and into surrounding air sacs(空気嚢). The idea: Spark a slow leak in lungs so overinflated(ふくらませ過ぎる)that there's not enough room left to take a deep breath, and do so without open surgery.