例えば、 Thetrigcorporal(伍長)in his jaunty(さっそうとした、いきな)cap proudly led his troops through the parade ground. という使い方がありました。
意味は、 smart and trim, as in appearance neat で、 clean-cut trim と同じ意味でしたね。
【Bon app?tit !】
Also called crystal gazing, scrying(水晶占いをする)is the magical practice of divining(占う)the past, present, or future by gazing into a usually reflective, translucent(半透明の), or luminescent medium, such as crystal, mirror, water, or fire. The Cup of Jamshid, described in Persian mythology as a magical cup containing an elixir(霊薬)of immortality, is said to have revealed to the observer all the layers of the universe.