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農家の庭で子豚が遊んでいました。近くの親豚には、子豚たちが群がっていました。 (続く)
【 Bon appétit ! 】
After ten years of using organic farming practices, Furuno learned of a traditional Japanese rice farming method that consisted of using ducks to eliminate the weeds in rice fields, the "Aigamo Method." His first experiment was a success, but not without problems. In this system, aigamo ducklings are introduced into rice paddies for the purpose of (1) providing natural fertilizer, (2) to strengthen the rice seedlings by oxygenating the water from the turbulence caused by the ducklings' swimming actions, as well as (3) to weed and eat insects.
風呂敷の様なもので幼児を器用に抱っこし… 2022.12.08
2009年頃からラオスでは電気オートバイ・… 2022.12.07 コメント(2)
海はありませんが、魚はよく食べます in … 2022.12.06