Reading speed:partially fast Recommendation rate:★★★
Total Listening Time:106:06
A famous symbologist Robert Langdon, was woke up by a call. A call demands him to come to a science institution, where a scientist had murdered to inspect the cryptic symbol branded into the victim's chest. The murdered scientist has created the anti-mater, which could be a clean energy, awful weapon or a bridge between science and faith. The anti-mater was stolen from the laboratory, and it will cause demonic explosion within 24 hours.
The stolen anti-mater seems to be hidden in the Vatican City, where the conclave is took in place. Leading to the murderer are the symbols scattered around in Rome.
Who might be behind the scene? Could Langdon find the anti-mater and stop the explosion?
You may not stop reading (or listening to) it unless you find the final word.
(Review) When I finished "Da Vinci Code", I first think of Dan Brown to be a clutch player. But as heard "Angels and Demons", I was wrong in favorable way.
Each ends of section forced me to go further, and I could not stop listening to the whole end,
Vocabulary and concept of based science are sometimes difficult, but I think one could catch the story skipping those difficult parts. Reading is verry good.