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桜木町駅CIAL ANNEXに、110形蒸気機関車が展示されていました。 110形蒸気機関車は、50年以上前に、青梅鉄道公園で見たことがありますが、桜木町に戻ってきていたので驚きました。 桜木町駅は、明治5年、新橋横浜間に日本で初めての鉄道が開通した当時は横浜駅で、110形蒸気機関車にとっては、その時に英国から日本にやって来て活躍した場所です。この場所に戻って来ることが出来て、110形は喜んでいることでしょう。 当時の客車も、最近見つかった写真などを基に再現され展示されています。また、当時の横浜駅周辺のジオラマやパネルも展示されています。 I happened to find the class 110 steam locomotive in the Sakuragicho station building. It is displayed together with a passenger car. Sakuragicho station was the former Yokohama station at the time of the opening of Japan’s first railway in 1872. 【Bon appétit !】 The Class 110 was one of the earliest steam locomotives operated in Japan. The type was ordered by the JGR as one of their earliest steam locomotives, with a single locomotive manufactured by the Yorkshire Engine Company; this was one of ten British-imported steam locomotives operating in Japan around that time. The locomotive was assigned the Class A and numbered 3. The locomotive began operation on 14 October 1872 with the opening of Japan's first railway line; October 14 is celebrated as Railway Day in Japan even today to commemorate the line's opening.(https://locomotive.fandom.com/wiki/JGR_Class_110)
今朝の、さいたま市荒川土手からの景色です。 いくつかの田んぼは水を引いていました。季節は過ぎ、田植えの準備が始まります。 Some rice fields have already drawn water. Rice planting season is coming on. Photos show the scenery from the bank of the Arakawa river in Saitama City on April 12, 2024.【Bon appétit !】 When spring draws near, farmers plough and irrigate the paddies to prepare them for planting. At the same time, cultivation of the seedlings to be planted in the paddies begins. After the seedlings have been grown in a plastic greenhouse, they are transplanted to the muddy soil of the paddy.(https://kome-academy.com/en/kome_library/make.html)
2024年4月9日の強風と雨でだいぶ桜が散りました。写真はその翌日に見沼代用水西縁で撮ったソメイヨシノです。道路が花びらで絨毯のようになっていました。 Cherry blossoms around the Minuma area, Saitama City: the ground was a carpet of cherry blossom petals on the next day of strong wind and rainy weather on April 9, 2024.【Bon appétit !】 Did you know Saitama Prefecture is home to Japan’s longest cherry blossom corridor? And according to Saitama City, it is not just the longest, but also Japan’s number 1 “sakura kairo”! Saitama Prefecture, beside Tokyo, is the only prefecture with a twenty kilometer long cherry blossom ‘corridor’ in all of Japan. It is called the Minuma Tanbo Cherry Blossom Corridor / Minuma Tanbo Sakura Kairo. Moreover, there are several different varieties of cherry blossoms that bloom so you can see sakura from around the end of February until early April.(https://insaitama.com/saitamas-stunning-cherry-blossom-corridor-the-longest-in-japan/)
写真は2024年4月8日、桜田門で撮ったソメイヨシノです。桜田門からは、お濠越しに国会議事堂が見えます。 I took pictures of cherry blossoms around the Sakuadamon Gate at the Edo Castle, the Imperial Palace, April 8, 2024. You can see the Diet Building from the Gate.【Bon appétit !】 Sakuradamon Gate comprises two gates. Behind a small, strong koraimon gate is a larger yaguramon gate. They stand at right angles to each other, creating an enclosed space. This is a square-shaped defense gate. It forces intruders to turn at the right angle once inside, slowing them down and making them vulnerable to attack. The design was considered unbreachable and was very popular during the Edo period (1603-1867).(https://www.env.go.jp/garden/kokyogaien/english/sakurada-mon_gate.html)
以下の写真は2024年4月7日の見沼代用水東縁のソメイヨシノです。見沼の龍神がいました。蒸気機関車の様な乗り物がありました。見沼の桜回廊は長さが20kmになりますので、一日中、桜尽くしの散策が出来ます。 Pictures below show cherry blossoms on the Minuma-daiyosui-river-Higashiberi in Minum area, Saitama City , April 7,2024.【Bon appétit !】 The longest walking path under cherry blossom trees is in Saitama city. There are many beautiful cherry blossom spots throughout Japan, but this is the only place where you can walk under cherry blossoms for over 20 kilometers. Saitama city is located in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but this region is richly endowed with nature and called “Minuma” or “Minuma-Tambo.”(https://newurawafilm.com/cherryblossom/)
写真は2024年4月6日現在の穴八幡宮と靖国神社のソメイヨシノです。 I visited Ana Hachimangu Shrine and Yasukuni Shrine on April 6, 2024.【Bon appétit !】 Ana Hachimangu Shrine in Waseda became the prayer offering shrine of Tokugawa Shogun families. However, the shrine facilities were totally burnt down by the bombing in March 1945 with an exception of the water basin engraved with the Hotei statue that still remains to date and is designated as a cultural property by the city of Shinjuku.(http://yumemakura.travel.coocan.jp/ana%20hachiman.html
写真は、2024年4月2日の佃島、4日の六本木毛利庭園、東京ミッドタウンのソメイヨシノを写したものです。 Photos show someiyoshino cherry blossom trees at Tsukudajima in Chuo Ward as of April 2 as well as at the Mohri garden and Tokyo Mid-town in Roppongi as of April 4, 2024.【Bon appétit !】 Mohri Garden is located in a representative complex in Tokyo’s Roppongi district. Built some 350 years ago, it has a long history, but a redesign early this century retained the beauty of a traditional Japanese garden while at the same time offering modern appeal. The garden has a distinctive stepped structure that takes advantage of the topography of the space between the buildings, where water flows gently from small waterfalls and mountain streams into a large pond. Cherry trees, large ginkgo trees, and camphor trees have been planted so that visitors can enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring and the changing hues of autumn leaves in fall.(https://www.gov-online.go.jp/eng/publicity/book/hlj/html/202105/202105_07_en.html)
今日の見沼代用水あたりのソメイヨシノは少ししか開花していない木がたくさんあります。 写真は、2024年3月31日現在のソメイヨシノ等を写したものです。 Photos show cherry blossoms on May 31, 2024. Most of someiyoshino trees have not yet bloomed fully enough around the Minuma area, Saitama city. 【Bon appétit !】 Cherry blossoms often come up in talks about Japan’s unique nature, and it just so happens that the Minuma area has the single longest walkable stretch of cherry blossom trees in all of Japan. If you find yourself here during the blooming season, plop down and have some snacks and drinks under a tree. But even before or after spring, when the cherry trees are bare, the variety of other vegetation gives you a true sense of how bountiful Japanese nature can be in all seasons.(https://www.stib.jp/saitamacity-visitorsguide/spots/minuma/)
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