忙しい日々を過ごしているうちに6月になってしまった。 While passing busy days, it has become in June.
昨日の深夜はサッカー観戦で、バーレーンとの試合だったが、夜遅かったせいか、私の頭もすっきりしないのかもしれない。 Although it was watching soccer games and was a game with Bahrain at yesterday's midnight, my head may not be felt refreshed, either, because it was late night.
まあ、試合の方は、日本が勝つ事が出来たから良かった。 Well, since Japan won, the game was better.
でも、前半戦の後半に得点した一点を守りきって勝つことが出来た訳だけど、後半戦でも、追加点を上げるチャンスは何度かあったと思うのだが、有効なパスが前線に行かなくて得点できず、残念だった。 But although it was a reason for having kept one point which scored in the second half of the first half of the game, and were able to win, it thought that there was a chance to raise another point also during second half of the game several times, but the effective path regretted that it could not go and score to the front.
まあ、現地でプレーをしている選手たちの、状態を知らないで言いたい放題のTV観戦だからお許しあれだ。 Since it is unreserved watching TV games without getting to know the condition of the players who are playing there well, it allows and is that.
しかし、ドイツで行われるワールドカップの本戦につながったのは、うれしい。 However, it is glad to have been connected with this game of the World Cup performed in Germany.