みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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カテゴリ: モーゼ Moses

And we want to talk to those who are not here yet, but will hear this voice soon.
Those who are on the ground now, you are the children of God, and are those who know by yourself this grand plan of salvation, the importance of this age, and have come out with much enthusiasm.
Fulfill your original mission, as the angels of light, as the children of God, as the embodiment of love emitting the original light. For that purpose, you have had a physical body and life on this ground. You have never had your lives for a purpose other than that.
This grand plan of salvation is an enormous plan that is revealed only once in several ten thousands years. In this drama, you are to perform your work as an angel of light, even if it is small. Never remain in your memory of this ground as a role of holding back these persons. If it is possible, by the use of your power, we would like to change this earth to a star of love.
By the appearance of Messiah, by the existence of the prophet of light, by that leader, this kind of grand plan has always progressed. Now, unfortunately, is the time when the great Messiah has been lost, and though these persons have been standing, if you are hearing our word and through the messages this person had descended you are going to change the world. If you receive that word of love by yourself and on this ground, you are going to act actually and practice love. Each of those who have heard our word is the Messiah himself who are going to save this world by his hand.
Only by having saved this ground, the mission, which is the original significance of this earth, is fulfilled. A messiah means that a person who will simply receive the word of the heaven and convey it under the love and guidance of God, and practice it. If it is so and if you practice the love as the legs and hands for the plan of God, it will mean that each of you are the Messiah. It means that you are the angels of the light of love. There is no need to hesitate that you do not have the power so far. Please lend me your power, as what you can do in your life in the final moment. Please lend us your power. By your power, by taking hands together, being united with each other, let us make this earth a star of love.
Do not hesitate. At the time when the earth is standing on the brink of going to ruin, at the time when the reactive shock of the negative energy which God's hand has been suspended is about to fall down to the ground as natural disasters, how long can we keep this moment? It is a standoff between the time and ours; it becomes a battle in the limited time.
In those situations, what is the most important?

Through that, the energy called love begins to circulate the ground.
On that moment, people would be revived as the children of God once again, in the high level of perception that we have been the children of God, and we are going to make it a star of God, going back under God.
That's what I expect of the grand renaissance, which has begun as the children of God.
Channeling message by Amarie
『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)


最終更新日  2024年05月15日 07時05分03秒
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