

December 2, 2015
カテゴリ: 《FRIENDS》

《Season9-22-3》The One With the Donor



289. Hey. Hi.

290. Hey.

291. Where have you been?

292. Trying on clothes.

293. Oh, really? In the dressing room? Well, that’s so weird.

294. Phoebe and I were in the dressing room. Gosh, it’s just such a
small world.

295. Rachel, I heard you two guys whispering.

296. Oh, God, you did, you heard. Okay, look, let me explain.

297. There’s nothing to explain. I heard you.

298. Phoebe likes Joey.

299. Yeah.

300. I don’t understand it. I mean, Phoebe likes Joey… and then she’s
here to buy a dress to impress another guy?

301. Yeah, that’s Phoebe. That’s Phoebe. You know, she just wants
them all.

302. It’s, like, she’s nympho.

303. Wow!

304. Yeah.

305. You know, by the way, I heard you tell her not to do anything.

306. Thanks for sticking up for me. God, you are such a nice person.

307. I try.


308. Oh!

309. Oh, my God, you really want me to be the keynote speaker?

310. Thank you!

311. You’re welcome.


312. Wow! You look… stop-eating hot!

313. Which is like the highest level of hotness.

314. Okay, are you sure? Because I am really dreading going to this

315. Then don’t go.

316. Mike knows I’m coming. If I don’t show up, he’ll think it’s because of him… and then I’m gonna lose face. That’s a very serious thing in my culture.

317. All right, then you go to that party, and you pretend to be over Mike.

318. Afterward, you come to my place and I’ll get you good and drunk.

319. You got it. Okay.

320. But not on the wine that you made, okay?

321. Because I just don’t want to go back to the emergency room.


322. David?

323. Phoebe! Hi.

324. Oh, my God!

325. Hi.

326. Wow! You look unbelievable.

327. Oh, yeah, well….

328. What are you doing here?

329. Well, I’m back from Minsk. Uh, permanently.

330. Well, what happened?

331. Remember how I was trying to achieve… the positronic distillation of subatomic particles?

332. Yeah.

333. Well, after eight years of research, I discovered… that it can’t be done.

334. Well… great that you’re back. How are you?

335. Good. Good. Life is good.

336. Good.

337. Well, I’m seeing someone.

338. Oh.

339. Good for you.

340. Yeah.

341. She’s also a scientist, so she’s very smart and pretty and, um….

342. It’s actually because of you that we’re together.

343. I mean, I saw what you had with that Mike guy… and I just said,
“Boy, I want that.”

344. Mike and I broke up.

345. You’re kidding me.

346. Because I’m not seeing anybody. I just totally made that up.

347. Really?

348. I don’t know why, I’m sorry.

349. I guess I just didn’t want to lose face.

350. I understand.

351. Yeah. Okay. So then, okay….

352. So we’re both living in New York, not seeing anyone.

353. That’s so not like us.

354. Yeah, I know.

355. Well, this is probably a stupid question, seeing that you look like that… but, um, do you have someplace that you need to be right now?

356. Well….

357. No.

358. Well, do you want to get a drink?

359. I’d love to.

360. Great.

361. Okay.

362. Uh, do you smell beets?

363. Oh, all right, stay upwind of me.

364. Hey, there’s Phoebe. Is that Mike she’s with?

365. No, that’s David.

366. There’s a third guy?

367. Tip of the iceberg.


368. I’m gonna take off now.

369. You’re gonna let me go home, aren’t you?

370. Sure you don’t want to stay a little longer?

371. No, I should get home. I’m kind of tired.

372. Are you always tired?

373. Because that could be a sign of clinical depression.

374. No, it’s tiring to figure out the age at which all my grandparents

375. I’ll see you tomorrow.

376. Okay.

377. Bye.

378. I think we found our sperm.

379. He does seem pretty perfect.

380. Yeah? You think so? Should I ask him?

381. No.

382. Why not? Just because his great-grandmother was obese?

383. Our kid’s gonna get that from you anyway.

384. No, that’s not it.

385. It’s just that when we were asking him all those questions before… I just realized I don’t care if he is the most perfect guy in the world.

386. He’s not you.

387. Yeah, he’s better!

388. No, he’s not.

389. If I can’t get pregnant with you, then I don’t want to get pregnant by him… or anyone else.

390. Really? Are you sure?

391. Yeah, I’m sure.

392. Thank God, because I don’t wanna do this either.

393. I was just doing it because I thought that was what you wanted.

394. I’m the husband. I’m supposed to bring the sperm.

395. That is so sweet.

396. I love you.

397. So you know this leaves us with….

398. Adoption.

399. How do you feel about that?

400. I think I feel okay about it.

401. Actually, I think I feel really good about it.

402. Me too.

403. I wanna find a baby that needs a home, and I wanna raise it with


404. And I wanna mess it up in our own specific way.

405. So this is it? We’re really gonna adopt?

406. Yeah.

407. Oh, my God! We’re gonna be parents!

408. We are gonna be great parents.

409. And it could be soon.

410. I mean, think about it. Right now, somewhere out there… our baby could be being conceived.

411. Wait. If we’re lucky, and we’re really, really, really quiet… we may be able to hear the sound of a condom breaking.


412. Hey, Zack.

413. Hey, Chandler.

414. I wanted to apologize for last night.

415. I got the feeling we made you uncomfortable.

416. No, you didn’t.

417. Really?

418. No, you did.

419. My wife and I have some boundary issues.

420. Sometimes we ask inappropriate questions.

421. We’re working on it.

422. Here are the boards for Friday’s pitch.

423. Thank you.

424. You wouldn’t know if she’s planning on keeping her baby, would

【Season9 第22話 完】


Last updated  December 2, 2015 11:26:15 PM
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