※(例)地理や一般常識の知識が必要と思った問題(2024年) 4-4 妻籠宿 ①It is one of the post towns of Kosyu-Kaido Road, one of the Five Highways. ②The walking course between Magome-juku in Nagano and it is popular for foreign tourists, and in recent years it has been called "Samurai Road." ③It is the birth place of Toson Shimazaki, the author of the novel," Before the Dawn", which opens with "The entire Kiso Road is in mountains." ④It is one of the first districts designated as a Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings.
※少し意地悪だなと思った問題(2024年) 4-3 小豆島 ① It is regarded as the birthplace of Somen,and Somen is still a local specialty there. ② It has prospered through the soy sauce production, and it still has more than ten breweries.
④ It has prospered with the brewing of Sake since Edo Period, and it still has more than ten breweries. ⇒この問題、小豆島と言えばオリーブだろうと思って、うっかり③と答えたのだが、正解は②だった。③の何が誤りかといえば、文法だった。(its temperature climateの部分)。いや、なんというか、この文法の誤り、あまりに基本的過ぎて、内容の正誤にばかり注意が行っていたこともあって、逆に見落としてしまった。でもって、小豆島はオリーブだけでなく、醤油の生産地でもあったのだ。