Koala Diary

Koala Diary

カテゴリ: 英語の勉強


Have you ever negotiated for a better deal?交渉に成功した経験かぁ~

One day, my husband found a sale estate on the
internet. We went to see there, and like it.
The location is not far from the nearest station
and central Chiba station. Best things is we really
like it the air, it is so fresh around there.
We called to real estate agency and asked about
the estate. Unfortunately they had a house plan already,
but we wanted to design it by ourselves. So we negotiated
for it, and finally we persuaded the real estate agent.
Yes, we made it, and got what we wanted!


Talking about sports

If you could be a professional athlete,which sport would you play?  Why?

もし、プロのスポーツ選手になれるとしたら、何のスポーツがいいか? それは何故?

I would like to be an Auto racer, because they earn
a huge amount of money. They earn about \19,000,000
a year on the average. If you were first-class racer,
you will get more than \100,000,000 a year.
You know, their racer life is long, they can racing
more over 50 years if they want. So you might earn
between \950,000,000 and \5,000,000,000 and upward!!


Describing pictures

Describe a photograph or painting you have in your home.家にある写真か絵の描写をしてくださいかぁ~

Unfortunately I have not got any painting
in my house right now. On the other hand I have so
many pictures which I can not chose one. But I have
an image of painting which I was well impressed.
It is a large picture, painted by Sandro Botticelli.
It depicts the Goddess Venus, having emerged from
the sea as a full grown woman, arriving at the sea-shore.
It is called "The Birth of Venus." 
You can see the Venus is standing on a shell in the
center of the picture. To the top of left is the Zephyr
symbol of spiritual passion with his wife Flora spring
flowers towards Venus. The right hand side there is Horae
goddesses of the season who hands Venus a color of pink cloak.
If you look closely you can see it as a flowered cloak.


Making polite requests

What requests can you make when flying?フライトするときに、どんなリクエストをする?

1. Preparing the listener
Sorry to interrupt, but...I am sorry to bother you, but...
I really hate to trouble you, but...

2. Giving reason
You know, I am a vegetarian.See, I am Japanese.
Well, it is little bit cold here.

3. Making polite requests

If it is not too mush trouble,I would like to have the vegetarian meal.

Perhaps I could bother you for a soy sauce?

Could I bother you for a blanket?

Would you do me a favor and bring me a news paper?

I would like to change for a window side sheet,if possible.

こんな感じで どうでしょう?

Talking about life style choices

Do you enjoy going out with friends or staying
in on the weekends? Why?週末に、友達と遊びに出掛けるのと、家にいるのと、
どっちがすき? それは何故?

I like the both of the ways. I like going out
with friends. On the other hand, I like feel
comfortable at home with my family.

1. Describing lifestyle choicesI like the both of the ways.

2. Justifying choices
Friends are pleasant to talk with, right?
I like feel comfortable at home with my family.

3. Commenting on lifestyle choicesI just can not choice the one way.



Last updated  2006.10.28 20:49:47
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