Photo Essay
Campus Protests Take Center Stage

Campus Protests Take Center Stage

D. Michael DeRidder
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Protests on American university campuses have broken out across the country in response to the deaths of Palestinian women and children during Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza. As is typical of leftist protests, the issue is not the issue but the revolution — as protesters called for a “free Palestine” “from the river to the sea,” i.e., the abolition of Israel. The New American was on the scene at two University of Wisconsin campuses in Milwaukee and Madison during the protests and captured photographs of the events. 

UW-Milwaukee & UW-Madison

New Students for a Democratic Society co-chair Audari Tamayo at the pro-Hamas encampment at UW-Milwaukee. New SDS is on the same path that led original SDS activists to form the violent Weather Underground terrorist organization in 1969.

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Students gather to protest the war in Gaza outside Memorial Library on the UW-Madison campus.

Islamic Society of Milwaukee Imam Rami Bleibel leads a traditional Muslim Friday prayer service near the encampment on the UW-Milwaukee campus. The protests have served as recruiting grounds for Islam. 

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Milwaukee activist and Northwestern University graduate student Alan Chavoya leads a protester away after several protesters attempted to prevent photographs of a “from the river to the sea” chant after the Muslim prayer service.

A protester holds a sign stating “Free Palestine” during Professor Samer Alatout’s speech in support of the protesters at the encampment outside the Memorial Library at UW-Madison.

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