General Michael Flynn: Taking on the Deep State

General Michael Flynn: Taking on the Deep State

General Michael Flynn was targeted for destruction by the Deep State, which torpedoed his appointment as national security advisor. He is now fighting back. ...
William F. Jasper

He was an innocent man who was deceived, coerced, and railroaded into pleading guilty to a crime he never committed. He was falsely charged with conspiracy by conspirators at the highest levels of our government and their co-conspirators in the media. He was accused of lying by a gang of liars engaged in a treasonous coup against the constitutionally elected president of the United States. He is a highly decorated combat veteran and intelligence official whose stellar career has been systematically smeared, his personal and family finances destroyed. 

He is Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and former national security advisor (NSA) to President Donald Trump. For the past nearly eight years he has been subjected to a relentless media onslaught defaming him as a Putin puppet, agent of Russia, agent of Turkey, traitor, felon, liar, insurrectionist, crackpot, Q-anon conspiracist, Islamophobe, racist, extremist, and virtually every other pejorative epithet one might imagine. During much of that time his accusers — in government and the press — were engaging in a vicious game of hit and run, making outrageous charges based on “evidence” that they refused to release on the pretext of “national security.” Except that government officials repeatedly and illegally leaked the same phony “evidence” to the media to poison public opinion against him and deny him due process and a fair trial.

But, at long last, General Flynn is getting a chance to fight back. He is telling his story and awakening a huge swath of the American public to the chilling truth of just how close we are to losing our freedom. He has traveled the country with his new documentary, Flynn: Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost , speaking to overflow crowds about the real existence of a Deep State cabal that is perilously close to carrying out a full-fledged coup and imposing a communist-style dictatorship on America. 

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