The Case for Closed Primaries
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The Case for Closed Primaries

Subversion of the ballot box can occur many ways — among them, adopting practices that diminish the role of voters who take the time to become well informed. ...
Steve Byas

Millions of Americans believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. 

People were understandably suspicious when it took several days in some states to count ballots, yet in other states the results were known later that election night. Reports of ballot stuffing also caused people to lose faith in the electoral process. Ballot harvesting — in which third parties collect completed ballots and return them on behalf of voters — is another practice that has undermined election integrity in the minds of many, as is the mailing of ballots to all registered voters. After all, ballots can be sent to addresses where registered voters no longer live, or can be intercepted from mailboxes, allowing someone else to then vote in place of the real registered voter. This is especially a problem if voters do not have to show an ID to a notary.

And there are other, more insidious, ways that the election process can be manipulated to diminish the influence of well-informed voters. We will examine some of those in this article.

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