AccessToken - Documentation - Meta for Developers

This class represents an immutable access token for using Facebook APIs. It also includes associated metadata such as expiration date and permissions.

For more information on access tokens, see Access Tokens.

Extends: Object
Implements: Parcelable
Package: facebook
AccessToken(String, String, String, Collection, Collection, AccessTokenSource, Date, Date)

Creates a new AccessToken using the supplied information from a previously-obtained access token (for instance, from an already-cached access token obtained prior to integration with the Facebook SDK). Note that the caller is asserting that all parameters provided are correct with respect to the access token string; no validation is done to verify they are correct.

public AccessToken( String accessToken , String applicationId , String userId , Collection permissions , Collection declinedPermissions , AccessTokenSource accessTokenSource , Date expirationTime , Date lastRefreshTime )
Parameter Description
accessToken The access token string obtained from Facebook
applicationId The ID of the Facebook Application associated with this access token
userId The id of the user
permissions The permissions that were requested when the token was obtained (or when it was last reauthorized); may be null if permission set is unknown
declinedPermissions The permissions that were declined when the token was obtained; may be null if permission set is unknown
accessTokenSource An enum indicating how the token was originally obtained (in most cases, this will be either AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION or AccessTokenSource.WEB_VIEW); if null, FACEBOOK_APPLICATION is assumed.
expirationTime The expiration date associated with the token; if null, an infinite expiration time is assumed (but will become correct when the token is refreshed)
lastRefreshTime The last time the token was refreshed (or when it was first obtained); if null, the current time is used.
Class Methods

Getter for the access token that is current for the application.

public static AccessToken getCurrentAccessToken()
The access token that is current for the application.

Setter for the access token that is current for the application.

public static void setCurrentAccessToken( AccessToken accessToken )
Parameter Description
accessToken The access token to set.

Updates the current access token with up to date permissions, and extends the expiration date, if extension is possible.

public static void refreshCurrentAccessTokenAsync()

Updates the current access token with up to date permissions, and extends the expiration date, if extension is possible.

public static void refreshCurrentAccessTokenAsync( AccessTokenRefreshCallback callback )
Parameter Description
createFromNativeLinkingIntent(Intent, String, AccessTokenCreationCallback)

Creates a new AccessToken using the information contained in an Intent populated by the Facebook application in order to launch a native link. For more information on native linking, please see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/android/deep_linking/.

public static void createFromNativeLinkingIntent( Intent intent , String applicationId , AccessTokenCreationCallback accessTokenCallback )
Parameter Description
intent The Intent that was used to start an Activity; must not be null
applicationId The ID of the Facebook Application associated with this access token
Instance Methods

Gets the string representing the access token.

public String getToken()
The string representing the access token

Gets the date at which the access token expires.

public Date getExpires()
The expiration date of the token

Gets the list of permissions associated with this access token. Note that the most up-to-date list of permissions is maintained by Facebook, so this list may be outdated if permissions have been added or removed since the time the AccessToken object was created. For more information on permissions, see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/login/#permissions.

public Set getPermissions()
A read-only list of strings representing the permissions granted via this access token

Gets the list of permissions declined by the user with this access token. It represents the entire set of permissions that have been requested and declined. Note that the most up-to-date list of permissions is maintained by Facebook, so this list may be outdated if permissions have been granted or declined since the last time an AccessToken object was created.

public Set getDeclinedPermissions()
A read-only list of strings representing the permissions declined by the user

Gets the AccessTokenSource indicating how this access token was obtained.

public AccessTokenSource getSource()
The enum indicating how the access token was obtained

Gets the date at which the token was last refreshed. Since tokens expire, the Facebook SDK will attempt to renew them periodically.

public Date getLastRefresh()
The date at which this token was last refreshed

Gets the ID of the Facebook Application associated with this access token.

public String getApplicationId()
The application ID

Returns the user id for this access token.

public String getUserId()
The user id for this access token.

Shows if the token is expired.

public boolean isExpired()
True if the token is expired.

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.

public int describeContents()
A bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshalled by the Parcelable.
public int describeContents()
writeToParcel(Parcel, int)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

public void writeToParcel( Parcel dest , int flags )
Parameter Description
dest The Parcel in which the object should be written.
flags Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE.
writeToParcel(Parcel, int)
public void writeToParcel( Parcel dest , int flags )
Parameter Description
public static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY
public static final String EXPIRES_IN_KEY
public static final String USER_ID_KEY
public static final Creator CREATOR
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