FacebookBroadcastReceiver - Documentation - Meta for Developers

This class implements a simple BroadcastReceiver designed to listen for broadcast notifications from the Facebook app. At present, these notifications consistent of success/failure notifications for photo upload operations that happen in the background.

Applications may subclass this class and register it in their AndroidManifest.xml. The receiver is listening the com.facebook.platform.AppCallResultBroadcast action.

Extends: BroadcastReceiver
Package: facebook
public FacebookBroadcastReceiver()
Instance Methods
onSuccessfulAppCall(String, String, Bundle)

Invoked when the operation was completed successfully.

protected void onSuccessfulAppCall( String appCallId , String action , Bundle extras )
Parameter Description
appCallId The App Call ID.
action The action performed.
extras Any extra information.
onFailedAppCall(String, String, Bundle)

Invoked when the operation failed to complete.

protected void onFailedAppCall( String appCallId , String action , Bundle extras )
Parameter Description
appCallId The App Call ID.
action The action performed.
extras Any extra information.
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