LoginManager - Documentation - Meta for Developers

This class manages login and permissions for Facebook.

Extends: Object
Package: login
Class Methods

Getter for the login manager.

public static LoginManager getInstance()
The login manager.
Instance Methods
resolveError(Activity, GraphResponse)

Starts the login process to resolve the error defined in the response. The registered login callbacks will be called on completion.

public void resolveError( Activity activity , GraphResponse response )
Parameter Description
activity The activity which is starting the login process.
response The response that has the error.
resolveError(Fragment, GraphResponse)

Starts the login process to resolve the error defined in the response. The registered login callbacks will be called on completion.

public void resolveError( Fragment fragment , GraphResponse response )
Parameter Description
fragment The fragment which is starting the login process.
response The response that has the error.
resolveError(Fragment, GraphResponse)

Starts the login process to resolve the error defined in the response. The registered login callbacks will be called on completion.

public void resolveError( Fragment fragment , GraphResponse response )
Parameter Description
fragment The android.app.Fragment which is starting the login process.
response The response that has the error.
registerCallback(CallbackManager, FacebookCallback)

Registers a login callback to the given callback manager.

public void registerCallback( CallbackManager callbackManager , FacebookCallback callback )
Parameter Description
callbackManager The callback manager that will encapsulate the callback.
callback The login callback that will be called on login completion.

Getter for the login behavior.

public LoginBehavior getLoginBehavior()
The login behavior.

Setter for the login behavior.

public LoginManager setLoginBehavior( LoginBehavior loginBehavior )
Parameter Description
loginBehavior The login behavior.
The login manager.

Getter for the default audience.

public DefaultAudience getDefaultAudience()
The default audience.

Setter for the default audience.

public LoginManager setDefaultAudience( DefaultAudience defaultAudience )
Parameter Description
defaultAudience The default audience.
The login manager.

Logs out the user.

public void logOut()
logInWithReadPermissions(Fragment, Collection)

Logs the user in with the requested read permissions.

public void logInWithReadPermissions( Fragment fragment , Collection permissions )
Parameter Description
fragment The android.support.v4.app.Fragment which is starting the login process.
permissions The requested permissions.
logInWithReadPermissions(Fragment, Collection)

Logs the user in with the requested read permissions.

public void logInWithReadPermissions( Fragment fragment , Collection permissions )
Parameter Description
fragment The android.app.Fragment which is starting the login process.
permissions The requested permissions.
logInWithReadPermissions(Activity, Collection)

Logs the user in with the requested read permissions.

public void logInWithReadPermissions( Activity activity , Collection permissions )
Parameter Description
activity The activity which is starting the login process.
permissions The requested permissions.
logInWithPublishPermissions(Fragment, Collection)

Logs the user in with the requested publish permissions.

public void logInWithPublishPermissions( Fragment fragment , Collection permissions )
Parameter Description
fragment The android.support.v4.app.Fragment which is starting the login process.
permissions The requested permissions.
logInWithPublishPermissions(Fragment, Collection)

Logs the user in with the requested publish permissions.

public void logInWithPublishPermissions( Fragment fragment , Collection permissions )
Parameter Description
fragment The android.app.Fragment which is starting the login process.
permissions The requested permissions.
logInWithPublishPermissions(Activity, Collection)

Logs the user in with the requested publish permissions.

public void logInWithPublishPermissions( Activity activity , Collection permissions )
Parameter Description
activity The activity which is starting the login process.
permissions The requested permissions.
protected Request createLoginRequest( Collection permissions )
Parameter Description
protected Intent getFacebookActivityIntent( Request request )
Parameter Description
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