


ちなみにPebbleとは ここ でも説明しましたが、スマートウォッチのベンチャーです。

おそらく、Pebble社自身からは購入できはしないと思いますが、 まだAmaonに出店している並行輸入業者からは購入できるみたいです。


Dear Pebblers,

Thank you all for being such loyal supporters and champions of the Pebble community and brand. You helped start something fantastic when you backed our first Kickstarter project. Since then, we've shipped over 2 million Pebbles around the world!

We've loved sharing Pebble’s story with you−whether it’s a new product, software update, or simply staying in touch online and in person. Today, we're closing one chapter and inviting you along for what's next. We hope to answer as many questions as possible in our formal announcement, in Kickstarter Update #17, and on our Support site.

Read the announcement ≫

Pebble is joining Fitbit
Fitbit has agreed to acquire key Pebble assets.Due to various factors, Pebble can no longer operate as an independent entity, and we have made the tough decision to shut down the company. The deal finalized today preserves as much of Pebble as possible.

Pebble is ceasing all hardware operations.We are no longer manufacturing, promoting, or selling any new products. Active Pebble models in the wild will continue to work.

Making Awesome Happen will live on at Fitbit.Much of our team and resources will join Fitbit to deliver new “moments of awesome” in future Fitbit products, developer tools, and experiences. As our transition progresses, we’ll have exciting new stories to tell and milestones to celebrate.

It’s no doubt a bittersweet time. We’ll miss what we’re leaving behind, but are excited for what the future holds. It will be important for Pebblers to extend a warm welcome to Fitbit−as fans and customers−sharing what they love about Pebble and what they’d like to see next.

What you need to know
Pebble is no longer promoting, manufacturing, or selling any devices.
Pebble devices will continue to work as normal. No immediate changes to the Pebble user experience will happen at this time.
Pebble functionality or service quality may be reduced in the future.
Kickstarter backers will get refunds for any unfulfilled rewards by March 2017.
One-to-one Pebble support is no longer available.
Warranty support is no longer available for Pebble watches.
All unfulfilled pebble.com orders will be canceled and−if payment was taken−refunded.
Returns of pebble.com orders successfully completed before December 7, 2016 will be processed and refunded by our Support Team.
Pebble watches purchased at retail may be returned or exchanged based on the retailer’s return policy.
Pebblers can still find replacement charging cables and other compatible accessories (bands, skins, etc.) from Amazon.com and third-party vendors like GadgetWraps and Clockwork Synergy.
Developers have an exciting opportunity to reach and delight over 50 million users and counting.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to each and every Pebbler for supporting us over the years.Our community is vibrant. Our community is passionate. You are what made Pebble special and worth fighting for, every second of every day. We will always remember the love you showed Pebble, through thick and thin.

Until next time, thank you!

Pebble Time roundが届いた

Pebble Time roundを購入していしまいました。

簡単に説明しますと、 Pebble というのがメーカの名前であの Kick starter で立ち上げられた会社です。

その3代目の製品が Time round という丸型のスマートウォッチです。


普通に以下のようにAmazon Japanで並行輸入されていて、英語が読みたくない人でも手軽に購入できます。

英語に抵抗ない人であれば、Pebbleの ここ から直接購入してみてはいかがでしょうか。




  • iPhoneと連携してスケジュールの確認
  • iPhoneのNotificationの通知がバイブで知らされる。メッセージやe-mailを受けたことがわかる。
  • 好きなデザインにSurfaceを変えれる



ただし、Defaultでは日本語が対応しておらず、正直 Menuとか英語でも全然構わないのですが日本語メールを受けた時に文字化けしてしまいます。

有志の方が色々公開されていて、私は ここ から日本語パックを入れました。





やはりどうしても 欲しい機能が、Siriの起動です。

ここ にJail breakすればできるよという記事はあるのですが・・・jail breakはちょっと面倒くさいな。。って感じです。

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