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報酬を得るためにはより高速演算できるコンピュータをすぐに稼働できる状態にしなければならない為、通常は高額な電気代 (冷却用の空調含む)、高速なコンピュータの設備投資などが必要で企業レベルでないと難しいものです。

今回のMyGBitは、Hash rate ?? MH/s ( x メガ hash rate) 分を購入してその購入した分に応じてマイニング報酬をもらえる、というもの。

通常の全てサービスを受けるには $120以上の分の購入が必要です。

Facebookでシェアするとそれだけで +1 MH/s分 だけとはいえ、報酬がもらえるようになります!!

さらに Telegram という Band や LINE ようなコミュニティツールに アナウンスのためのリンクを設定するとそれに対しても +1 MH/s 分の報酬がもらえます。
そして ブログサイトで紹介をすると+5 MH/s分の報酬、YouTubeで動画で紹介すると+10 MH/s分の報酬 がもらえます。
Facebook, Telegram, Blog, YouTube と4つともやると 17 MH/s分は無料で報酬をもらえるわけです。

ですが、FacebookとTelegram登録で、入金 0 のままで運用?しているところです。(^^)
入金 0 で始められるので非常に有効な投資と私は思いました。


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A project introduced by a certain person, or rather, Mr. Kojima who introduced TLC and QuBitTech.
We are always grateful for the introduction of very effective projects.

This is the first cryptocurrency mining project for me to participate in.
An investment project that invests in Ethereum mining and receives the return.

Roughly speaking, mining is to get paid by preparing a high-speed computer and executing something that pays the person who performs the calculation of cryptocurrency fastest and produces the result.
In order to get a reward, a computer that can perform higher-speed calculations must be ready to operate, so it usually requires a high electricity bill (including air conditioning for cooling), capital investment for a high-speed computer, etc., and is at the corporate level. It is difficult by personal level.

This time, MyGBit is to purchase Hash rate xx MH / s (xx mega hash rate) and get mining rewards according to the purchase.
Since the mining reward is Ethereum mining, you will get it at Ethereum.

A purchase of $ 120 or more is required to receive all regular services.

However, the good point of this project !
If you share it on Facebook, you will be rewarded for +1 MH / s !!

In addition, if you set a link for her announcement in a community tool such as Telegram that is nearly to Band or LINE, you will also receive a reward of +1 MH / s.
And if you introduce it on the blog site, you will get a reward of +5 MH / s, and if you introduce it on YouTube, you will get a reward of +10 MH / s.
If you do all four of Facebook, Telegram, Blog, and YouTube, you will get a free reward for 17 MH / s.

I'm also trying to turn the deposit from the profit of another investment, so I haven't actually deposited it yet. (^^;)
However, with Facebook and Telegram registration, I joined with no deposit. (^^)
Even if the daily reward is small, it may be good enough because it is larger than the interest of the bank. (^^)
I thought it was a very effective investment as it can be started with 0 deposit.
So I think it's possible to just register.

You can also register from the following URL.

(You don't have to press it forcibly ... (^^;))
Even if you don't make a deposit, you will get a decent income, so it may be a good income after you actually make a deposit of $ 120 or more. (^^)
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posted by adaken at 23:11| 仮想通貨


普通(?)の会社員ですが10数年前から商品先物取引でトレード(投資)を始めています。 が、未だに初心者のままです。(苦笑) いろいろな諸事情により再び2016年から本格的にトレードを再開してみて散々な結果で日々勉強しながら進めています。
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