Sorry for bringing up 7-Eleven again, but there is a 7-Eleven across the street from my house.
Recently, when I don’t feel like cooking, I buy bento boxes from 7-Eleven.
Also, when you feel a little thirsty, there are probably many times when you buy tea at a convenience store.
In times like these, it can be quite convenient and advantageous to have a convenience store app.
By the way, at Seven Cafe, the Seven-Eleven store I often use, a regular-sized coffee costs about 121 yen, but if you purchase it using an app coupon, you can get a discount of 20 to 50 yen, depending on the period.
You can also get a 20 to 30 yen discount on each bottle of tea you buy when you buy a bento box.
You might think that such a small discount is a hassle, but once you download the app onto your phone, you can easily get the discount, so please give it a try.
This is especially essential for our generation who are just about to retire and start living on pensions.
This time, we will explain how to get the 7-Eleven app on your iPhone.
Please refer to the figure below.

?BApp Storeをクリックして更にマークからセブンイレブンを検索すると?Cの画面になります。
?@ Scroll from the left on the first screen of your iPhone to reach screen ?A.
?AClick on themark to go to screen ?B.
?BClick on the App Store and then search for 7-Eleven using themark, and you will see screen ?C.
?CWhen you download the app for the first time, it will say Get, so click on it.
Once you have obtained the 7-Eleven app, when you click on the app you will see screen ?D.
?DThis is the first screen of the 7-Eleven app.
Click on “Coupons/Lottery” at the bottom left to go to screen ?E.
?EPlease use the coupon from this screen.
This concludes the explanation of how to install the 7-Eleven app.
Even though our generation uses smartphones, it’s still a bit of a hurdle to make effective use of them.
Since the Gala series is no longer available, I don’t just have a smartphone to make phone calls, but since I have one, I should make use of it little by little.