Set product delivery time

Product delivery time is an estimate of the time it takes for an order to be delivered after it’s placed. Shipping signals partners can use this feature to set delivery times for specific regions on behalf of the merchants they partner with.

Shipping signals partners can use this resource to set delivery times for offer-region pairs, and to view or delete existing delivery times on behalf of merchants they’re linked to. One ProductDeliveryTime resource stores multiple delivery times, and there can be only one ProductDeliveryTime instance per offer.

To use the ProductDeliveryTime resource, authenticate as your own Merchant Center account, not the merchant account you’re updating.


Shipping signals partners can create or update a product delivery time by calling create with the merchantId of the merchant account to update, and a ProductDeliveryTime instance. To update an existing product delivery time, make sure you provide all ProductDeliveryTime fields, including those that haven’t changed. Each create request overwrites the previous instance, so fields you don’t include are lost. This method returns the ProductDeliveryTime instance with the updated information you submit.

Each ProductDeliveryTime can have at most 100 areaDeliveryTimes entries.

POST merchantId 

Here’s a sample request body:

  "productId": {
    "productId": "online:en:US:offer-id"
  "areaDeliveryTimes": [
      "deliveryArea": {
        "countryCode": "US"
        "postalCodeRange": {
          "firstPostalCode": "123*"
          "lastPostalCode": "456*"
      "deliveryTime": {
        "minHandlingTimeDays": "0"
        "maxHandlingTimeDays": "1"
        "minTransitTimeDays": "2"
        "maxTransitTimeDays": "4"
      "deliveryArea": {
        "countryCode": "US"
        "administrativeAreaCode": "NY"
      "deliveryTime": {
        "minHandlingTimeDays": "0"
        "maxHandlingTimeDays": "1"
        "minTransitTimeDays": "5"
        "maxTransitTimeDays": "7"


Get the delivery time of a product by calling get with the merchant’s merchantId and the productId . This method returns the ProductDeliveryTime instance for the given productId .

GET merchantId 
/productdeliverytime/ productId 


Shipping signals partners can delete a product’s delivery time by calling delete with the merchant’s merchantId and the productId . This method returns an empty response.

DELETE merchantId 
/productdeliverytime/ productId