Product statuses

You can use the productstatuses resource to view the detailed status of your Shopping products.

See product issues for details of common issues.

Merchants are responsible for complying with the Shopping ads and free listings policies. Google Shopping reserves the right to enforce these policies and respond appropriately if we find content or behavior that violates these policies.


You must do the following to see product statuses:

  • Enroll your account in a destination.
  • Provide a valid country code in one of the following:
    • The feedLabel field.
    • The shipping field.
    • At the feed level.
    • Your account's shipping settings.

Get a product's status

Use productstatuses.get to view the status of a product.

You can use the destinations parameter in get and list requests to view issues for a specific destination. If you don't specify a destination, issues from all eligible destinations are returned.

Here's a sample get request, with optional query parameters:


All responses from productstatuses.get include the following fields:

  • kind : Value is always content#productStatus .
  • creationDate : The date that the product was created.
  • lastUpdateDate : The last time that the product was updated.
  • googleExpirationDate : The date when the product expires.
  • productId : The REST ID of the product.
  • title : The title of the product.
  • link : The URL link of the product.
  • destinationStatuses : The status of the product in each destination and country.

You'll only see the itemLevelIssues field in the response if the product has item-level issues at the time of your request.

Here's a sample JSON response:

"kind": "content#productStatus",
"productId": "online:en:US:63",
"title": "Third Product",
"link": "",
"destinationStatuses": [
   "destination": "Shopping",
   "status": "disapproved",
   "disapprovedCountries": [
            "US", "UK"
   "destination": "ShoppingActions",
   "status": "disapproved",
   "disapprovedCountries": [
   "destination": "SurfacesAcrossGoogle",
   "status": "disapproved",
   "disapprovedCountries": [
"itemLevelIssues": [
  "code": "strong_id_inaccurate",
  "servability": "disapproved",
  "resolution": "merchant_action",
  "attributeName": "mpn",
  "destination": "Shopping",
  "description": "Incorrect product identifier [mpn]",
  "detail": "Use the manufacturer's product identifiers (GTIN, brand, MPN)",
  "documentation": "",
  "applicableCountries": [
            "US", "UK"
  "code": "image_link_internal_error",
  "servability": "disapproved",
  "resolution": "merchant_action",
  "attributeName": "image link",
  "destination": "Shopping",
  "description": "Processing failed [image link]",
  "detail": "Wait for the product image to be crawled again (up to 3 days)",
  "documentation": "",
  "applicableCountries": [
            "US, UK"
  "code": "landing_page_error",
  "servability": "disapproved",
  "resolution": "merchant_action",
  "attributeName": "link",
  "destination": "Shopping",
  "description": "Unavailable desktop landing page",
  "detail": "Update your website or landing page URL to enable access from desktop devices",
  "documentation": "",
  "applicableCountries": [
            "US", "UK"
  "code": "missing_condition_microdata",
  "servability": "unaffected",
  "resolution": "merchant_action",
  "destination": "Shopping",
  "description": "Missing or invalid data [condition]",
  "detail": "Add valid structured data markup to your landing page",
  "documentation": "",
  "applicableCountries": [
            "US", "UK"
  "code": "mobile_landing_page_error",
  "servability": "disapproved",
  "resolution": "merchant_action",
  "attributeName": "link",
  "destination": "Shopping",
  "description": "Unavailable mobile landing page",
  "detail": "Update your website or landing page URL to enable access from mobile devices",
  "documentation": "",
  "applicableCountries": [
            "US", "UK"
"creationDate": "2019-02-15T20:30:15Z",
"lastUpdateDate": "2019-02-26T16:40:11Z",
"googleExpirationDate": "2019-03-28T16:40:11Z"

List all product statuses

Use productstatuses.list to view all your products and their statuses.

You can use the following parameters to refine your query:

  • destinations : The destination to view statuses for.
  • pageToken : Used to get subsequent pages of results. Every page has a nextPageToken you can use to get the next page in the sequence.
  • maxResults : The maximum number of results per page.

Here's a sample list request with optional query parameters:


Here's a sample JSON response:

"kind": "content#productstatusesListResponse",
"nextPageToken": "632fd090c95712c6",
"resources": [
   "kind": "content#productStatus",
   "productId": "online:en:US:online-en-US-GGL614",
   "title": "Green Headphones",
   "link": "",
   "destinationStatuses": [
       "destination": "Shopping",
       "status": "disapproved",
       "disapprovedCountries": [
            "US", "UK"
       "destination": "ShoppingActions",
       "status": "disapproved",
       "disapprovedCountries": [
       "destination": "SurfacesAcrossGoogle",
       "status": "disapproved",
       "disapprovedCountries": [
   "itemLevelIssues": [
       "code": "mobile_landing_page_crawling_not_allowed",
       "servability": "disapproved",
       "resolution": "merchant_action",
       "attributeName": "link",
       "destination": "Shopping",
       "description": "Mobile page not crawlable due to robots.txt",
       "detail": "Update your robots.txt file to allow user-agents \"Googlebot\" and \"Googlebot-Image\" to crawl your site",
       "documentation": "",
       "applicableCountries": [
       "code": "pending_initial_policy_review",
       "servability": "disapproved",
       "resolution": "pending_processing",
       "destination": "Shopping",
       "description": "Pending initial review",
       "documentation": "",
       "applicableCountries": [
            "US, UK"
       "code": "ambiguous_gtin",
       "servability": "unaffected",
       "resolution": "merchant_action",
       "attributeName": "gtin",
       "destination": "Shopping",
       "description": "Ambiguous value [gtin]",
       "detail": "Use the full GTIN. Include leading zeroes, and use the full UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN-13, or ITF-14.",
       "documentation": "",
       "applicableCountries": [
            "US", "UK"
   "creationDate": "2020-01-09T15:36:39Z",
   "lastUpdateDate": "2020-01-14T19:17:02Z",
   "googleExpirationDate": "2020-02-13T19:17:02Z"
  "kind": "content#productStatus",
  "productId": "online:en:US:43",
  "title": "Green shirt",
  "link": "",
  "destinationStatuses": [
    "destination": "ShoppingActions",
    "status": "approved",
    "approvedCountries": [
    "destination": "SurfacesAcrossGoogle",
    "status": "approved",
    "approvedCountries": [
  "creationDate": "2019-01-29T21:14:36Z",
  "lastUpdateDate": "2019-02-21T18:47:44Z",
  "googleExpirationDate": "2019-03-23T18:47:44Z"
  "kind": "content#productStatus",
  "productId": "online:en:US:40",
  "title": "Black hat",
  "link": "",
  "destinationStatuses": [
    "destination": "SurfacesAcrossGoogle",
    "status": "approved",
    "approvedCountries": [
  "creationDate": "2019-01-29T21:14:36Z",
  "lastUpdateDate": "2019-02-21T18:47:44Z",
  "googleExpirationDate": "2019-03-23T18:47:44Z"

The productstatuses.list call is safe to test in production because it does not make any changes to your data.


Here are the destinations you can use for Shopping products:

  • shopping ads : Shopping Ads products.
  • ShoppingActions : Buy on Google products.
  • surfaces across google : Free listings products.
  • shopping : Local Inventory Ads products.

Item-level issues

Each item-level issue includes the following fields:

  • code : The error code that is used to determine the problem.
  • servability : Indicates whether the product is shown as:
    • disapproved : The problem prevents the product from being shown.
    • unaffected : The product is still shown.
  • resolution : Informs if the merchant can solve the issue.
  • attributeName : The attribute name that's affected.
  • destination : The destination that's affected.
  • description : The description of the product.
  • detail : Gives more information about the problem.
  • documentation : Indicates where to find the documentation about the problem.
  • applicableCountries : Indicates in which countries the issue affects the product.