https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8535239769886026&set=gm.3782738945307692&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】1.シフトアップに向けて私はマイトレーヤーです。この章では、アトランティス文明を振り返ってみたいと思います。アトランティスは現文明の直前の文明であり、現文明との類似点もあり、学ぶべきことが多い文明です。ムーやレムリアほど古い文明ではないということもあり、アトランティスについてはさまざまな伝承が残っているようです。ただ、その中には事実とは異なることも多く、大切なことが見落とされているようにも思います。ここで、アトランティス文明を立ち上げた責任者として、私から皆様にお伝えしたいと思います。宇宙の中で、霊的進化に適したときというのがあります。「水瓶座の時代」がそれに当たります。ムー文明のあと、私たち地球九次元霊は、「次の水瓶座の時代には、地球をシフトアップさせようではないか」ということで一致していました。私たちがいくら頑張って地球を次の段階に上げようと思っても、宇宙に追い風が吹いていないと、なかなか実現は難しいのです。逆に、追い風のときであれば、次の段階に行きやすいということでもあります。次の水瓶座の時代というのは、今の文明でいえば西暦二〇〇〇年を過ぎたあたりから始まります。アトランティス文明を立ち上げるにあたり、次の水瓶座の時代まで、まだ一万年以上ありましたが、「余裕を持って水瓶座の時代を迎えよう」と、私たち九次元霊は考えていました。レムリア文明とムー文明では反省点もありましたが、それなりの成果を挙げることができたと、九次元霊たちは考えていました。ムー文明は、素朴なアニミズムを通して人びとの心に、神に対する信仰心を植えつけることに成功しました。ただ、ムー文明の科学レベルでは、シフトアップしても、進んだ異星人たちの科学技術を受け入れることは困難だったと思います。そこで、科学的進歩を念頭に置いた文明というのがアトランティス文明の課題でした。ですから、「アトランティス文明では、最初から科学と信仰を両輪として進もうではないか」ということも、九次元霊たちの申し合わせで決まりました。それまでの文明はあまり科学を前面に押し出したものはありませんでした。ただ、シフトアップを目標とすると、どうしても科学を発達させる必要がありました。科学は、九次元ではカイトロンが担当しています。それまであまり出る幕がなかったカイトロンでしたが、彼にも仕事をしてもらわなくてはなりません。私はカイトロンに「そろそろ出番だよ」と言いました。「いよいよ私の力を発揮するときですね」と、カイトロンも張り切っていました。私は、オリオンから、九次元になったばかりのマヌやカイトロンを連れて地球にやってきました。マヌはレムリア文明である程度の成果を挙げました。今度はカイトロンの番でした。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*【マイトレーヤー】かつて、アトランティス文明において、聖クザーヌスとして肉体を持ち、神は理性的なものであるとする「理神論」を説いた方。その後は地上に出ていない。天上界では、光の分光などの役割を担っている。弥勒菩薩のことがマイトレーヤーと称されることがあるが、本書のマイトレーヤーとはまったく別の存在である。*~*~*~*~*~*~
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8535239769886026&set=gm.3782738945307692&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】1. Towards the Shift UpI am Maitreya.In this chapter, I am going to review Atlantis civilization.Atlantis is the one previous civilization. It possesses an analogy to the current civilization, and there are many things to be learned. Atlantis is not as old as Mu and Lemuria; therefore, various folklores remained.But some of them differ from the facts, and some important matters are missing. As a person who had been in charge of Atlantis, I am going to explain this to you.In the universe, there happens to be a particular time when the spiritual evolution can be done more easily.The Age of Aquarius corresponds to the time.After the Mu, we Ninth Dimensions agreed as "We wish to shift up the Earth in the next Age of Aquarius."Generally, no matter how hard we want to step up, it cannot be actualized so easily, unless a favorable wind is blowing in the universe. Conversely, when it is blowing, we can go to the next step rather easily.For example, in the current civilization, the Age of Aquarius begins from a little bit past the year 2000. When we invoked a civilization in Atlantis, there had been more than 10 thousand years until the next Age of Aquarius. But our Ninth Dimensions were considering, "We would like to face an Age of Aquarius having enough margin."Although we couldn't say there was no problem to be reconsidered in Lemuria and Mu, we certainly had obtained enough results there. Ninth Dimensions thought so at least. In Mu, we succeeded in planting the faith to God in human minds through primitive animism.However, the level of science of Mu at those ages was not high enough to accept the advanced technologies of aliens, even if it were to shift up. So, the target of the next civilization Atlantis was decided to be the civilization based on the development of science. Ninth Dimensions reached an agreement, saying, "In Atlantis civilization, we will develop both science and faith in parallel from the beginning."There had not ever been a civilization in which the science was placed as a primary target. But, if the shift up is made as a target, science needs to be developed by any mean. Kaitron is responsible for science in Ninth Dimension. Up until then, there had not ever been any chance to work for Kaitron, but this time he must be in charge. I told Kaitron, "It's your turn." Kaitron was very excited, "The time has finally come to me."I brought Manu and Kaitron from Orion, who had just become Ninth Dimensions. Manu worked in Lemuria and left a considerable result.So this would be Kaitron's turn.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*【Maitreya】Born as Saint Cusanus in Atlantis civilization, he originated Deism which holds that God is in reason.He has never been born after that.In the heaven, his role is to split the light into specific rays of colors.Though there is the one in Buddhism known by the same name, but it is an entirely different existence.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=964944145672658&set=a.461274999372911To those on earth in the midst of the imminent natural cataclysm ~Message to those on earth (2)The appearance of the Sisters and the children was to speak to them in front of them with a number of material phenomena.I have never been given the opportunity to express my difficult thoughts, complicated ideas, and such subtle nuances in this way.Today, in this time of imminent natural disasters, I am truly grateful to have been given the chance to speak to the children of God, to the children of God on earth, about my thoughts for such a long time, I would like to give this message to those of you on earth.I always love you.I always want you to be happy.Whenever you feel pain or loneliness, please remember that there is a Mother in heaven who feels your thoughts and weeps with you.And I want you to remember Me, to be embraced by My bosom, to receive My thoughts, to be healed, and to be invigorated.If you have a heart like a little child, I will always speak to you.As I speak to you today, if you remove the shield-like screen from your hearts, I will speak to each and every one of you, not only to this one, but to you as well.I can speak to each one of you, not only to this one, but to you at any time.Therefore, I ask you to release your hearts to us.Then I will be able to guide you at any time.You are not alone.No matter how hard you are suffering, do not despair, but always remember that you are alive in our hearts and in our love, and always do your best with this principle of confidence and hope.I know this is a very long time to talk about this, but I think it is the right time.There are some things I do not want to say any more because I do not want to say too much, but I would like to ask each one of you to make up your mind and, in the present moment, to do your utmost to improve this predicament and situation with the greatest possible spark of life that you can offer. I beg you to do so.I will now leave you for today.Thank you very much.From “The Truth of Fatima” by the Blessed Virgin Mary
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=965617708938635&set=a.461274999372911【 子供は預かりもの ~相手の成長を喜ぶのが愛の姿】(前半)今、そういう縁の大切さ、素晴らしさというものを無視し、心をすさませて、子供が親を殺し、親が子供を殺すという混乱の時代が来ています。まず、原点を知ることです。人間が永遠の魂であるということ。愛を学ぶために、いろいろな場所に生まれ変わっていること。そして、お互いいつでも会えるわけじゃない、何百年、何千年ぶりに会っているかもしれないということ。そして、家族という運命共同体の目的は、ともに深く関わり合うことによって愛を深く学ぶことだということ。傷つけ合うことによって学ぶのではありません。よく「子供は授かりもの」と言われますが、ほんとうは授かりものではなく、「預かりもの」なのです。子供というものは、生まれてから長くても二十年、三十年、ともに暮らし、愛を学び合い、互いに成長するために与えられたありがたい存在だということ。そして子供が一人前になって巣立つときがきたら、けっして引き止めることなく、送り出してあげることです。ひな鳥が巣立つときはどうでしょうか。つばめでもなんでも、ひな鳥が成長したらお母さんが飛び方を教えるでしょう。そして飛べるようになったら、子供は振り返りもせず、一目散に巣から飛び立っていきます。母親はそのあとを追いかけて引き止めようとはしないでしょう。「今いっとき、私たちの子供に生まれてきてくれてありがとう。無償の愛を教えてくれてありがとう」と。そして、「あなたの個性を開花させるために精一杯お手伝いさせてね。でも最後、自分の人生を決めるのはあなた自身ですよ」と。大事な自立心というものはしっかりと育てて、巣から飛び立たせてあげる。それが母親の仕事であり、親の仕事なのです。 アマーリエ 「スピリチュアル美人になるためのヴィーナス(金星)の法」より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=964944145672658&set=a.461274999372911【天変地異の差し迫った中での地上の者たちへ】 ~地上の方がたへのメッセージ②~今までの出現と申しましても、子どもたちやシスターたちの前で、数々の物質的な現象を込めて語りかけることでした。難しいわたくしの思いとか、複雑な理念、そのような微妙なニュアンスまでこのように語る機会というものを与えられたことはございませんでした。今日、このように長時間、わたくしの思いというものを、この天変地異の押し迫ったこの時代の中で、最後に神の子たちに、地上の神の子たちに語るチャンスを与えられましたことを、わたくしの人生における、魂の歴史におけるほんとうの幸せな瞬間であったと心より感謝し、そして、地上の方がたへのメッセージとしたいと思います。わたくしは、いつもあなた方を愛しています。いつもあなた方は幸せになっていただきたい。あなた方の苦しみ、悲しみを思い、わたくしもともに涙を流しているのだと、あなた方はけっして一人ではないのだと、苦しいとき、孤独を感じたとき、どうか天上であなた方の思いを感じ取り、涙を流している母がいるのだということを、いつでもあなた方は思い出していただきたい。そして、わたくしを思い起こし、わたしの胸に抱かれ、わたくしの思いを受け止め癒され、また活力としていただきたいのです。あなた方に幼子のような心があれば、わたしはいつでもあなた方に語りかけましょう。今日このように語りかけているように、あなた方の心に貼られている、そのシールドのようなスクリーンを外してくだされば、わたくしは一人ひとりに、この者だけでなくあなた方にも、いつでも語りかけることができるのです。ですから、あなた方もご自分の心を、どうかわたくしたちに向けて解放していただきたいのです。そうすれば、わたくしはあなた方をいつでも導くことができるのだということ。あなた方は一人ではない。どんなに苦しい時も絶望しないで、わたくしたちの心の中に、そして、愛の中に生きているのだということを、常に自信と希望の原理として頑張っていただきたいと思います。今日はたいへん長時間になりましたけれども、この時期ではということなのです。これ以上、わたくしはあまり言いたくないので申し上げないこともあるのですが、どうか、お一人おひとりの覚悟の中に決められ、今という時の中で、あなた方のできる最大限の人生のきらめきの中で、この苦境を、状況を改善するために、精一杯の努力をしていただきたいと、ただただお願い申し上げます。では今日は、これにて失礼させていただきます。ありがとうございました。聖母マリア『ファティマの真実』より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=965617708938635&set=a.461274999372911Children are entrusted to us - Rejoicing in the growth of the other is a form of love.Now is the time of confusion, when children kill their parents and parents kill their children, ignoring the importance and splendor of such a relationship and letting their hearts be troubled.First of all, we must know the origin. That human beings are eternal souls.That we are reborn in different places to learn to love.And that we don't always see each other, we may not see each other for hundreds or thousands of years.And that the purpose of the family, the community of destiny, is to learn to love deeply by being deeply involved together.We do not learn by hurting each other.It is often said that “children are a gift,” but in reality, children are not a gift, but a “possession.Children are precious beings given to us to live with, learn to love, and grow with each other for 20 or 30 years at the most after birth. When the time comes for them to become adults and leave the nest, we should send them off without holding them back.What about when a baby bird leaves the nest? When the chicks grow up, whether they are swallows or not, the mother will teach them how to fly.When they are ready to fly, they will fly away from the nest without looking back. The mother would not follow and try to hold them back.She will say, “Thank you for being born to our child for a moment now. Thank you for teaching us free love. And then, “Let me help you develop your personality to the best of my ability. But at the end of the day, you are the one who decides your own life.It is a mother's job to nurture the important spirit of independence and let them fly away from the nest.That is a mother's job and a parent's job. Amalie, from “The Venusian Law of Becoming a Spiritual Beauty
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=529899462722277&set=a.204590215253205【アトランティスの興亡】④~アトランティス中期~アトランティス文明は、前期、中期、後期の三つに分けられます。カイトロンと私が出たのは前期です。科学的発展の方向づけができたという点で、ある程度成功したと思っています。ただ、どうしても科学的発展を追求するあまり、その後、愛の教えが忘れ去られる傾向が出てきました。中期の課題は、軌道修正にありました。もう一度、本来の信仰と科学の両方のバランスを取る必要があったのです。それまでの知識を整理するとともに、本来の路線に戻すために、九次元からブッダが地上に誕生することになりました。彼はトスという名前で、やはり王家に生まれました。地上では「全知全能のトス」と称されるように、万能の天才としてその能力を発揮しました。ただ、どうしても知的な方向に向かう傾向がありました。これは、彼の魂自体がもともと持っている性向でもありました。結局、愛の教えの復興という面では、不満が残る結果となりました。愛が忘れ去られるのとは対照的に、科学はさらに発展しました。レムリア、ムーから受け継がれているピラミッドを用いての宇宙エネルギーの利用は、アトランティス文明でピークを迎えました。アトランティスでは、宇宙エネルギーをいかに増幅させるかという点から、さらなるアプローチがなされました。水晶の持つエネルギー増幅作用が探究されたのもこの時代でした。現文明では、水晶というと、一見科学とは無関係な鉱物と思われていますが、アトランティスではそうではありませんでした。水晶以外にもさまざまな宝石の効用も研究されました。当時、宝石は現在よりも大きな結晶として採取されていました。宝石をさまざまにカットすることで、そのパワーが増幅されることも明らかになりました。科学者たちは、クリスタルを用いての霊能力増幅方法の探究に一生懸命だったのです。アトランティス文明は、シフトアップへの準備文明と位置づけられていたこともあり、霊道を開いている人がとても多かったことも事実でした。それも天上界の方針だったことは確かです。肉体も現文明の肉体のように粗い波動ではなく、もう少し精妙でした。さらに科学の発展で、重力に対抗するような力を利用することも可能でした。小さなクリスタルを何個かつないだブレスレットを身につけることで霊的パワーが増し、空を飛ぶことさえ可能だったのです。反重力の飛行船などもできるようになりました。人間が空を飛ぶことができたのは、肉体波動が精妙だったこと以外にも、反重力を利用することができたからでした。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=962103852623354&set=a.461274999372911【天変地異の差し迫った中での地上の者たちへ】 ~地上の方がたへのメッセージ①~このようにつらいことを申し上げるのは、わたくしはほんと、胸がはり裂けそうなのです。でも、わたくしはそのような役割を神より与えられておりますので、わたくしは、我が使命を果たすために、今日このようなことを申し上げるために参りました。天変地異というのは徐々に加速され、今多くの方がたがあちこちで犠牲になっておられますが、これは加速度がついてくるのです。もう支えきれなくなってきているということ。そして、人びとの業想念がこのようにぶつかり続ける限り、そのうちに最終戦争というのが起きてくるでしょう。人びとの心を分かち合いの中で、愛の循環という通路の中に流すようにしていかなくては、このまま互いが互いの戦闘性と、力と力のせめぎ合いの中で、張り合い続けるのであるのなら、いつかはそのようなことが起きてしまうのです。そして、それはけっして遠い未来ではないということ。そのような自然災害、戦争というもの、そして、宗教的な価値観の数々の制度が崩壊し、ひとつの新しい価値観の中に投げ込まれていく時代が、そのような文化的な意味においても、信仰形態においても、新たな局面が次々と連鎖反応的に起きてくる時代がもうすぐ先にきているのです。今このように平和に、このように神の言葉を平静に聴きながら編集できるような、このような時が永遠に続くわけではないということ。それを今回の地震とか台風とかの状態を見ながら、なにやら地球が普通ではないようだ、以前とは違うということは、多くの人びとが、もう気づき始めているということなのです。でも、その現実というものは、あなた方が考えるような予想をはるかに超えた事態というのが起きてくるということ。その時、どのぐらいの方がたが生き残れるか、わたくしはわかりません。でも、なるべくそのような方がたが少しでも多くなるために、そして、その次の天変地異が起きて、いろいろなことが起きていったあとに、新たな社会の、この地上の建て直しをしていくためにも、精神的なルネッサンス革命的な、そのような神の子の本来に生まれ変わっていくような魂の復活というもの。神の子の神性の復活というもの。それをかけて、次の時代の足跡を、道しるべを残すことをもって、次の世代の方がたはその地獄絵図のような時代の中から、地球の未来を愛の星へと導いていかれることでしょう。どうか、そちらにもっていけるように、最悪のことがなるべく最小限度のことで済むように、わたくしはただただ、祈るしかない自分を無力だと思っております。でも、このような機会を神より与えられ、再度、地上の方がたに対してこのようなわたくしの思いを語る機会を与えられましたことを、心より神に感謝申し上げ、また地上のあなた方に感謝申し上げます。聖母マリア『ファティマの真実』より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=963572572476482&set=a.461274999372911【金星の法】~あなただけの一輪の花を咲かせなさい①~皆さま方にある生命の神秘というエネルギーは、本来は母体の中から生まれてくるものなのです。そこに働きかけるのは、宇宙の愛のエネルギー、陽のエネルギーであります。いかなる女性だとしても、処女受胎はできません。男性のエネルギーあってこその、子どもの誕生であるということです。それは、宇宙の創造原理においても同じなのです。神はおひとりで宇宙を創造して、ビッグバンが起きているのではないのです。やはり、男性エネルギーがあるのならば、女性エネルギーとともに、その中において、新たな生命を生み出しているということなのです。そして、女性の姿が水という、形をいかようにも変幻自在に変えていく力があるということ。そして、愛により祝福し、生命の存在すべてを浄め、新たな力で甦らせて、そうフェニックスのようにーー、この数日出ているフェニックスのように、大空に飛び立たせていくことができる、新たな時代をつくることができるエネルギーもまた、母性に隠されているということ。そこをあなた方はわきまえなさい。女性がこの時代の中で、果たす役割はとても大きいということです。今までは、虐げられ、隠され、自分自身も迫害され、女性たちは悲しい、苦しみの中で、トラウマを持ってきたかもしれない。でも、そのすべてを浄めてしまうほどに、あなた方本来の強い力があるということ。どうかその力に気づいてほしい。あなた方のエネルギーは尊く、神より祝福され、宇宙創世のときよりつくられた役割であります。どうか皆さま方に、その自覚が芽生えますように。わたくしはいつも、あなた方を愛しております。女性たちだけではなく、男性たちも愛しております。わたくしは、あなた方の母であります。あなた方男性たちは、誰ひとりとしても、母の胎内から出なかった者はおりますまい。すべて母親から生まれているはずであります。わたくしは、あなた方の母です。今この時代を見守らせていただいております。あなた方に勇気と愛を送ります。頑張りなさい。この時代をつくるために、命をかけて頑張りなさい。男性は男性として、陽のエネルギーとして、渾身の力を甦らせて、新たな時代を築くのです。女性には女性の役割があるということです。あなた方が、知と勇気と行動力で、この時代を変えていくのならば、女性たちはその愛の思いにおいて、この時代で多くの傷ついている人たちを――、子どもたちだって、みんな傷ついています、その傷ついている者たちを受け止めてあげてください。主張して突き放すのではなくて、受け止めてあげることです。そして、あなた方の持っている精一杯の愛で、浄めてあげてください。そして、甦らせて、また新たなフェニックスを一羽ずつ、大空に羽ばたかせてあげてください。そのエネルギーが女性たちのエネルギーであるということです。気づかなくては、その力は出ないのです。何事もそうですよ。自覚をしなければ、自分の力には目覚めません。そして、腹をくくらなくては、己自身の力は出てこないのです。その自覚のために、今、法が降ろされているのです。セレニティ(月意識)『ガイアの祈り 光ある愛の星にアセンション』より
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https://www.facebook.com/groups/BigBangofLove.eng/permalink/3583208311927424/本当の地球の歴史は、地球霊天上界からも降ろされています。コメントに貼ったリンクをクリックすると、そちらへ飛びます。ぜひ、真実を知ってくださいね。~~~~~~~~~~~~バシャール:本当の地球の歴史プレアデス人は最初に人類とコンタクトを取ることになっている存在です(ちなみに、人間とハイブリッド種の高次的存在の中で一番最初に人類とコンタクトを取ることになっている存在は、ヤイエル文明です)。プレアデス人はアヌンナキを祖先に進化していった存在で、私たちの従兄弟にあたります。また、プレアデス人は私たちの文明を前進させる支援者的存在であり、私達と高次的存在との距離間を縮めていく、そんなお役目を持っています。プレアデス人は私たちと同様のヒューマノイド型で、俗に言う背の高いすらっとした美男美女の姿をしています。そしてオープンコンタクトの際には、『本当に地球で何が起こったのか』を見せるデバイスが渡され、『本当の地球の歴史』を見せてもらう手筈になっているのです。新しい地球のスターシード達へ the PLANET from NEBULA
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=592156703163219&set=a.204590215253205Try to live out your life to the fullest.Well, each individual had his or her own role to play.I believed in them. I believed in it, but I'm not a religious person. I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm a reformer, a politician, a reformer, a change... how do you call it, in this age, this kind of thing, like us.I'm still not sure if I have the right words, so please help me out.When we do these things, there are those who don't believe in religion, saying that it's too spicy. But, they are all doing what they are doing at the behest of God and Buddha. The Meiji Restoration was like that. Everyone came out because they had a role to play.So, there are people whose names have survived, like me, Ryoma, Saigou-san, or anyone else, but there are also many great people who have not survived who came out together with the plan. And, even though we can all laugh about it now, at that time, we thought each other were enemies and that we had to kill each other.However, there were many people who came out together with great ideals, with a passionate desire to change the world and Japan, as in the Meiji Restoration of that time, and failed.So, when you think about it, there may be a difference between those who are called religious people like you and us. But I am well aware that I am a member of a plan that believes in God and Buddha.But I don't think there are many people who say, “I don't like it. The reason is that people who cut and burn are putting their lives on the line somewhere, and even though they may not be able to see it, many of them are relying on the power of kami and buddhism to bolster their courage. However, we do not say this on the surface.As Fukuzawa Yukichi mentioned earlier, he is not a religious person, so he doesn't say it on the surface. In our time, it was generally accepted that a religious person was a monk, so people thought that since it was a monk's word, it was enough to leave religion, Shintoism, and Buddhism to the priests.In a sense, however, the roles of the priests were divided to color an era, such as Mr. Fukuzawa as an educator, or those with a sword, such as us, as reformers of a society, or, to put it another way, as the head of politics or government officials. That may be a part of it.(From “Ryoma Barker” by Kaishu Katsu)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=879698027628827&set=a.416503473948287自分でこれはあまり良くないと思っているライフスタイルがあったら、 自分にこう聞いてみてください。「誰かに教えられたからといって、それを自動的に否定的なものだと信じ込んではいないだろうか?」と。もしそれがどうしても否定的なものだと思えたら、「こんな否定的なものを自分に引き寄せるためには、どんな観念を持っていなければならないのだろう?」と自分に聞いてみてください。それがあなたが学ぶべきレッスンなのです。バシャール
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【邪馬台国と地球ルネッサンス】~地球の人びとの心をつないでいくのは、愛の心~ わたくしはその当時も、大和国のあと、日向様のあと、結果的に担ぎ出される時になって、そのような決意をしたのを覚えております。逃げちゃいけないんだって。自分はこの立場で生きていかなくちやいけないんだと、自分に言い聞かせたのを覚えております。 そして自分が、優秀な皆さま方のような能力がないということもいつも知っているのです。でも、「わたくしにできることであるのならば、どうか神よ、多くの人民のために活かしていける、お役に立つ人生でありますように」という祈りをもって、その使命を受けとめ、そして多くの武将の方々に呼びかけたのを覚えております。「このまま邪馬台国が、大和国が、分裂して滅びてしまうのも、あなた方が力を貸してくださるのも、あなた方の決意ひとつなのです」と。「やっとこの大和の地に、天照様以来の、神の国としての光がともり、これからひとつの国としての始まりが来るのに、あなた方はそのように、自分たちの自己主張をしながら、この国を分断して、滅ぼしてしまうのか。どうか多くの方々の力を貸していただきたい」と。 そして、「日向様が築きあげられた大和国、邪馬台国というもの、外国からも承認されるような、この国の礎として、どうか皆さま方の力を貸していただきたい」と、そのように多くの武将の方々の前に出て話をしたのを覚えております。 そうやって国をまとめたのです。けっして権力や力で分裂しそうな国をまとめたのではないのです。力に力をもって抗したのならば、必ずその反発が出るのです。その力によって解決できるようなものではないのです。 今の世界情勢をみても私はそう思います。多くの宗教がそれぞれの自己主張をしております。そしてさまざまな列強の国々も自己主張しております。 イスラム圏に対してはキリスト教圏が、武力によっては武力が、核爆弾なら核爆弾をもって、政治体制や、国力や、お金を持っていることなどを通して、利権やなんかを通して、力同士でねじふせようとしすぎているのです。 最後地球をまとめていくには、人びとをまとめあげていくには、人びとの心をつないでいかなくてはなりません。 けっして力に対して力でまとめていくのではないのです。ねじふせていくのではないのです。 人びとの心を最後まとめあげていくにはほんとうにあなた方を愛しているのだという、愛の心、信頼の心、神様に通じていく、その絶対的な愛の心の中で、多くの人びとの信頼というものを勝ち得ていくしか、ないということなのです。それをわたくしたちはしたのです。 小さな小さな邪馬台国という国だったかもしれません。でも、邪馬台国をまとめあげていった、その女王という者たちの役割、それは地球規模におきましても、「けっして力で他民族を、他宗教の者たちを、ねじふせようとしても治まらないのよ」と。「あなた方をほんとうに愛しているのよ」と。「宇宙におられる神は、ほんとうにあなた方を愛しているのよ」と。それをほんとうの意味で伝えていけたとき、その思いが真実なものであったときに、相手の方々は変わっていくのです。 槍を向け、今でいうなら鉄砲を向けて、核爆弾を互いに射程距離に向けあっている者たちが、槍を、銃を収めていくのではないのでしょうか。 その思いの中において、ほんとうの意味で、この天上界から降ろされている計画を実行する光の天使たちとして、ほんとうに心の中に、この計画を成功させたいという、自分の身を犠牲にしようとも、自分の幸せを犠牲にしても、多くの人びとを幸せにしたい、この計画を遂行させたいと思う愛が、あなた方の中にありますか。力で、能力だけで、蓄えた知識だけで人びとをねじふせても、人びとの心というのはまとまらないのです。「ほんとうの意味であなた方を愛しているよ」と。「ほんとうの意味で宇宙の神々は、神様はあなた方を愛して生かしてくださっているのよ」と。そして、「あなたの前にいる私は、ほんとうにあなたを愛しているのよ」と。「私はあなたの前から逃げないのよと」。「だから、いつでも、あなた方の力をもって、あなた方も恐れずに、人びとを、地球を愛してちょうだい」と。そのように言える者たちがいたのならば、多くの人たちは変わっていくことでしょう。壹與(トヨ)『アマテラスの祈り』より
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[Space-age renaissance from Japan to the world] (2) - Asking questions where each one of you meets God.That it is not wonderful for you to live subserviently, to erase your individuality there and listen to what we say, because ultimately we have a plan, this third plan.We want you to see how each one of you, your wonderful individuality, your wonderful divinity, can be involved of your own free will through our plan, and how you can have the chance to make many people happy and shine as God's messengers by emanating your light. How you can make many people happy and have the chance to shine as God's ambassadors.In the result of this, there will be the birth of the Earthly Buddhist Land and the chance to make many people happy and to do the service of love, which is what it means.We have put out a plan, and even though you don't like it, blind obedience to it, even by crushing your own will, by crushing your individuality, means nothing if you listen to what we say.So, if you have a question, question, question, question, AND ANSWER.That's how you ask and ask and ask and ask for answers.I would like you to be sincere in this process, to face your life with it, to ask whatever you want, if this is the time when you can ask, to hit it head on, to raise your awareness, and then to meet God in the heart of each one of you.To meet God is to meet your original divinity as a child of God.God is not something that is distant and high up in the air.It means that in you, in your hearts, God the Father is already inherent through your divinity as children of God.When will you realise that each and every one of you is a manifestation of God, a precious life, a light?That is the only thing that matters.That is why there is earthly practice. That is also why there is a global plan to make as many people happy as possible.Through that plan, but in the end, without individual practice, enlightenment and recognition, we cannot call it enlightenment if we become subservient by being nominated and directed by God in a dominant way, by blind obedience, and we cannot call it the growth and development of each individual's own white body. It means that it leads to nothing in the growth and development of the soul.That is why we have this plan.Globally, we want to make the planet Earth a little bit more dimensional in the stage of cultivation, but, through that, we want you to learn as much as you can.And what I want you to learn is, I want you to encounter the divinity of your own divine child.That's all there is to it.Never, without that, do we say, "We want to level up the planet Earth, the training ground called Earth, so put aside your training, and for that, listen to whatever we say, and go to a place where you can be enslaved by us in the form of training, abandonment of training, whatever we say."We do not say things like.We ask the question in the heart of each individual. We ask the question of meeting God.In the questioning, God will answer you with a realisation of who you have been in yourself.If you are not convinced, it is okay not to be convinced. One by one, you must face them sincerely and keep asking them.In time, because you are all God's children, because we are all God's children, the only way for God's children to return is to return to God, the Parent, in the end.Even those who are said to be unknowable now will surely, in the long course of time, regain their true nature. In order to speed up the time for that return, the chance for that return, and the time for that return, and because the environment of this earth is so bad at the moment, and because we want as many angels of light as possible to be aware of the situation, we are trying to make the magnetic field of the form of training on this earth a good place for training. The heavenly world is making a plan to make the magnetic field a good one.It means that we are not pushing you to carry out our plans at all costs.Our relationship with you is never a dominant relationship.It means that we respect each other, we trust each other, and we continue to lend each other our strength together.Archangel Michael, from The Last Plan of Humanity.
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【新たな愛の挑戦】③~異質なものも取り入れてエネルギーとする文明実験~先ほどから言っていることの意味がわかるだろうか。ひとつの人類だけであったのならば、これほどの困難を極めなかったであろうが、新たな移住者を受け入れながら、地球は文明実験を繰り返し、二元論的な認識を大きく変えていく挑戦を行っている。調和を求めているのが大宇宙の意識。調和の中でそれぞれが個性を発揮し、己の使命を全開していくことにより、大調和のハーモニーを謳い上げる。これが大宇宙の根本に流れているテーマであるということは聞いていると思う。しかし、その中で「自分たちの世界はこれでよいのだ」と開き直り、「それ以外のものはほかの惑星にあるから、自分たちはそれ以上の挑戦はしない」と思うのなら、どうだろう。科学の星ならば科学だけに偏り、ほかの者たちにおいても自分の役割の中だけで安住し、いつかは停滞を招いてしまうのである。そのようなことも宇宙には多々起きているのである。そのときに、異質なものを取り入れていくことで、二元論的な立場の混乱すらものともせずに、躍動感あるエネルギーを新たに、全宇宙に向かって発信していく。逆に、そのような対極のエネルギーを使って、新たなパワーとしていくことができる。エル・ランティが今やろうとしていることは、そういうことなのです。わかるだろうか。わかりやすく言うのならば、たとえばこの者(アマーリエ)が魔と戦ってきたであろう。二元論の世界で言うならば、光に対する闇のエネルギーと戦ってきたであろう。しかし、この者の戦う姿を見て、今回、あなた方に学んでほしいのは、あなた方から見たらタブーと思われるものに常に挑戦していくことである。魔と思われるものを忌み嫌い、弾いて、光だけで清まって神の言葉を伝えるのならば、これだけのパワーは出てこないのだ。自分の力だけではなく、相手の力も吸収して、戦いに勝っていくということ。相手の力を自分のエネルギーに取り込んでいくということが、あなた方もできなくてはいけないということです。間違えないようにと、神が望む光のほうだけ、正しいことだけやっていこうとすると、必ず停滞を生む。愛というものは、無限の赦しの中でそのエネルギーを補充している。だからいかなるものであっても、たとえそれがあなた方を叩き潰そうとするものであったとしても、あなた方が最も飛躍できるのは、そのものに正面から向き合い、逆にそのもののエネルギーをバネとして吸収していったときなのである。自分の中で対極のものがぶつかり合うことで、何倍もの爆発的なエネルギーを生み出し、次の飛躍へと結びつく。あなた方は、今回もみごとに暗黒エネルギーを持った者と手を組んで、一時は大丈夫かと心配されたかもしれないけれども、そのパワーを上手に吸収し、普通に着々とやっていただけではできない飛躍というものを遂げたではないか。そうやって宇宙もつくられているということなのだ。わたくしが出しているエネルギー、太陽系の隅々まで行き渡るように発している、光とエネルギーの基盤はそこにあるのです。聖アントニウス(太陽意識)『ガイアの祈り 光ある愛の星にアセンション』より
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【スターシードの働き】スターシードやオールドソウルの感情の動きや体験は、地球のレイランに記録されています。一般の方達の感情の動きや体験が記録されることはありません。なぜなら、スターシードやオールドソウルはバイブレーションが高く生まれていますので、誰よりも一番最初に新しい情報をゲットして体験に落とし込んでゆく存在になります。そして、周囲の人たちが地球のレイラインに記録された情報をダウンロードし、それを参考に体験を体験しているのです。それはちょうど、参考書を頼りに数学の答えを導きだすようなニュアンスになります。また、スターシードやオールドソウルは、地球と人類のバイブレーションに大きく関与しています。スターシードやオールドソウルのバイブレーションが高くなればなるほど、地球と人類のバイブレーションも上昇することになるのです。そして更に、次に生まれてくる子供達のバイブレーションも以前に増して上昇した状態で誕生することになります。それによって、以前よりももっと高いバイブレーション域から人生をスタートすることになるので、今まであった困難を”そこまで”体験することなく進んでいくことが可能になります。このように、スターシードやオールドソウルは地球と人類に大いに貢献している存在です。つまり、貴方が『ありのままの自分』でいれさえすれば、それだけで地球と人類に貢献していることになります。新しい地球のスターシード達へ the PLANET from NEBULAhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/BigBangofLove.eng/permalink/3251171661797759/
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【邪馬台国と地球ルネッサンス】② ~神の言葉を伝える巫女の役割~わたくしもこの日本という国の始まりに関わり、そしてこのおしまいの時にまた関わりあう。その時しか実はこの日本という国に生まれていないのが実情なのです。この文明を看取るという意味におきまして、今回、生まれさせていただいたということが現実なのです。あの当時の国は、まだ九州地方を中心にした寄せ集めの国でございました。各部族、各豪族をまとめあげたところで、日向様という、絶対的な権限のもとに多くの武将たちが集まって、ひとつの寄せ集めの、共和国のような形だったので、日本武様によって統一されたような、ほんとうの意味でまとめあげられた国ではなかったのです。そして、大陸からも近かったので、常にその影響というものにおびえた、そういう政治体制の中にあったのです。その中で、男性が主導権を持っても、なかなか国が治まらず、われこそはわれこそはという武将たちが乱立し、国が分裂して、国民は常にその争いの中で苦しむという日々が続いたのです。そこに日向様のような、女王様のような方が立たれて、その女王的な愛の中で多くの人びとをまとめあげて、多くの人びとに平和の暮らしをもたらすために、武将たちに、「あなた方がわたくしに力を貸してほしい」という神の天上界の言葉とともに呼びかけた時に、不思議と国は治まったのです。それがどうも大和の国、日本の国という、天照大神様からの、この大和国の、日本という国のあり方のようにも思うのです。そして日向様がお亡くなりになったあとに、日向様の弟様であられた方が、後添えをもらわれて、あとをとられたのでありますけれども、やはり男性が中心に立ちますと、それを待っていたかのように、各武将たちが暴れ出しまして、国がまとまらなくなったのです。そしてその時に、神のお告げを聞く女性を出したほうが、この国が治まるのではないかと、そのように言われて、巫女の修行をしておりましたわたくしがまた駆り出されることになって、まあこのような使命を負うことになったのです。その当時、わたくしは神様の言葉をうかがいながら、この国を、これからのちの日本の、礎とする国として守りなさいということを言われました。そしてその国を守ることによって、これからの日本の長い歴史が始まるのだということも言われました。そのためにわたくしは、天上界の言葉を多くの人びとに伝えて、各部族長たちに、武将たちに伝えたのです。「どうか力を貸してほしい」と。「わたくしはあなた方に、実力があることはよくわかっています」と。「でも、わたくしたちが望むことは、大きな愛の中においてこの地上の国民たちが幸せに生きることなのです」と。「どうかそのために力を貸していただけないか」と。天上界の言葉とともに私は伝えただけなのです。けっして日向様のような、絶対的なカリスマ的な力があったのではないかもしれません。でも、日向様から流れるその力で、男性の方々の力で国が治まっていたのならば、わたくしが立つ必要はなかったのかもしれないのです。でもその時に、治まらなかったがゆえに、神の言葉を伝える巫女として駆り出されてきたという意味においては、今回のレムリアの、この者の立場おいても、同じではないかとわたくしは思うのです。この者もたぶん、けっして自分から出たいと思って、出てきたのではないと思うのです。わたくしの時も同じであったのです。もし、それで国が治まってくれたのならば、武将の方々がそれでみんなで力を合わせて、やってくれたのであったのならば、日本武様につながり、長い長い日本の国の始まりが築けたであろうけれども、ひじょうに内部分裂、それと大陸からの脅威というものの中で、大和国、邪馬台国というものが分裂しそうになり、その時に、わたくしが神の命により駆り出されて、たまたま女王という立場に立って、その使命をお引き受けしたというのが現状であったのです。壹與(トヨ)『アマテラスの祈り』より
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【A Message from Amor (Jesus Christ)】Though, in Christianity the idea of "the children of sin" has been told.But it is not "the children of sin."I've never known I said so.I never said the children of sin.It is the children of God.What is meant by "being the children of God"?It means "being the children of love."By the consequence of the consciousness that God is love, we are being the expressive form of the consciousness of love, the energy of love.And if you are going to watch your own divinity inherent in yourself, examining inside of yourself firmly, and open the inner self with reflection, an overwhelming love as the children off God will start coming out.And because we exist as the children of God and because we exist as the children of love, we are going to connect to the great consciousness of the love of God.No matter how miserable you feel you are, when you have been awakened to the consciousness of being the highly honored children of God, what do you become aware of?When you have been aware that you yourself are part of the love of God, you are going to be aware of the consciousness that all the surrounding nature, the friends you have been hating, and all the enemies are the same children of God as you.Amor (Jesus Christ)source:『Messages to the Chidren of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)https://www.facebook.com/groups/BigBangofLove.eng/permalink/3253602141554711/
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"From the Mother Earth"17. Even if ExplodedIn the bottom of Hell, I know what the one who has been bound to a place like a jail is considering. Paralyzing the brain function and triggering nuclear wars, he has been waiting for humans to become extinct.And, attracting an asteroid (in the future) and directing it to Earth, he aims to destroy Earth. So, he is intending Earth to follow the same ending as Maldec.Even if you have faced the same result as Maldec's people, if you could learn and evolve by that and if you really couldn't learn unless you did it, I am willing to accept it.From the beginning, I think it is our duty to provide everything and to make everything alive and nurture them. My wish is to think of everyone living on this planet to grow. But I think you could evolve without it having to result in the ultimate destruction of Earth.Mother is praying for you to be wise.When we could overcome this difficulty this time and succeed in shifting up, it would give us no more pleasure than this.I have been talking with Terra about our dream, saying, "It would be nice if we could join such planets someday."Again I will say. I would like to make a planet of Earth where all the people of the world can take hands and forgive each other. That is Terra and Gaia's wish from our heart to all of our children on Earth.Gaia (Feminine part of Earth Consciousness)Channeling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)https://www.facebook.com/groups/BigBangofLove.eng/permalink/3256562871258638/
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"From the Mother Earth"16. Mother is in the Water of EarthEarth is a planet that especially holds a lot of water.We cannot make a life alive without water.More than half of your body is water, isn't it?If you put a poison in it, what would happen?Gaia's life is being put in water.There is an intention to make all the lives mad by putting poison into the water. It has not yet been noticed. Though it has not been noticed, it has still been proceeding certainly. It must be stopped.In the country of China, poison is poured into rivers. It eventually flows into the ocean.The poisoned water flowed in the ocean is spread over the world.Then it enters to the underground water, and plants absorb the poisoned water from the root.Gradually the poison is accumulated in all the lives, and there is an intention to make lives mad. You have to know this.It is aiming not only to let countries of world wide to make wars by the use of nuclear weapons from outside, but also to paralyze the brain function of humans by putting poison into water from inside.You must stop polluting the water anymore.In the water there is Gaia's life.In your blood my life is breathing.Please stop putting poison in water anymore.Gaia (Feminine part of Earth Consciousness)Channeling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)https://www.facebook.com/groups/BigBangofLove.eng/permalink/3255673318014260/
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CATS: Orion's KingdomCATS are ENLIGHTENED AND INDEPENDENT BEINGS.They are the only species that came to Earth so evolved that they had nothing to learn from humans and therefore did not need us but are here to serve us. THEY CAME from ORION, the great SPIRITUAL CONSTELLATION, which is why their VIBRATION is of the 5th DIMENSION and their ENERGY is so PURE. They are even very independent and have the peculiarity of keeping the homes and the energy of the planet in high frequency of illumination.A cat's purr is like the OM MANTRA for humans, a HEALING FREQUENCY capable of:TRANSFER dimensions,DETECT diseases,HEAL the electromagnetic field,SEAL breaks in the aura andPROVIDE protection in the etheric realms.The felines SPREADPEACE and HEALING and SHOW us how to deeply RELAX on a CELLULAR LEVEL and then MOVE WONDERFULLY with FLUID MOVEMENTS of LIGHT...!!!🖊Unknown Love and Light,Michelle Price
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=540156378363252&set=a.204590215253205Women's Dharma] (1) - Let us return to the awareness that we are all one.My name is Konohana Sakuyahime-no-mikoto, and I belong to the female or goddess world of the Japanese Shinto religion.I am the one who guided the path of Lord Buddha with a certain communication when he was going through what happened.Some of you may have read it, but for us, it was a desperate communication as a relief measure for those who were on earth.When we started it, we did not feel that it was hopeless, that we would be completely ruined, but we started it with a little hope.I had a little bit of hope that by giving warnings, by making people aware, we could correct the path once again.But as the months went by, and the more we sent the more we sent, the worse the situation became, and unfortunately, it wasn't long before the heavens determined that the second plan was finished.And when Archangel Michael told us that the third plan was about to be launched, and that the entire heavenly world would unite to cooperate in this plan, El Ranti told us that he had completed his mission, and that we should go to this man (Amalie). (We changed the destination of our communication to this person (Amalie).As a woman and as a fellow member, I was very worried and concerned about how far she could go and how much she could endure.However, it has been more than ten years since we started, and I am truly grateful from the heavenly realm that we have come this far, and that this third plan has blossomed so far, thanks to the blessings of God and Buddha, as well as the power of all of you gathered here on earth. I would like to thank you from the heavenly realm and congratulate you.The time for new developments has come.The time has come to spread the light of God's love on earth with your help.We would like to begin our communication all over again from the heavenly realms.We Japanese Shintoists have been told that this final plan will be initiated from the land of Japan, and that through the ninth dimension, El Kantara (Buddha), the final Law of the Earth will be preached, shining as a beacon of light. We, the people of Japanese Shintoism, have accepted this command with reverence and have governed the land of Yamato, as the land of God, with a heart of harmony, and have guided its people.In the course of their efforts, they may have fallen short, but the spirit of harmony ultimately united the world and brought the various teachings of the world back to the heart of the One God.Harmonizing and pointing the way to the original path.This is the original meaning of existence of the heart of harmony and the land of Yamato.I believe that this was the most important word and heart of Japanese Shinto that we wanted to convey to you.In this last part, what we are going to do from now on, through you, is to bring out this Fundamental Principle to the world, and with the thought of great harmony, transcending the differences of various ideologies, various religions, and various ethnic customs, to bring everyone back to the awareness that we are all one, and to connect the path of great harmony. And then we will connect the path of the Great Harmony.This is how we will unite the earth.I hope that all of you will play an active role in pointing out this path.From “Amaterasu's Prayer” by Kibana Kaiyahime no MikotoKihana-Kaiyahime no Mikoto (Konohana Sakuyahime)Daughter of the deity Oyamatsumi, according to Japanese mythology, Ninigi no Mikoto met and married the beautiful Kihanakaiyahime when he descended to earth from the high heavens. However, because she became pregnant overnight, Ninigi no Mikoto suspected that she was the child of a national deity. To prove her innocence, she set fire to the maternity house and gave birth in the fire.The three deities born in the fire were Hiterunomikoto, Hissuserimikoto, and Hienomikoto, and the youngest son, Hienomikoto, is connected to the lineage of the Emperor family.He is worshipped at Sengen shrines throughout Japan, including the Hongu Sengen Shrine on Mt.Fuji Hongu Sengen Shrine and other Sengen shrines throughout Japan.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=540786401633583&set=a.204590215253205The Earth RestorationThe good thing about old man E is that he's a neocon. You have to be a neaka. You are dark, dark, dark... Monks are dark. But even you are a neocon, you are still complaining, saying, “Reflection, reflection. It's a problem, isn't it?You should go home to reflect. It doesn't matter if you made a mistake or where you are going. To me, if you have done the work that fulfills your true duty as a man, then God or the people of the world can decide the outcome of your work as they see fit.I don't remember ever working with the hope of going back to heaven.Some of our colleagues, even Saigo-Don, well, some of our colleagues could not come back to the top. But I think that is not important.I believe that none of the men who fought in the Meiji Restoration wanted to go back to heaven.I wonder why the religious people of the world live in such a gloomy way, talking about enlightenment and other such bitter things to score points, just because they want to go back to heaven.We are willing to go to hell for the sake of our cause.Saigo-Don must have felt the same way. He dared to die with those young men in order to make up for their regret. Saigodon gave his own life for that purpose.If that figure, that figure was to be sent to hell, I would be willing to go to hell. No one would think that I was greater than Saigodon just because I came back to the top. (tearful voice)Who decided that where we are is heaven and where Saigo-Don is going is hell?I am more disappointed in that.It's not that I was superior or anything. Saigo-Don was a much more compassionate person.I ran through only for myself. But Saigodon is a man who cannot abandon others. He is the kind of man who understands the feelings of each and every one of us. He was a big, big man who loved each and every one of the many young people, and he was a big, big man who embraced them all. (Tearful voice)When that man sought a place to die, and in that place, in his own way, he gave his life to his true love, if you call that hell, then I don't care if he went to hell.Hell is, heaven is, we don't work for such things. Listen, God may decide the outcome. But what are you happy in this life, living in such a foolish way, trying your best not to do anything bad because you are going to hell?That is what I want to say to Buddhist monks.I want to say to the Buddhist monks, “Don't you all do nothing but reflect on your lives so that you will not make mistakes, so that you will not make mistakes?If you have time to reflect and do such self-protective things so that you don't fall into hell, if you can use that free time to think a little bit, to see the future of the times, and to appreciate the fact that you have a body in this time period, what can you do for the nation in these few decades of your life, what can you do for the nation under heaven? What if you think more about what you can do for the nation under heaven, what you can do for God, what you can do as his hands and feet, and what you can do as his work? That is why you have a head.You must be smarter than me. You must be smart and read a lot of books. What are you thinking about? What is your head doing with your body?And they are even worse than we are, just living self-centeredly without reflection or doing anything good.They are healthy and eat much better than we do. But what is the head for? What is the body for? Two hands and two feet.That is what I want to say.(From Sakamoto Ryoma's “Ryoma Barking”)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8171278079659016&set=a.114487542004817A Gift From My Dad😿.I just recently got married to a guy my age (21).We are expecting our first son in December.First let me introduce you to my favorite dad.My dad married my mom the same age when I was 19,He and my mom were the same age and had me in the winter of that year.It was what you might call a “shotgun marriage” (laugh).He didn't go to high school, but had been aiming to become a motorcycle racer since he was 16 years old, but he gave up his dream of becoming a professional due to an injury.Dad, who loved motorcycles so much, chose a job delivering documents on a motorcycle. (At the time, he was working as a press (?) for a TV station. he told me).When he married Mom, both parents were against it.Normally, as a job that supports the family, you would worry about accidents and such.But Dad told Mom's parents, “I put my life on the line to work, and I put my life on the line to protect my family! That's who I am!”and overcame their opposition and married Mom.But those words have turned out to be a cruel reality.On his days off, my dad would play with me.We ate meals together as a family.He listened to all my requests, and when I started practicing riding my bicycle (I was 4 years old), he spent the whole morning and evening with me at the park.Rain or shine, thunder or lightning, he would never fail to pick me up from daycare.Before he passed away, I took a bath with my dad every day and slept on his thin arm pillow.I will never forget it. It was my Dad's 24th birthday when I was 5 and my brother was 3.He passed away after hitting a guardrail during a touring trip that we hadn't been on in a long time.It looks like he was hit hard and died instantly.When I went to the hospital, I saw my dad's face with the white cloth (?) removed. When I went to the hospital, I saw my father's face with the white cloth (?) removed, he looked beautiful and strangely enough, he was smiling.I was too young to understand the meaning of “death,” and I vividly remember my mom crying all the time, my dad and his family, and my brother and I looking at my dad lying in a dark room with a white cloth covering his face in wonder.But after he passed away and until the funeral was over, I strangely don't remember crying.I understood somewhat from my grandparents that I would not be able to see my dad anymore, but I don't think I really felt it.After the funeral, life returned to normal, and my dad, who came to pick me up every day, didn't show up at daycare, and when I asked my mom and brother who came to pick me up, “Why isn't dad coming today?”When I asked them.I said, “Papa has gone to the sky. From now on, Mom, Haruki and I will live together. Papa is gone.”Mom's eyes turned red and she said to meI said, “Oh no! Today and tomorrow, I'll ride home on the bike with my dad and take a bath with him! I'm going to see my daddy again!and I cried myself to sleep clutching my daddy's picture for the rest of that day.For the next 16 years, I thought he had died in an accident.The day before the wedding.I would cry if I saw him during the ceremony, so I said, “Please keep Papa's picture in his seat until the last letter! Because Daddy liked my smiling face the best!” I told Mom, “OK.She said, “OK, good luck tomorrow! Daddy is watching from heaven! Don't cry, Fight Natsumi!” She immediately replied with a text message.At this point I was about to cry, but I wrote a thank you letter to my parents to read at the ceremony the next day.The sentence I was going to read to my mom was an awfully long one. But even more than that, I wrote more than twice as much for my dad as for my mom.The next day, the ceremony finally started. It was a small, handmade wedding with mutual friends, relatives, and people from my husband's workplace, but it was a really warm wedding.Finally, it was time for the finale, the reading of the letter to the parents.I had asked a friend of mine to be the MC, and she said, “Now, here is the bride's letter to her parents. Please come forward to both fathers, mothers, and the bride. Smile and say thank you!”I greeted my husband's parents-in-law and read the letter to my mom.I was really crying.After the text to Mom is finished, I pick up the text letter to Dad.'Dear Papa..., Papa..., Papa has been so amazingly kind to me...'I was at a loss for words. I wrote so many, many, many words....In Mom's hand is Papa's portrait.She was crying so hard that it looked as if he was crying.Dad..., Dad..., ・・・・・”I looked at my friend who was hosting the event and said, “You can take as many minutes or hours as you want! Tell your favorite daddy in heaven how you feel! Go for it!” And there was a campy voice.I shook it out and shouted.Papa... I love you forever and ever... Papa...”I couldn't say anything else. There were so many things I wanted to say.It was at that time!“Nacchan! Nacchan!“What? Papa's voice?I thought I was hearing voices.My friend who was the MC said, “Well, here's a surprise for you! My friend who was the MC was also crying.I looked at the large screen and saw my father's image before he passed away, whom I loved very much.I noticed that Mom was beside me, squeezing my hand and saying, “Don't look away!For some reason, Dad was shown in his hospital bed wearing his favorite jersey at the time, an Adidas jersey.Mom? Can I talk to you?”I've already started.I miss it.... It's my dad's voice...“Yeah, Nacchan! Congratulations on your marriage!I had no idea what he meant at that time.“Yes, Nacchan! Congratulations on your marriage! I wonder if Nacchan will become a beautiful woman like her mama when she grows up?”At this point, I asked my mom, who was standing beside me, “Why? Why? But the sobbing mom turned her head to her vision and said, “Shut up and watch! She was furious with me.Nacchan, Daddy is battling an illness right now. Nacchan is still small, so you may not understand, but it seems that Daddy's illness is a very serious disease. I may not be able to be with him until Nacchan grows up. Hmmm... Papa loves Nacchan! I love her so much and she is my precious treasure. Nacchan...she's a bit selfish, but I love her so much, I want to listen to her every wish! But, but, but... I may not be able to listen to Nacchan's next request.... Gsssshhhh... ・・・・ Mama~! Don't cry! You promised to take pictures with a smile on your face! Here, smile! I'll film you~!Don't do that....Mom is young too... I miss ・・・・.Nacchan! Dad is sick, how much longer do you think? I wonder what I can say to Nacchan? Nacchan said she can only sleep with him 30 more times! But it seems that if I take the medicine, I'll be able to talk with Nacchan and Haruki a lot more, but I'll only be able to see them at the hospital, not at home. I don't like that, so I don't take the medicine and stay home with Nacchan, Haruki and Mom! Nacchan is selfish every day, but let me be selfish with Nacchan for the last time, too!”The video stopped once.Mom took the microphone from her friend who was hosting the event and began to speak.Thank you very much for planning such a surprise for us today. My husband, the father of the bride, died in an accident, but actually he had terminal cancer before that. Before he passed away, he asked me to make a video of his wedding speech for Natsumi and Haruki, his favorite children. He had requested that I shoot a video of his wedding speech for his favorite couple, Natsumi and Haruki, before he passed away. He also wanted to ride his favorite motorcycle one more time before he passed away, and when he went out with his friends, he had a seizure and died in an accident. We told him that we did not want such a dark story to be told at the celebration, but the groom, Akira, suggested that we have this opportunity to talk about it. Thank you very much. I am sorry, but we will have the VTR for a while longer.”I didn't know... They were taking pictures when he was admitted for a one-day checkup.Because there wasn't a single day that Dad didn't pick her up from daycare until she passed away.My heart was tightened....The VTR started again.Nacchan, I will always love you! I wish I could have had a drink with Nacchan! I wanted to hold Nacchan's child in my arms! I wanted to see Nacchan and Haruki grow up for a long, long time! But I'm sorry... I can't do that... But you know, Nacchan, this is the last promise I made to Dad! I'm sorry... I'm sorry...”It's the first time I've seen you cry...“...to listen to Mommy even if Daddy is not here! To help Mommy with Haruki! You'll always, always, always ・・・・・・・ love your daddy and mommy! Even if daddy dies ・・・・・, wah, wah, don't forget me! Gsssshhhh.......thank you so much for being in the belly of my favorite mommy! Thank you for giving birth to me. Thank you for giving me lots of kisses and baths, even though it was short! Nacchan, you will live happily ever after with the person you chose! Congratulations on your marriage today! I love you, Nacchan! I'm sorry...ne?”The VTR ended.All my friends were crying. I was crying all the time too.I will never forget that as soon as the VTR was over, everyone clapped for me all the way to the vision for a long, long time.I still think my dad is still alive.The last time I spoke to my dad was,'Daddy~, this week's day off is karaoke!He said, “Sure~, let's all go together when you go out on your bike and come back.”I will never forget Papa's smile at that moment.Thank you, Papa!Natsumi Matsunaga-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The best gift from the beloved. I believe that a gift that is given with sincerity and with the image of the gift recipient's greatest joy will create the greatest emotion.You want to send a gift that will be remembered forever.When you receive such a gift, you will want to send it to your loved ones again.The best gifts create a wonderful chain of events.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8392272744182730&set=a.154145194662234God's Plan - The Truth of the Present Civilization3. first, the teaching of loveIn the Atlantis civilization, only the most important teaching of love was left out, which led to such a tragic end. All of the nine dimensional spirits had made up their minds, “In the next civilization, let us first thoroughly teach the teaching of love, so that it will never be left out in the subsequent process.Amor, who specializes in love among the nine dimensional spirits, said, “In this civilization, I want to preach the ultimate love to people. Furthermore, I myself, as the embodiment of love itself, want to express love through my own life.Hearing this, Morya said, “I want to make God's existence known to people by showing the great power of God as a phenomenon. This is more effective for the inexperienced. It would be better if I first awaken their faith in God through phenomena, and then Amor preaches love. Amor would not be accepted if he preached love to those who are too immature. Amor agreed.Buddha said, “I want to sow the seeds of the Dharma first, and then finally descend to the land of Japan. For that, I think the land of the Orient, some time after Morya has shown the phenomenon, would be good,” he suggested. Buddha, who was ultimately responsible for this event, wanted to preach his appropriate teachings in the East first.In the end, it was decided that the teachings of love preached by Amor in the West and the Dharma, centering on Buddha's teachings of compassion, should eventually merge in Japan. In the end, it was decided that India would be the place where Buddha would preach his teachings of compassion.Theravim, who had been quietly listening until then, insisted, “If Buddha preaches love in India, I would like to preach the teachings of benevolence and civility in the East immediately afterwards.The Amaterasu and others entrusted with Japan belong to the Purple Spirit Group. The serabim are in charge of the purple ray in the ninth dimension. In addition to the teaching of mercy, they really want to convey the civility as the purple ray. Immediately after the Buddha in India, the Theravim descended to China as Confucius to preach the teaching of civility.The plan was to make Buddha's teaching of compassion and Confucius' teaching of civility the two pillars of Oriental teaching, and to ensure that both were transmitted to Japan. The plan was to establish the Eastern teachings first, and then bring Amor's Western teachings of love down to earth.It was felt that the teachings of the Indian Buddha and those of the Chinese Confucius would not be in conflict even if they were preached at the same time.Both are oriental, yin teachings that go to the inner mind, but they can coexist without being antagonistic. It was predictable that both would be introduced to Japan without being discarded.The question is where to send the teachings of Morya and those of Amor. And how long would the time interval be? Both are outward yang teachings and monotheistic. Even if the teachings were preached by a ninth-dimensional spirit, people would perceive them differently and would fight with each other. Amor's teaching of love could be lost in Japan.In the end, Morya and Amor were separated by a thousand years. It was at this time that Amor's teaching on love was preached in earnest, when people's faith had taken root among them and Morya's teaching itself had become a mere skeleton. Amor's teaching on love would thereby survive and travel around the world to Japan. As for the location, Morya would first preach his teachings in the Middle East. This area is also a spiritual spot on the earth itself, and a suitable place to spread the teachings.When both Morya and Amor arrived on earth, El Ranti was to take the lead in teaching from the ninth dimension. In El Ranti's opinion, Amor was also to be born in a place close to Morya.From “The Plan to Shift Up Earth: Gaia, Her Love, Her Light
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8366316093445062&set=gm.3755374644710789&idorvanity=1633408513574090【地球文明の興亡】13.逃れた一部の者たち霊性の高さを誇ったレムリア文明において、末期であってもすべての人たちの想念が曇っていたわけではありません。霊的に目覚めた人の中には、大陸が海中に没する前に船で逃げた人びとがいました。彼らは、心の中の声に導かれてヒマラヤ山中に向かいました。そこには地下に続く通路がありました。通路を降りると、そこにはなんと地下都市があったのです。その場所の指導者に導かれて暮らすうちに、彼らの肉体は数日で変化を遂げることになりました。信じられないかもしれませんが、あなた方の今の肉体波動よりも精妙な波動の肉体に変わってしまったのです。「アセンション」と呼ばれている現象が肉体に起こったのです。そこでアセンションした人は数千人いました。彼らの中の一部は他の惑星に出て行きましたが、多くの者たちは、地球人たちがアセンションするのを待っています。私たちが次のステージに進むことを期待しているのは、地球九次元霊や、宇宙連合の異星人たちばかりではないのです。私たちの先輩として、すでに先に行って待っていてくれる人たちもいるということを忘れてはいけないでしょう。現在ヒマラヤの地下都市は肉眼的には廃墟となっています。しかし、その都市自体がアセンションして精妙な波動の中に存在しています。私たちがアセンションしたときに、それらの地下都市の姿がはっきりとわかるようになるのです。私たちはまず、一人ひとりの人間の意識がシフトアップすることを目標にしています。それは、神は愛のエネルギーそのものであり、すべての人間は神の子であり、魂は永遠であるということを深く理解することから始まります。これらのことを前提にして、宇宙が水瓶座の時代という霊性を進化させるめぐり合わせのときにアセンションという次元上昇が起こるのです。アセンションすること自体が目標ではありません。一人ひとりの意識が変わることによって、結果としてアセンションを迎えるのです。実は、レムリアの末期もそのようなめぐり合わせの時代だったのです。『ガイア黎明 生きて意識ある地球はこうして生まれた』より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=963249339166352&set=a.451731710318120Looking for Truth or Looking for Praise?From the inspiring words of Shokan Kobayashi...I wanted to eat ramen, but when I was ordering, I saw a sign for kitsune udon and unintentionally said, “I'll have kitsune udon, please.The “heart” was ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent ramen, but the words that came out of my mouth were “kitsune udon.The person who took my order trusted the words “kitsune udon” and brought me kitsune udon.The person who receives the order trusts the words “kitsune udon” and brings the ramen, but he or she does not take “my heart” into consideration and brings the ramen.Also, rather than thanking family and friends with “Thank you for everything” from the heart, saying “Thank you” in words conveys the message, and the recipient is pleased.Words have more energy than the heart.There are “three elements” in “throwing”: “heart,” “words,” and “action.The “heart” is to orient oneself to “live to please.Words” means to make the words that come out of one's mouth into words of joy and gratitude.Actions” are to put into practice.It is important that the “casting” be accompanied by “heart,” “words,” and “action.In the Gospel of John, we read the following wordsIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.These words seem to describe how the universe works.If the words coming out of one's mouth are colored by grumbling, complaining, whining, bad-mouthing, and complaining, phenomena will fall that will make one want to say those words.On the contrary, for those who are colored by positive words such as happy, joyful, happy, and thank you, such phenomena will fall.I have consulted with many people in the past, and there were certain common threads among those who said they had problems.People whose parent-child relationships do not flow smoothly also have marital relationships that do not flow smoothly. Siblings, workplaces, and neighborhoods all have problems.Conversely, if a person's parent-child relationship and marital relationship are flowing smoothly, all relationships are flowing smoothly.No one relationship is stagnant and the others are flowing smoothly.People who have problems somewhere else have fights in other relationships as well.The difference between the two is that they are looking for trouble.People who are looking for something new will always find something they don't like (looking for something new) in any relationship, no matter what is happening, which leads to fights and troubles.Instead of looking for something new, look for only the good things and praise them.When we look at how blessed we are, appreciate everything, and find joy in everything, our relationships and the events around us will be surrounded by joyful things.Everything is transmitted by me.It depends on whether you are looking for the truth or looking for praise.The Happiness Theory of Living with “Omakase”: The Encouragement of Dereliction, East Presshttps://amzn.to/3BSm733We tend to want people to understand our feelings and our hearts, saying things like, “I feel so deeply about this,” or “I've been thinking about this for a long time.However, no matter how strongly we feel, unless it is put into words, it will not be conveyed to the other person.This is true no matter how close you are to your family, friends, or colleagues.And the same goes for harassment like bullying. Even if you feel in your heart that you “definitely want it to stop” or “really don't like it,” unless you say it out loud and ask them to stop, it will continue for a long time.And since such people are often the type of “nice” people, no matter how much they are harassed, their faces are always smiling.So they don't get the message even more.The other person may wonder if they are happy or not.Also, human relationships are determined by whether you are “looking for something wrong” or “looking for praise.As long as you are “looking for something new,” all relationships will not improve.This is because the habit of “looking for something new” has been established.Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.That is why we need to get into the habit of “looking for praise.It will dramatically improve your relationships.A person who can “look for praise” is a person who can “fully affirm” others.They are able to accept and affirm everything, good and bad, about the other person.Looking for praise is affirmation.Looking for the bad is negative.Only when one is positive can one be adventurous.We can have dreams and hopes.In other words, we can support people who have dreams because we can admire everything.On the other hand, when we are negative, we become obsessed with finding fault with others, looking for reasons why we can't do something, and dragging down those who are willing to try.I want to be a person who can be absorbed in the “search for admiration.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2496934667175409&set=gm.3773454356236151&idorvanity=1633408513574090A Message from Mother Mary【To My Beloved Children From Your Mother】~Love is Everything~Today I have taken five hundreds of angels here.The assistance of these angels is what you have been receiving.Even if one does not know a sophisticated thing, God dwells in the thought of love.You do not forget this truth.The thought of love is to forgive each other and praise each other.And the thought of love, the fundamental law of love, the grand law of the universe;it is called God.Being directly connected to God, the love, we are going to live on.This means that we are those being told that the angels of light are the source emitting the light.As you know, the one known as Swedenborg should have told you that there is a sun called the spiritual sun in the heaven, the spiritual region. This sun of spiritual entity is that which is the figure being drawn to the spiritual region of the earth from that which is the fundamental thought of love of the universe, the sphere of love.We those who are being in the heaven can live along without eating anything. We are getting the energy from the sun of the spiritual world, the sun of the heaven except for those who are in hell. I think you know this.That which this means is that we are directly connected to the sun, which is the embodiment of the thought of love in the law of universe. So this means that whether we can have the love is the turning point regarding whether we can live along in the heaven.Each one of us is given the love of God being the origin of the grand universe, the energy of love, and we have been made alive every day.Taking off the body, the only thing remaining in our heart is thoughts.Those who have no love in their thoughts are not allowed to enter the heaven.Conversely, love is everything.This means that love is everything.The comprehension of this love is various in each person. Therefore, the difference of various comprehensions might cause the development of various worlds.But at last, by that which everybody has the thought of love in the united view of God, many people can directly connect to each other and they are going to be able to connect to the original sun of the love of God in the heaven. This means that the children of God can emit the light as the children of God.Mother MaryChanneling message by AmarieSource:“Truth of Fatima”(Kindle)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8464195743657096&set=gm.3774249662823287&idorvanity=1633408513574090【男女の法】4.オリオンから地球へ私は、芸術を通して愛を表現するためにつくられた魂です。オリオンは緑と芸術の惑星です。地球は青い惑星ですが、オリオンは緑色をしています。宇宙の他の惑星からの依頼を受け、植物を届けるとともに、芸術という彩りも届ける惑星です。今回も、地球からの依頼を受け、私のパートナーとともにやってきました。私と仲のいいカイトロンも私と同じ頃に九次元になり、ともに地球にやってきたのです。私自身九次元霊になって最初の他惑星への派遣でもあり、地球に来る前からとてもワクワクしていました。地球が新たな挑戦をする惑星だということを知り、そのような惑星で働けることを誇りに思うとともに、とても楽しみにしてやってきたのです。オリオンは、惑星自体も含めて物質の波動が地球より精妙です。すでにシフトアップ後の状態です。ですから、今の地球のようにカルマの解消のため、半強制的に地上に転生するということはありません。地上に生まれるのはなんらかの役割がある場合です。私たちは、地球にやってくる前にオリオンで肉体を持ちました。地球に多くの植物や植物の種をもたらすとともに、私たち自身のDNAを持ってくるためでした。ただ、宇宙船に乗ってやってきた人数は多くはありません。ほとんどの魂は霊体でやってきました。私たちは、地球を芸術で彩るという使命がありましたから、割合からいうと芸術家の魂が最も多いことは確かです。ご存じでしょうが、芸術家の魂には両性具有体という者もいます。もともと男性と女性に分けられて、それぞれ努力するようにつくられましたが、分かれて努力するより早くいっしょになりたいという希望が芸術家の中から多く出ました。実際、男性体と女性体が一体となったほうが、より完成度の高い芸術作品が生まれることは確かです。彼らにとって、作品が自分の子どもたちなのです。結婚して子どもをつくるよりも、作品を生み出したいという願望のほうが強かったのです。その望みを受け入れる形で、希望する魂たちには両性具有体にする処置をしたのです。オリオンでも今は、希望があっても、両性具有体とする処置はしていません。オリオンの歴史の中でも、そのような試みをした時期はほんのわずかです。ですから数としてはそんなに多くはありません。ただし、地球にやってきた芸術系の魂の中には、両性具有体の割合は多いです。彼らが地球で生まれる場合は、当然男性か女性の肉体になります。生まれる前に、「今回はこっちの性として生まれて、このような仕事をしたい」というのを決めて出てくるのです。画家や音楽家でなくても、美的感覚を生かした仕事をすることが多いのが実態です。生まれてみると、男性、女性どちらかの性が強く出て、それが実際の肉体の性別とは逆にでてしまうこともあります。そのため、性同一性障害と診断されることもあります。彼らが、やや地上の性的混乱をもたらしている面はありますが、地上の人びとの認識力不足が背景にあることも事実なのです。マヌ『ガイア黎明 生きて意識ある地球はこうして生まれた』より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=867308782201085&set=a.416503470614954Bashar: Soul Growth is for YouWe have come to the material world on a journey of self-knowledge.The “Journey of Self-Knowledge” scenario has a long list of lessons to be learned in contrast to the material world. Some of the lessons will be common to all of humanity.Few people return to the other world having mastered all the lessons they want to learn. Most souls learn part of the list of lessons they want to learn, and the rest is learned in the next life or left as a task for the next life.However, it is up to the soul to decide what it wants to learn and what it will do in the next life. Of course, with the help of your guides, you prioritize the lessons you want to learn, but you are still the one who decides. You are the one who decides, because the growth of your soul is for you.Therefore, illness, injury, problems, and difficulties are all for your own good. You choose to experience them.To the Starseeds of the New Earth the PLANET from NEBULA
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8412914782162010&set=a.114487542004817[The half-open door of the hotel that separated Tamori-san's fateBefore entering the entertainment industry, Tamori-san was a bit of an oddball and belonged to the social dropout category.After dropping out of Waseda University, Tamori moved from one job to another in his hometown of Kyushu.He worked as an insurance salesman, a coffee shop employee, a bowling alley manager, a guard, a nude model for paintings, and even as a snake charmer and a pimp.By the time he was 30 years old, he sometimes asked himself if this was indeed the right thing to do.It was only a matter of time before the diamond in the rough called “Tamori” was unearthed.One day, Tamori was walking home down a corridor after having drinks at a hotel with an acquaintance.They heard a lively noise coming from one of the rooms.What is it?”The door was unlocked, so Tamori opened it and peeked in.The room was in the middle of a lively commotion.A man wearing a trash can and dressed as a Buddhist monk was imitating a Kabuki performance.Seeing this, Tamori's blood started to boil.He said, “This is just like me. This is calling me!He took a trash can from the head of the imitator and began to dance with him.One of them jokingly scolded Tamori-san for his sudden intrusion in phony Chinese.Tamori responded in a much better fake Chinese.The group instantly hit it off.They were jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita and his band members.That night, Yamashita-san and Tamori-san parted after saying only their names, but Yamashita-san and his group could not forget what happened to Tamori-san that day.From there, the search for Tamori began, involving many people.I want to see him again,” said Yamashita! I want to see him again.The people who were present at the event were in search of “Morita.The clue is “a jazz-loving man in Hakata with the surname Morita.That's all.When they visited the most famous jazz cafe in Hakata, they found one of the regulars with the same name.That was Tamori-san.Mr. Yamashita and other members formed the “Association to Call the Legendary Kyushu Man Morita,” collected donations, and three years later brought Tamori-san to Tokyo.Afterwards, the cartoonist Fujio Akatsuka provided Tamori with housing, lent him a car, and offered him all kinds of support.Incidentally, while Mr. Akatsuka provided Mr. Tamori with a luxurious apartment, he himself slept with his office locker on its side.Tamori-san said, “When I realized that, I was so upset.When I realized this, I felt a surge of emotion, but I held it back because I knew that if I felt that emotion here, it would be a violation of the way of staying at home.By the way, this story seems to suggest that life can open doors for us in the most unexpected ways.I am sure that we all have events in our lives that we look back on later and say, “Oh, that was the door to my life.Such doors seem to have entrances that are difficult to recognize as such.Tamori-san said, “The door of my life is a door.The door of my life was the door of that hotel. My life would have been different if I had opened that door or not.It is so true.Tamori-san found the light in the gap between the doors.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8494648780611792&set=a.154145194662234In order to save the world from a critical situation~The fate of humanity depends on the awareness and actions of each and every one of you.As you are probably aware, the country of North Korea is now making disturbing movements.As a chain reaction to this, other nations are now competing with each other for their own interests, not in a centrist way, but in a radical way, and are now trying to create a critical situation in the world.If there is a slight shock, global destruction will destroy even those who pushed the button, even those in their own countries, but if they think they can do it, they will fight each other like mad and run down the road to extinction.It may be humanity that does not develop awareness.Therefore, we would like to teach this time by revealing the roots of the soul of each and every one of the true human beings, and by conveying the structure of the soul, so that the human race can graduate from this tragic path of low awareness and perdition that leads to slaughter.Please, to that end - please,There will be many who say that such a crisis is imminent, that it must come to this, that we will never know.But if you have already seen it from our point of view, will there be a global catastrophe?Will each and every one of us be willing to die, and will each and every one of us be aware of the original state of our souls as we pass on this word from the heavenly realm, as we did at the time of the Meiji Restoration, and will we be able to momentarily inaugurate a new era?We are standing at the very edge of a new era, where we can either push a button and go down the road to perdition, or we can push a button and go down the road to perdition.We need to improve our awareness of the times more and more.It is not that we are exaggerating and threatening the human race on earth, the children of God, or anything else.It is you, the children of God on earth, who have put yourselves in such a dangerous situation now.We, who can only talk about it and help you, are desperately trying to teach you the way out of it, the way to escape.Please understand this point, and face the challenges of your life head-on, and do not be defeated by the hardships of daily life, even though we are well aware of your difficulties,in this precious and important time of your life,What is it that you must do now, what is it that you must do?I believe that the key to the success, failure, or failure of this plan depends on your own choice, determination, and willingness to risk your lives to support this plan and do your best.Whichever way it turns out, humanity will learn from the results.However, if it is possible, we should take this opportunity of stepping up to a higher level of learning for each one of us, and make this planet of love a place where we can express such a happy future on this earth, on earth. I would like to tell you how long we have been waiting for this time.I may sound a little intimidating when I say it, but the children of God on earth have free will.However, the children of God on earth have free will, which means that they can decide each and every frame of their lives on their own, although they also pick the outcome themselves.From “Hinomoto no kami ha koko ni tsuite” by Amano no ochuju no kamiAmeno-O-no-Mikanushi no Kami (God Ameno-Mikanushi)(Ame-no-Minakanushi no Kami) According to the Kojiki, he is said to have been the first deity to appear in Takamenpara (the spiritual heavens of our country) at the time of the creation of heaven and earth. In reality, however, he was born almost 2,800 years ago on Takachiho peak in present-day Kyushu, and is a tathagata of the highest level of the 8th dimension who took physical form for the creation of the nation of Japan. In other words, although he has been considered the root deity or the universe itself in Japanese Shinto, he is in fact a high-level divine spirit as a personal deity. His teaching is the doctrine of Light Unity, which is based on the overwhelming belief in the law of God's love and the light of God itself. The mission of the purple ray is to make this divine love of light unification tangible in society through order and civility. In the third plan, he himself strongly expects that this idea of Hikari-Item will go beyond the framework of Japanese Shinto and spread throughout the world as “Shinto” that takes “Japan” for the great plan for the salvation of the earth.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8494648780611792&set=a.154145194662234【危機的な状況である世界を救うために】~あなた方一人ひとりの自覚と行動に人類の命運がかかっている~そなたたちも知っておろうが、北朝鮮という国が、今不穏な動きをしている。それに連鎖反応的に、他の諸外国が、中道論ではなく、過激なことを考えながら、自国の利益というものでせめぎ合って、今世界的に危機的な状況をつくろうとしている。ほんとうにちょっとしたショックがあったのならば、地球規模的な破壊は、ボタンを押した本人たちすら、その国の者たちですら滅ぼしてしまうにもかかわらず、思い込むと気が狂ったように戦い合い、滅びの道を突っ走るのが、悲しいことに人類というものであるかもしれない。認識が育たない人類であるかもしれない。だからこそ、今ほんとうの人類の、一人ひとりの魂のルーツを明かすことにより、その構造を、魂の構造を伝えることにより、このような悲劇的な認識の低い、殺戮にいたる滅びの道から人類は卒業できるように、我々は今回教えていきたいのである。どうか、そのために――、このような危機が迫っている、このようにならなくてはわからないという者たちも多くいるであろう。でも、もう我々の目から見たのならば、地球規模の大破壊が起きるか、一人ひとりが死ぬ気になって、この天上界からの言葉を伝えながら、本来の魂のあり方というものを、明治維新の時のように、一人ひとりが自覚し、瞬間的に新たな時代の幕開けをしていくことができるか、ボタンを押して滅びの道に行くか、そのぎりぎりのところに立っている時代であるということ。もっともっと時代認識を磨かなくてはいけない。我々が大げさなことを言って、地上にいる人類たちを、神の子たちを脅かしているわけでも何でもない。今そのような危険な状態に自らを追い込んだのは、地上にいる神の子たち、あなたたちではないか。それを語ることしか、手助けすることしかできない我々が、必死にそこからの脱出を、脱却していく道標を必死に教えているのである。どうか、そのところをわかり、お一人お一人の、この地上での転生を、今の時というものを、自分の人生のチャレンジというものを、正面からぶつかり、日常生活のご苦労があるのはよくよくわかっているけれども、そのようなものに負けず、大切な大切な人生の時の中で、今あなた方は何をするべきか、何をしなくてはいけないか、それは我々からあなた方に命令するものでもなく、押し付けるものでもなく、あなた方自らが選び取り、覚悟を決め、命がけでこの計画に賛同し、頑張っていただけるか、そこのみ今回の計画の成功か、不成功か、失敗かの鍵がかかっているとわたしは思う。どちらに転んだとしても、人類はまたその結果から学んでいくことであろう。でも、できることであるのならば、このステップアップの機会に、一人ひとりが魂のより高度な学びの場へと行けるような、そのような幸せな未来をこの地球に、地上に表していける、そんな愛の星にできる、そのような今の時代であったらどれだけ幸せであろうかと、そのために我々はどれだけこの今の時を待ちわびてきたかということを、私はそなたたちに伝えていきたいと思う。わたくしが言うと多少、威圧的に聞こえるかもしれぬ。でも、地上にいる神の子たちは、自由意思という、結果も自分で摘み取るけれども、人生の一コマ、一コマを自分自らが決めていけるという、自由意思というものを持っているから、よくよく見極め、そなたたちの人生をどう生きるかを、あなた方で決めていただきたいと思う。天之御中主之神『日の本の神ここに立つ』より*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*天御中主神(天之御中主之神)(あめのみなかぬしのかみ) 古事記によれば、天地開闢の際に、高天原(わが国の霊天上界)に最初に出現した神であるとされる。しかし、実際には、今からほぼ2,800年ほど前の現在の九州、高千穂峰に出生し、日本の国づくりのために肉体を持った八次元最上段階の如来である。つまり、日本神道においては根源神あるいは宇宙そのものと考えられてきたが、事実は人格神としての高級神霊である。 その教えは、神の愛の法則、神の光そのものを圧倒的なる信念のもとに打ちだした光一元の教えである。また、秩序と礼節を通して、この光一元という神の愛を、社会に具体的なものとして落としていくことが、紫光線の使命であるとされる。 第三の計画において、この光一元の思想が日本神道という枠をも超え、地球救済の大計画のための「日本」を取った「神道」として、世界に向けて広がっていくことを、自ら強く期待されている。*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=575777661467790&set=a.204590215253205The Guide to Encountering God (5) - Serving God and Humanity is the Messenger of GodWhat is different about those of us with divine status who are also called God is that we have an extraordinary great faith in God's energy, in the root of the universe, which may be the only thing that makes us different.In this regard, in our guidance to others, in our desire to somehow guide the children of God on earth, we, through our deep faith, by connecting directly to the root of the universe, bring its wisdom into ourselves, and in guiding others, we bring its wisdom, its wisdom in all directions into ourselves. They are those who have been given the authority to lead and guide those on earth by guiding and guiding the wisdom of the universe through their hearts.Otherwise, there is no meaning.Our wisdom is that we are a part of God, the source of the universe, a part of a spectral spirituality, a part of a spirit, a part of a soul. By recognizing this deeply, deeply, the lid of the Pānya Paramita of our divinity is opened, and we can directly connect to it and let the wisdom of God in. We can speak. Such are we, those who are divine.Therefore, we have a function called the power tron (*), through which we are given the ability to directly transmit the divine wisdom that comes from the Pānya Paramita to people.If we do not use that wisdom to guide the children of God on earth with our lives and our bodies, and if we do not express that wisdom through the powerotrons within ourselves to reflect the divine nature of God, the source of the universe, on earth, then our divinity, our divinity, is not being communicated to people, If our divinity, our designation as God, is not expressed through the Pawatron, etc., within ourselves, then our divinity, our designation as God, is completely meaningless and useless.We are not merely given a divine status, but we are God's messengers and messengers of God by the way we strive to help bring as many people as possible to goodness, to bring them closer to the Kingdom of God, and to bring about an earthly utopia on this earth in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, even this person is allowed to be a messenger of God.Therefore, we have the same mission in this person. Even if he does not want to do it, as long as he has the ability to receive spiritual messages, as I do, he must serve God in the priestess-like part of his trust that receives such messages on earth. We must serve God and serve those on earth.We must give up our lives to be God's messengers, always putting God's original plan and what we can do for the happiness of those on earth who are suffering, above our own pleasures and desires. Without such an attitude, we will not be able to fulfill our mission.We are also in such a role, each with our own concerns, our own suffering, our own training challenges, and our own themes.It is a matter of course. Even though God the Personality of God, who waits for a physical body on all earth, is a child of God, who is all in training, he must overcome various sufferings within himself and let himself grow.It is only with that part of personal training and the figure of service to God beyond that to humanity that we can fulfill our role as messengers of God.Such was the role of us Greeks, the Olympians, who were called the gods of Olympus and who were born under the name of the Olympians.Now that I think about it, each of us played our own role. In the time of the Greeks, those of us who are called gods had our own roles to play in order to enrich the minds of the people through music, philosophy, warfare, and everything else, and to realize on earth the earthly utopia of the Son of God, a place of freedom, generosity, and joy, In the time of the Greeks, we, the so called gods, were doing our best.This is now, to this day, one of the cultures that has reached one pinnacle, in a sense, called the Greek civilization, the culture of Greece.*Powerotron.One of the spiritual functions that appear in the spiritual bodies of those who are above the level of bodhisattvas (seventh dimension).It is like a passage through which divine light (love) flows through one's own body.The Pawatron is located in the chest of the spiritual body and can be seen as a spot of energy that swirls around the heart.From Hera, The Living Greek Gods.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=580615117650711&set=a.204590215253205The signposts to meet God] 7 - Being a signpost to meet GodAfter that, the oracle no longer descended on Greece, and one spirituality was moved from one such spiritual spot where it had been mastered to another.From the region of Jerusalem, where Jesus Christ was born, to the region of India, where the Buddha was born, to a place called ancient China, and so on, spiritual spots have always moved around the globe.In this way, in all kinds of places, some mountains are high, some are medium, and some are low, if not the highest, so that no matter where you are born on the earth, in all areas, you will have access to spiritual civilization in your own way. In the earth plan, the path to encounter God was planned in various places so that people could have access to spiritual civilization in a certain way, no matter where they were born on the earth or in which area.And now, in this eastern land of Japan, the land of Jabdoba Kentmati, as the Buddha called it, a great plan has been made for the final totalization of the civilization through the descent of the one who is called the body of the Buddha.I believe that we are still in the middle of that plan. It is still too early to give up. There is still a possibility.I want to say to you. Find once again the path back to God, which was once lost, and now regain that path back to God with your own strength.And to you who are gathered in Lemuria, I say this. Leave a beacon for them. Many have lost their way back to God. But we have left behind the many signs of our walk with God that we once left behind in Greece, thousands of years ago. With them, people walked the path back to God and with God.So once again now the door to the heavenly realms, as it once was in the oracles of the temple, of the oracles of Delphoi and Apollo, now once again this one is descended and an oracle is being performed. From my point of view, it is the same as the oracle. No, a messenger who surpasses it has now descended to earth.Now, once the third plan, which is an extension of this plan, has been put into effect by God, then you of Lemuria, as I have been telling you from the beginning, take God by the hand and walk with Him.For you are God's children, created by Him and in His image. Only through a global, political, and social reformation based on the idea that all learning, all culture, all economics, and all political structures are with God, and through a union with the wisdom of the heavenly realms, will we be able to create and reproduce an earthly utopia in which people can join hands with God. Hand in hand with God.Hand in hand with God. To go hand in hand with God is not merely to look down on Him from some unseen, lofty place.When you, each of you, become aware of the part of the Son of God called the wonderful and immense divinity in your hearts, and join hands with others, becoming aware of each other, realizing your own wisdom under the wisdom of the heavenly guidance, shining your given individuality to the fullest, and shining your seven-colored, beautiful, unique light with your faith When you shine with faith and the wisdom of heavenly guidance, eternity will dwell in the works you create, the life of God will dwell in them, and you will once again be able to create the dawn of a new earthly age with the great renaissance period.The wisdom of mankind is so great.We, the messengers who were called high-level divine spirits, are just those who left the signposts, making many people aware of the divinity that is within them.But to those who originally, from the very beginning, have what is there, the divinity, we say, “Look, there is wisdom there, in your chest. Connect to that which pervades the heavens and the earth, which is God. When you have immense respect, worship, and faith, your wisdom will open up. With it, people can make the earth a utopia, and it is you, each and every one of you, who have the power to transform this earth into a beautiful, beautiful planet of God, filled with the teachings of love and the energies of love.For that purpose, rebuild once again all learning, all education, all art, all loving laws, according to the law of God's love.”'If you will walk in that direction, people will be able to usher in a new era.That is the original direction in which the Earth God desires us to live, and the direction in which this Earth will live toward the next era.You are the ones who must tell the story of that signpost.There are many other people, besides myself, who can come down here as much as we want. But what we say may only help us to point the way, with our individuality and wisdom, to the future of the earth, to the end of the road.We must open the door of our own wisdom with words that resonate in the hearts of each and every one of you, listening to what God's wisdom is through our words, and walk the path of making use of it in the world. That is what it means to be a child of God. With this, people will regain their own dignity as children of God.And you who are the messengers who will pass it on. We ask you, as educators and leaders of the children of God, to make it your mission to leave them a clue, a signpost to that path, by conveying this message, ours now.From Hera, The Living Greek Gods.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1153002526191618&set=a.254390699386143【その時来た船に乗る】齋藤孝氏の心に響く言葉より…帝国ホテルの総料理長から料理顧問までつとめた料理人の村上信夫さんは著書『帝国ホテル厨房物語』(日経ビジネス人文庫)で幸運のとらえ方についてふれています。戦場で負傷し、病院に運ばれた時、負傷した同僚は「こんな怪我をして自分は不幸だ」と嘆いていました。しかし村上さんはむしろ自分は運がいいと思い、軍医に次のように話しています。「自分は幸運でありました。少し弾がずれれば死んでいたかもしれません。でも、生きている。運がいいと思います」と言ったら、「おまえ、いいこと言うなあ」とほめられた。この人は、自分の運命をひじょうに素直に受け入れています。「転身のきっかけは、いつも人の縁だった」と言っていて、「ここがいいぞ」と人から勧められると素直に従います。帝国ホテルの厨房で働くようになったのも、ひょうたんから駒のように人から勧められたのがきっかけでした。村上さんのように、素直に人の縁で動いていく人がいます。あまり深く考えないで流れにまかすのですが、下手に自分で泳ごうとしないほうが溺れないですむのかもしれません。昔は結婚もみな「縁」で決まりました。「縁」だということで動いていても、それなりにチャンスがつかめます。必ずしも自分の考えや意志で動くのではなく、人と人との縁や偶然でつながりながら経験知を高めていくやり方もあると思います。結婚も同じです。自分を好きだと言ってくれる人がいれば、それはひとつの機会です。この人と結婚してうまくいくのかとか、親はどんな人たちなんだろうなど、いろいろ深く考えてしまうと二の足を踏んでしまい、婚期を逸してしまうこともあります。あまり深く考えずに、機会としてとらえていく身軽さがあると、いいのではないでしょうか。要するに、深く考えすぎて結局行動しないよりは、来た船に乗ってしまうほうがいいのです。受験生が第一志望の大学に行きたいと思っていたのに、第二志望の大学に来てしまったとします。その時感じる挫折やコンプレックスなどいろいろあることでしょう。でも入学した大学という船に乗ったのですから、その場所で活躍しようと思えばいいわけです。何事にも「その時来た船」があります。「好き」という感情から出発しないで、 結婚相手を年収や学歴、身長、健康状態などさまざまな条件をあてはめて選ぶのであれば、かえって選択ができにくくなってしまいます。そうではなくて、もっとトータルに「縁」というものをきっかけにして気軽にとらえて いくのが、「運」がいい人になるコツなのではないでしょうか。『運の教科書』筑摩書房https://amzn.to/4fknhHg小林正観さんは「日々の暮らしを楽にする/Gakken」の中で、こんなことを言っている。「宇宙の仕組みは、どうも裏返し構造、二重構造になっているみたいだということがわかってきました。何か意気込んでやろうとしている人ほど、どうも宇宙が味方しないようです。反対に、執着がない人ほど、宇宙が味方をしたくなるようなのです」縁を大事にして生きていく生き方と同じだ。頼まれた仕事やボランティア、役職などを文句を言わずにニッコリと引き受ける。すると次から次へと色々な「頼まれごと」がやってくる。自分の事情や、好み、夢などを言わず、ただひたすら淡々と引き受ける。執着せず、深く考えず、その時の流れに乗る。これは、自分が凡人だと自覚している人ほど、必要な生き方だ。自分に能力や才能があり、自分の力で世の中をバリバリと切り開いていくタイプだと思うなら必要ないだろう。ただひたすら「頼まれごと」をニコニコしながら引き受けていると、自分が思ってもみない、とんでもないところに行けることがある。それが、「その時来た船に乗る」ということ。
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=590840449961511&set=a.204590215253205Love and Divine Principle of the Universe (6) - The days when I am praised as an omniscient and omnipotent God are over.The days of the past are over.The time when I was praised as the Almighty God, as Allah, Jehovah, and Yahweh is over.In your ignorance and ignorance, I am not only to be praised as the God of the heavenly realms, but also to understand your daily joys, sorrows, and sufferings, and how you can grow, understand, and develop your hearts as children of God, and how you can pave the way as children of God in the cosmic age of abundant love. I would like to stand beside you as such a presence, not only giving guidance from the heavenly realms, but also entering into you and giving guidance directly to you.This time, I wanted to play such a role, and in order to acquire the individuality of Shinji Takahashi, I went before El Cantarrer as a dewdrop.Through the personality of Nobuji Takahashi, I would like to be able to be the kind of companion, the kind of guiding spirit, that I have wanted to be for a long time, to be by your side, to be able to understand your breath, to understand your worries, your suffering, and your joy, and to truly guide you from the inside out, as the kind of companion that I will be when the next I would like to guide you in such a manner as the cosmic age, as the earth age begins.The recognition of being such a spirit person in the heavenly realms, in the form of an eternal God-like, blood-breathing, breathing person, would not have been in the Middle East among you.He was only feared, only a God of judgment, only to be feared, only to lead with a figure that everyone would bow down to, and only in such a role.But that was the image he chose for himself in that era, and that was the guiding principle he chose for himself.But once that was over, I had long wished to come down to you and speak about the true meaning of God's love and the Law, while understanding your problems and suffering.This is the individuality of Shinji Takahashi who has come to Japan this time.With that, when you have achieved this Earth Restoration, when I appear on the next page of the new Earth, I would like to lead the Earth as a guiding spirit who can understand you more.I have been called the god of judgment, the god of wrath, the god of envy, and many other things, but as the god of the desert, I have led you, the earth, and civilization for a long time, but in the next cosmic age, in the new civilization, I would like to lead you as El Ranti in another form, taking on my own name. I am a leader of a new civilization.I love the human beings, the children of God who are trying their best to live in their third dimension, on the earth and on the other planets where various children of God live.I sincerely hope to help you and guide you in this new period of progress and development, always being involved and being the God of evolution.From “The Last Hurdle of Ascension” by El Ranti[El Ranti/Shinji TakahashiKnown as the God of Jehovah and the God of Allah.He had a physical body in modern Japan as Shinji Takahashi and preached the positive law and theology.He is one of the ten Supreme Leading Spirits, nine dimensional spirits of the highest level of the earth spirit heavenly realm.Role: He is in charge of personnel affairs and is the supreme leader of the Third Plan.Reincarnation, etc.: Invited from the planet Beelda in the Magellanic Cloud, El Ranti → Shinji Takahashi.Recommended book: “Origin of the Mind” Sanpo Shuppan
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=962103852623354&set=a.461274999372911To those on earth in the midst of impending natural disasters ~Message to those on earth (1)It is truly heartbreaking for me to say this, but God has given me such a role to fulfill.However, I have been given such a role by God, and I have come here today to say this in order to fulfill my mission.Natural disasters are gradually accelerating, and many people are now being killed here and there, and this will accelerate.We can no longer support them.And as long as people's karmic thoughts continue to collide in this way, the final war will occur sooner or later.If we don't let people's hearts flow into the pathway of the cycle of love in the midst of sharing, and if we continue to compete with each other in our combativeness, and in the struggle for power and strength, then one day such a thing will happen.And that it is never in the distant future.The era in which such natural disasters, wars, and numerous religious value systems will collapse and be thrown into one new value system, and the era in which new phases will occur one after another in a chain reaction, both in such a cultural sense and in the form of faith, is almost ahead of us.That such a time as this, which we can edit now with such peace and such calm listening to God's word, will not last forever.Many people have already begun to realize that the earth is not normal, that it is not the same as before, as they watch the recent earthquakes and typhoons.But the reality is that things are going to happen far beyond what you might expect.I do not know how many of you will be able to survive.But in order for as many of you as possible to survive, and in order to rebuild society and this earth after the next natural cataclysm and various other things happen, we must have a spiritual renaissance revolution, a rebirth of the souls of God's children. The resurrection of the soul. The resurrection of the divinity of the Son of God. By leaving a trail and a signpost for the next generation, they will lead the future of the earth from the hellish times to the planet of love.I can only pray that the worst will be minimized as much as possible so that we can move in that direction, and I consider myself helpless.But I thank God from the bottom of my heart, and I thank you on earth, for giving me this opportunity to speak my thoughts to you once again.From “The Truth of Fatima” by the Blessed Virgin Mary
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