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https://www.facebook.com/oota.kazunori.5/posts/pfbid0xwkwBf3Tfx5PRxxnDcHbNDqxu1UNJRdfrcmxLFYyAvDrMEqKpVyLnmwatavJVbTYl [The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 104, Verses 1-13'Causes of Racism and Ethnic Problems and Hints for Solutions'Section 3: We have experienced all skin colors before this life. The elements injected into us earthlings are not only the aforementioned “Engan” (black race), “Atru” (Pleiades), “Aesian” (yellow race), and “Erien” (white race/Orion) elements. It is also infused with the Gaia element that nurtures us.(1) The fifth element... (Gaia's soul essence)(2) The DNA of the pre-human creatures and higher dimensional beings of light is also incorporated into us.(iii) We have experienced all skin colors before this life(4) The law of action-reaction works when we discriminate on the basis of race.⑤The relationship between the four elements (earth, water, wind and fire) and race(6) Rulers are afraid of people knowing their racial originsThe fifth element...(1) The fifth element...(the essence of Gaia's soul)... “The Super Wisdom of Sirius (3)”. The fifth element, the interplanetary soul connection, can be found in the DNA of Homo sapiens, the first primate of the earth. This element provided Homo sapiens with its primordial form and primordial structure, and also rooted you in the soul essence of Gaia forever..(2) The DNA of the pre-homo sapiens and higher dimensional light beings is also incorporated into you.... “The Super Wisdom of Sirius (3)” Be very careful of the prejudice against the archetypes of these species (the four master races) that pervades modern society. No particular species is superior to the others. You are unique and equal at the same time.The genetic material of these four extraterrestrial species is present in each of you, albeit in slightly different proportions. Likewise, you also have the DNA of higher dimensional beings of light embedded within you. In addition, there is the DNA of pre-human beings who have been bipedal since the dawn of time, long before the birth of homo sapiens on this planet.Now that I have mentioned the four master races, consider how it is these traits that all of you possess that make humanity richer and more amazing. Think carefully about what greatness is created by the interbreeding of those genes..(iii) We have experienced all skin colors before this life.... “The Pleiades: A Story of Humans and Planets”Whether you are Pleiadian or Sirian, you have experienced incarnations among the inhabitants of societies composed of young souls who evolved from lower dimensions and those who descended from higher dimensions to experience 《three dimensional reality》. Those societies may have specific genetic lineages, such as the Pleiades, Venus, Rila, the Big Dipper, etc., but throughout your various lives you have certainly been influenced by other genetic lineages.You were born into a society that has genetic origins from numerous aliens whose names you do not even know. It does not matter at all what your genetic heritage is, whether your roots in this life are Western or Eastern.Whether you were born in this solar system or any other planet, or whether your soul was created and born on Earth, [...] we have experienced all skin colors before this life....(4) The law of action-reaction works when it comes to racial discrimination.... “Pleiades: The Story of Mankind and Planets”If you have prejudice against a race, that part of yourself when you are reborn into that race will be rejected and suffer. This is the law of action-reaction. If you judge others, that part of you that does the same thing will be judged and suffer. If you condemn others, that part of you that did the same thing is judged and suffers. If you condemn someone and make them feel guilty, that part of you that was the same as that person is condemned and suffers. If you mistreat or harm any creature other than yourself, including animals and plants, you yourself will surely be wounded. An aspect of everything exists within you, and an aspect of you exists within “all that is. So when you create duality through your thoughts, judgments, attitudes, actions, and beliefs, you are helping to empower the darkness that is the illusion of separation and falsehood....(5) The relationship between the four elements (earth, water, wind, and fire) and race... “The Super Wisdom of Sirius (3)” The four master races and the Gaia element inserted are the master formula for the galactic genetic structure of you earthlings.The Engan (earth element) is the master of the physical realm and has given you physical strength, physical endurance, and survival instincts. Atru (the water element) increased your ability to love and your sense of oneness with the creatures around you. Agean (the element of wind) gave humanity the ability to think theoretically, to excel in intelligence, and to communicate. And the consciousness of Erien (the element of fire) brought an indomitable will to this seeding and was the driving force to overcome difficulties and reach our goals.Then, in December 2020, the Earth entered in earnest the “Earth Era” into the “Wind Era,” an era of integration of the four elements through the exceptional intelligence and ability to communicate of the Aesirians. By understanding the characteristics of each of the four elements (earth, water, wind, and fire), in other words, by understanding the characteristics of each race, we will understand why Japan is the center of the new civilization....(6) Rulers are afraid of people knowing their racial origins.The forces that are systematically perpetuating racism and controlling and manipulating mankind do not want this information to be widely known, because if it is, history will be rewritten. Because they know that when this happens, history will be rewritten and the framework they have set up will collapse from the ground up.The best thing for humanity would be for the truth of all previous alien interventions and supergalactic civilizations to be exposed in the light of day..By understanding the origins of the differences in skin color among the peoples of the earth, the characteristics of each race, and the relationship between the four elements (earth, water, wind, and fire) and race, we will be able to understand that Japan is at the center of the construction of a new civilization.The evolution of the soul is eternal, and God's plan is far-reaching. There is a greater plan on top of one plan, a plan to continue eternal evolution.... Continue to “Section 4: The Origins of Racism and Ethnic Conflict Traced Back to the Creation of Mankind
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https://www.facebook.com/oota.kazunori.5/posts/pfbid0nikH7wC8nRRY4vBb3sjngi2cSvGitugxotnH4m9BMjjQkbtJ2ZFAjVEDNbSkXChxl【理解できる時代が始まる・第104弾1~13節】『人種差別・民族問題の原因と解決のためのヒント』第2節 黒人・白人・黄色人種の起源 地球には白人・黒人・黄色人種という、肌の色の違いによる人種が存在します。彼らは地球に来る前はそれぞれ違った星で生活していましたが、宇宙進化のための「スターシード・プロジェクト」に参加するために、地球にやって来ました。①「スターシード・プロジェクト」のスタート②第一の種族「エンガン」…(黒人人種)③第二の種族「アトル」…(プレアデス)④第三の種極「エイジアン」…(黄色人種)⑤第四の種族「エリエン」…(白人人種・オリオン)・①「スターシード・プロジェクト」のスタート…『シリウスの超叡智③』10万年前に起こった出来事へとビジョン探求の旅に出かけたいと思います。三次元の物質宇宙は暗闇に包まれ、高次(光)の領域へと援助を求めました。《この苦悩は永遠に続けられますが、それは普遍的宇宙の本質だからです》。物質宇宙の双方性においてこれらは必要なプロセスであり、この二つの側面はお互いに依存しあっているからです。 生命や惑星や恒星、そして銀河系全体が進化の螺旋を上昇するにしたがって、物質世界に《新しい生命(新人種など)》が誕生するので、こうした「新種」によってプロセスが再び開始されるのです。こうして普遍的宇宙は《調和》を保っているのです。つまり、これこそがあらゆる存在の本質と言えるでしょう。 物理世界へと移行した「光の者たち」が出す波動にもかかわらず、あなた方の宇宙は調和が乱されていますが、これはバランスを回復させるためにこの(三次元)世界へと転生する《ライトワーカーの数があまりにも少なすぎる》からです。そこで高次元の光のフォースたちは力を合わせて、物理的領域の生物に愛と光の波動を送り、バランスを回復させようとしました。 私たちは《光を供給する効果的な方法》を見つけ出すために、天使の軍団、アンドロメダ星人、アセンデッド・マスター、7次元、8次元、9次元の光の存在、シリウスの長老たち、プレアデス星団の光の使者によって評議会が結成されました。 この同盟が生み出した大胆な計画は、高次元の光の者たち、そして窮地に立っていた三次元のライトワーカーの共感を得ました。そして圧倒的多数がこの「スターシード・プロジェクト」に賛同の意を表明したのです。 そしてメンバーたちは協力し合って、物質宇宙の見張り番を務める「新しい光の衛兵」として、光の存在という優れた種族を播種する方法を生み出しました。そして、その宿命を課せられたのはほかならぬあなた方なのです。 高次の周波数を定着させられることのできるライトボディを持った物理的存在(三次元的肉体)という種族を創造するという実験が計画段階に進んだのです。・②第一の種族「エンガン」…(黒人人種)…『シリウスの超叡智③』 遠く離れた銀河に「エンガン」という惑星があります。重力場であるこの惑星の大気条件は地球の砂漠地帯と似ていて、暑くて乾燥したこの惑星には限られた水源しかなく、降雨量もわずかだったので、水は非常に貴重な資源でしたが、住民にとってさほど重要ではない金や貴鉱石は豊富にありました。 ガイア(地球)よりもずっと長い歴史を持つエンガンは、幾度となく文明の盛衰を繰り返してきました。「スターシード・プロジェクト」が始まった頃にも再び《絶滅の危機》を迎えていました。 環境破壊の結果として海洋は干上がって大旱魃をもたらし、調和を失った惑星は持続不可能な状態となり、その結果として大勢の死者が出て人口が激減したために、エンガンは絶滅の危機に立たされました。 ちょうどその頃、評議会の長老たちから連絡を受けたエンガン星人は、「偉大なる実験」である「スターシード・プロジェクト」の最初の賛同者となったのです。こうしたいきさつでエンガン星人の遺伝子物質の特徴である「優れた体力」「生殖能力」「生命力」といった要素が遺伝子プールに組み込まれ、人DNAにおいて極めて重要で優勢な遺伝物質となったのです。 これが地球でいうところの「黒人人種」であり、ホモサピエンスのエンガン星人的マスター遺伝子は、彼らの故郷である乾燥した惑星を思い起こさせる高温気候の地域に播種されました。主な地域は、アフリカ大陸、オーストラリアとのその周辺の島々を含むオセアニア全域があげられます。このように優性遺伝物質は、ガイアにおいて原型が発達するのに最適な環境を得るために、元いた惑星の環境に一番近い気候の場所に播種されたのです。・③第二の種族「アトル」…(プレアデス) 第二のマスター種族である「アトル」は、銀河系の中心に位置する「プレアデス星団」からやって来ました。彼らの子孫は地球では「レッドスキン」(アメリカ先住民を指す差別語)として知られています。 彼らが参加することによって、人類のマトリックスに無条件の愛という贈り物がもたらされました。彼らがこの「偉大な計画」に参加したことで、人類の中に《聖なる心》が根づいたのです。 アトルの人々はすべての生命に対して思いやりを持ち、彼らの遺伝子は、後にアトランティス大陸へと進化する素晴らしい度量の大きさと能力を持っているのです。彼らは、見渡す限り巨大な山々が連なる土地に播種されました。 彼らの現存する子孫たちは今でもチベット、ヒマラヤ、アンデス地域、ロッキー山脈などの高地に住んでいます。人種的には、イヌイット、チベット人、ペルー人、マヤ人、北米先住民がアトルの子孫です。・④第三の種極「エイジアン」…(黄色人種) 第三のマスター種族は、「エイジアン(アジア人)」として分類され、彼らのルーツは太陽系のはるかかなたの惑星で、古い歴史は持っているものの、ほかの世界から遠く離れて孤立しているかのような存在でした。 彼らはスターシード・プロジェクトが計画されていた当時、いろんな意味で地球の現代社会と同じような危機に瀕していました。人口過剰問題に悩み、高度なテクノロジーを過信し神格化していた、生き物の心をないがしろにした彼らは、自らの文明の破壊の淵にいました。 そうした理由から、エイジアンが外界と交友関係を結ぶ方法を模索していた時(これはある意味で現実逃避)、彼らの銀河間通信ネットワークがスターシード・プロジェクト参加の呼びかけを受信したのです。 エイジアンは理論的コミュニケーションとテクノロジーに関する達人であり、典型的左脳人間の原型です。彼らは比較的高い湿度と気温を保てる気候の地域に播種されました。・⑤第四の種族「エリエン」…(白人人種・オリオン) 第四のマスター種族「エリエン」は、白人種と定義されています。彼らのルーツはオリオン星雲にあります。テクノロジーが進化した彼らの文明では、銀河間を移動し宇宙旅行さえも可能にしました。 森羅万象を理解するために、常により遠くへ到達しようとするこの種族は、不屈の精神を持った探検者です。情熱的な精神を持ち、まだ見ぬ世界に対する好奇心に突き動かされて、最終的にはその目的を達成するのです。 彼らはあなた方の遺伝子構造に、「極めて強い意志力」と「優性な種でありたいという願望」を組み込みました。あなた方の中にある、制約を拒み、逆境を糧として成長するために、永遠に前進し続ける部分は、この種族をルーツとしているのです。 オリオン星雲の中心星から数えて五番目に当たる彼らの惑星は、太陽光の量は最も少なく、比較的低温です。その厳しい物理的条件を考えると、彼らの最もデリケートな遺伝物質を人類のマトリックスに組み込んだと言えるでしょう。色素が少ないために肌が白いので、ラーの強い放射線からほぼ完全に身を守る必要があったのです。 ホモサピエンスのエリエン星人的マスター遺伝子は、地球で最も暗い環境を必要としました。そうしなければ彼らは播種の初期段階を生き抜くことさえできなかったでしょう。 彼らは地球の両極間の温帯で培養されました。故郷の環境を再現した、斜めに差し込む太陽光と生存本能を掻き立てるような過酷な地理的隔離が彼らには必要だったのです。・ 地球に肌の色の違う人種が存在する理由は、「スターシード・プロジェクト」に参加するために、それぞれの星から地球にやって来たことに起因していたのです。…『第3節・私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきた』に続く
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https://www.facebook.com/oota.kazunori.5/posts/pfbid0uv3EFZg5vWS8kjAS2zFMQ3xy6Tvk6trmaMCrjFn9QXUVN315xzBeNSiW4DUSjt4al【理解できる時代が始まる・第104弾1~13節】『人種差別・民族問題の原因と解決のためのヒント』第1節 人種差別・民族問題解決のためのヒント 先進宇宙文明では、人種や民族の違い乗り越えるために、驚異的なコミュニケーションツールが開発され、お互いが理解し合えるようになりましたが、地球の科学技術はまだそこまで追いつていません。 人類には言語というコミュニケーションツールがあり、話し合えばどこかで「理解し合えるだろう」と努力を重ねてきましたが、未だ問題は解決されずにいます。 では、人種や民族の起源はどこにあるのでしょうか? そうしたことが分かれば問題解決のヒントが出てくるはずです。そこでこのシリーズではそれらに関する天上界からのメッセージを紹介させていただきます。①先進宇宙文明の驚異のコミュニケーションツール②心をオープンにして積極的にコミュニケーションをはかる…《人を知るには、相手の心に寄り添うことが大切》③文明の違いの原因は、地球にやって来た異星人の違いにある・① 先進宇宙文明の驚異のコミュニケーションツール…『空なる叡智へ』 【サアラ著】先進宇宙文明ではパンデミック現象をきっかけとしてコミュニケーションツールが発達し、お互いを理解するために、「入れ替わりを疑似体験」することが必要だろうということで、それを可能にする「マインドタッチ」という技術が生まれたりしました。また「マインド・コンステレーション」というコミュニケーション装置の中に、複数の違った意識が一度に参加して、互いに深いレベルで理解し合い、よりスムーズなコミュニケーションが取れるようになり、互いに尊重し合いながら協力し、また分かち合うことによって飛躍的な進化を遂げています。例えば地球人から見たら、イカやタコは何も思考していないように感じられますが、そんなことはありません。このテクノロジーのおかげで、具体的に彼らの思考体系や優れた点などを理解することができるようになりました。そのためにお互いの協力体制がつくられるようになりました。・② 心をオープンにして積極的にコミュニケーションをはかる…『空なる叡智へ』 【サアラ著】 私たち地球人類には、そのようなテクノロジーがありませんが、言語というツールがあるので、どこかで「理解し合えるだろう」もしくは、「理解しているはずだ」と楽観視していますが、私たちは同じ言語を話しているにもかかわらず、互いに理解し合うほどに深く話し合うことがどれほどあるでしょうか? 家族に理解してもらえない苦しみや悩みを抱えている人がどれだけいるでしょうか? また、大切な家族や友人や仲間たちと真摯に向き合い、語り合う時間の余裕がどれだけ持てるのでしょうか? あなたの周囲に、あなたを本当に理解して共感してくれている人がどれだけいるでしょうか? もし、あなたが社会人として真面目に生きているとすれば、そのような時間を持つことも、また、周囲の人から本当の意味で理解されるチャンスを持つこともなかなかできないでしょう。それが地球の現状です。 また、私たちはDNAという根本的なところに多くの違いを持っているのですから、言葉を駆使するだけでなく、心をオープンにし合って積極的にコミュニケーションをしていかなければ、他者と共感することはとても難しいのです。皆違った経験を通して、違った価値観や概念を持っていて当然です。今回の人生だけを考えても、それぞれが皆違う経験をしているのですから。その上魂はもっとバラエティーに富んだ経験を持っていて、潜在的には非常にユニークな価値観を持っています。その魂が選んだそれぞれのDNAの因子ですら、この違いを社会の一定の概念などの基準で統一したり、規則や評価という見えない鞭で管理して、無理に合わせようとするには無理がありすぎるのです。 しかし、現状では、それぞれの魂が持つ、人とは違ったユニークな要素は、常に捻じ曲げられて抑圧された状態になります。そのため心に歪が生じ、自己不信につながります。この状態ではせっかくシフト(アセンション)のチャンスが来ても、自分を自由にはばたかせることはできません。 しかし、社会が急に変化するわけでもないので、放置していても何も起きません。そこで、人と共感し合うということは、皆さんの意識に大きな変化を起こす方法になります。 では、私たちの遺伝子や文明の違いはどこから生まれたのでしょうか?・③文明の違いの原因は、地球にやって来た異星人の違いにある…『アルクトゥルス人より地球人へ』 (サナト・クマラ より) 人種差別や民族間の争いを解決し人類の調和を図るために、人間を均質化しようとすることは、地球上の抗争の賢い解決方法ではありません。それよりはるかに好ましく、人類にとって最善なのは、これまでの異星人の介入や超銀河文明の真相が、すべて白日の下にさらされることでしょう。根本的な違いなど存在しないかのようにみなすことは、何の解決にもなりません。 今日の西洋と中近東の葛藤も、単に文化、思想、言語、価値観、宗教の違いからきているだけではありません。それぞれの文明における超銀河の遺伝的ルーツが、何かしら調和していないのです。この事実に気づくことが、より知性的な解決を可能にするでしょう。この状況の知性的な解決策とは、全面的な《地球人類の歴史の情報開示》です。人類の起源が宇宙にあるという真実を隠しておくのは、実に愚かしいことです。 多くの超銀河文明が地球人類に接触してきた中で、自らの資質や能力の一部をあなた方に分かち合いたちと臨んだ存在たちもいました。それが地球人類にとって最善のことだと信じたからです。しかしすでに述べたように、肯定的な意図が常に肯定的な結果に繋がるとは限りません。人類は「一つの全体」であるという見方も存在しています。しかし実際のところ、地球人類には、互いに相容れない派閥があり、それらは文化、宗教、政治レベルで異なるというだけでなく、文字通り遺伝的にも正反対の立場にあるのです。 人類の調和を図るために、人類は「一つの全体」であるという、人間を均質化しようとすることは、地球上の抗争の賢い解決方法ではありません。それよりはるかに好ましく、人類にとって最善なのは、これまでの異星人の介入や超銀河文明の真相が、すべて白日の下にさらされることでしょう。 もし人類自らの超銀河的な起源を理解して、《文明の違い》が歴史的な背景のためだけでなく、それぞれ異星人の遺伝的ルーツが異なるからだと認識すれば、人類はもっと見晴らしの良い所に立てるはずです。 真実を言うと、すべての集団がそれぞれに、銀河を超えた独自の起源を理解すれば、《地球上の対立抗争を解決する道》が開けてくるのです。・ そこでこのシリーズでは、地球人類の歴史を知って、人種差別・民族問題の原因や解決のためのヒントを学んでみようということです。…『第2節 黒人・白人・黄色人種の起源』に続く
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https://www.facebook.com/oota.kazunori.5/posts/pfbid0uv3EFZg5vWS8kjAS2zFMQ3xy6Tvk6trmaMCrjFn9QXUVN315xzBeNSiW4DUSjt4al [The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 104, Verses 1-13The Causes of Racial Discrimination and Ethnic Problems and Hints for Solving ThemSection 1: Hints for Solving Racism and Ethnic Problems Advanced space civilizations have developed amazing communication tools to overcome racial and ethnic differences and understand each other, but Earth's science and technology have not yet caught up to that level. Human beings have a communication tool called language, and we have been making efforts to “understand each other” somewhere if we talk to each other, but the problem has not yet been solved. So, where do races and ethnic groups originate? If we can understand these things, we can find clues to solving the problems. Therefore, in this series of articles, I will introduce messages from the heavenly realms concerning these issues.(1) Amazing communication tools of advanced space civilization(2) Open your mind and communicate proactively.To get to know people, it is important to be close to their hearts.(3) Differences in civilizations are caused by the differences in the aliens who came to Earth....(1) Amazing communication tools of advanced space civilizations... “Toward Empty Wisdom” by SaaraIn advanced space civilizations, communication tools were developed in the wake of the pandemic phenomenon. In order to understand each other, it would be necessary to “simulate the experience of switching places,” and the technology of “mind touch” was created to make this possible.In addition, the “mind constellation,” a communication device in which multiple different consciousnesses participate at once to understand each other at a deeper level, enabling smoother communication, has made great strides in mutual respect, cooperation, and sharing. We are achieving this.For example, from the perspective of earthlings, it may seem that squids and octopi do not think, but this is not true. Thanks to this technology, we are now able to understand their specific thought systems and their superiority. This has allowed us to collaborate with each other.I believe that the two are the same thing.(2) Open-mindedness and proactive communication... “Toward Empty Wisdom” by Saara We earthlings do not have such technology, but we have the tool of language, so we are optimistic that we will understand each other or that we should understand each other, but how often do we talk deeply enough to understand each other, even though we speak the same language? How often do we talk deeply enough to understand each other, even though we speak the same language? How many of us have pain and worries that our families do not understand? And how many of us can afford the time to talk sincerely with our loved ones, friends, and colleagues? How many people around you truly understand and empathize with you? If you are living a serious life as a member of society, it is very difficult to have such time or a chance to be truly understood by those around you. That is the current state of our planet.And because we have so many differences in our DNA, it is very difficult to empathize with others unless we actively communicate not only with words, but also with each other with an open mind and an open heart.It is natural that everyone has different values and concepts through different experiences. Even if we only consider this life, each of us has had different experiences. Besides, the soul has a much greater variety of experiences and potentially very unique values.Even the factors of each DNA chosen by that soul are too much to try to force these differences to fit together by unifying them with certain concepts and other standards of society, or by managing them with the invisible whip of rules and evaluations. However, in the current situation, the unique and different elements of each soul are constantly twisted and suppressed. This distorts the mind and leads to self-doubt. In this state, even if an opportunity for a shift (ascension) comes, we cannot let ourselves flap freely. However, since society is not going to suddenly change, nothing will happen if we leave things as they are. Therefore, empathizing with others is a way to bring about a significant change in your consciousness. So where did our genetic and civilizational differences come from?.(iii) The cause of the differences in civilizations is the differences in the aliens who came to earth....From Arcturians to Earthlings (from Sanat Kumara) Trying to homogenize human beings in order to solve racism and ethnic conflicts and to harmonize humanity is not a wise solution to the conflicts on earth. What would be far preferable and best for humanity would be to bring to light the truth of all previous alien interventions and supergalactic civilizations.To regard fundamental differences as if they do not exist is no solution. Today's conflicts between the West and the Middle East are not merely the result of differences in culture, ideology, language, values, and religion. The genetic roots of the supergalaxies in each civilization are somehow out of harmony. Awareness of this fact will allow for a more intelligent solution.The intelligent solution to this situation is full “disclosure of the history of mankind on earth. It would be foolish to conceal the truth that humanity originated in space. As many supergalactic civilizations have come into contact with Earth's human race, some have been willing to share some of their qualities and abilities with you. They did so because they believed it was in the best interest of the people of Earth. But as we have already noted, positive intentions do not always lead to positive results.There is the view that humanity is a “whole. In reality, however, there are factions of the global human race that are incompatible with each other; they not only differ on a cultural, religious, and political level, but they are literally genetically diametrically opposed. Trying to homogenize humanity, that humanity is “one whole” for the sake of harmony, is not a wise solution to the strife on earth. Far preferable and best for humanity would be for the truth of all previous alien interventions and supergalactic civilizations to be brought out into the light of day. If we understand our own transgalactic origins and recognize that the “differences in civilizations” are not only due to historical backgrounds, but also because we each have different alien genetic roots, then humanity will be in a much better vantage point. Truth be told, once all groups understand their own unique trans-galactic origins, the “path to resolving conflicts on Earth” will open up.... This is why this series of articles is about learning about the history of the Earth's human race, the causes of racism and ethnic problems, and hints on how to solve them....Continue to “Section 2: Origins of Black, White, and Yellow Races
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https://www.facebook.com/oota.kazunori.5/posts/pfbid0nikH7wC8nRRY4vBb3sjngi2cSvGitugxotnH4m9BMjjQkbtJ2ZFAjVEDNbSkXChxl [The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 104, Verses 1-13'Causes of Racism and Ethnic Problems and Hints for Solutions'Section 2: Origins of Black, White, and Yellow Races On Earth, there are three races of people with different skin colors: white, black, and yellow. They lived on different planets before coming to Earth, but they came to Earth to participate in the “Starseed Project” for cosmic evolution.1) Start of the “Starseed Project2) The first race “Engan”...(Black race)The second race “Atoll”...(Pleiades)(4) The third tribe “Aesians” (Yellow race)(5) Fourth tribe “Erien” (White race, Orion)(White race, Orion) ・・・(1) Start of the “Starseed Project... “The Super Wisdom of Sirius (3)I would like to embark on a visionary journey to an event that occurred 100,000 years ago.The three-dimensional material universe was enveloped in darkness and sought assistance from the higher (light) realms. This torment will continue forever, for it is the essence of the universal universe. These are necessary processes in the bilateral nature of the material universe, for these two aspects are interdependent. As life, planets, stars, and entire galaxies ascend the evolutionary spiral, “new life (new species, etc.)” is born in the material world, and with these “new species” the process is re-initiated. This is how the universal universe maintains “harmony. In other words, this is the essence of all existence. Despite the vibrations emitted by the Beings of Light who have moved into the physical world, your universe is out of harmony because “too few Lightworkers” are incarnating into this (three-dimensional) world to restore the balance.So the higher dimensional Light Forces have joined forces to send waves of love and light to the living beings of the physical realm to restore balance. A council was formed by legions of angels, Andromedans, Ascended Masters, beings of light from the 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensions, the Elders of Sirius, and messengers of light from the Pleiades star cluster to find an “effective way to supply light” to us. The bold plan created by this alliance won the sympathy of the higher dimensional light beings, as well as of the third dimensional lightworkers who were in dire straits. An overwhelming majority expressed their support for the Starseed Project. Working together, the members created a way to sow a superior race of light beings as the “new light guards” that would stand guard over the material universe. And it is you who have been charged with this destiny. The experiment of creating a race of physical beings (three-dimensional bodies) with light bodies capable of anchoring higher frequencies is now in the planning stages..(2) The first race “Engan”...(Black race)The Super Wisdom of Sirius (3) There is a planet called “Engan” in a distant galaxy. The atmospheric conditions on this planet, which is a gravitational field, are similar to those of Earth's desert regions. Hot and dry, the planet had only limited water sources and minimal rainfall, so water was a very precious resource, while gold and precious ores, which were not so important to the inhabitants, were abundant. Much longer in history than Gaia (Earth), Engan has seen the rise and fall of civilizations many times. It was once again on the verge of extinction when the Starseed Project began. As a result of environmental destruction, the oceans dried up, causing a drought, and the planet lost its harmony and became unsustainable, resulting in many deaths and a drastically reduced population, which pushed the Engans to the brink of extinction. It was around this time that the Engan were contacted by the Elders of the Council and became the first to endorse the “great experiment,” the “Starseed Project.Through this process, the characteristics of the Engan genetic material, such as “superior physical strength,” “reproductive capacity,” and “vitality,” were incorporated into the gene pool and became extremely important and dominant genetic material in human DNA. This is what we call the “black race” on Earth, and Homo sapiens' Engan alien master genes were sown in regions with hot climates reminiscent of the arid planet that was their home. Major areas include the continent of Africa and all of Oceania, including Australia and its surrounding islands.Thus, the dominant genetic material was sown in the climates that most closely resemble the environment of the original planet in order to obtain the optimal environment for the prototype to develop on Gaia..(iii) The second race, “Atoll”... (Pleiades) The second master race, the “Atolls,” came from the Pleiades star cluster located in the center of the galaxy. Their descendants are known on Earth as “redskins” (a racist term referring to Native Americans). Their participation brought the gift of unconditional love into the human matrix. Their participation in this “Great Plan” has rooted “Sacred Heart” in humanity. The people of Atl have compassion for all life, and their genes have a great capacity and capacity to evolve into the continent of Atlantis later. They were sown in a land of gigantic mountains as far as the eye could see. Their extant descendants still live in the highlands of Tibet, the Himalayas, the Andean region, and the Rocky Mountains. Racially, the Inuit, Tibetans, Peruvians, Mayans, and North American Indians are descendants of the Atoll..(iv) The third master race, the “Aesians”... (yellow race) The third master race, classified as “Asians,” had their roots on a planet far beyond our solar system, with an ancient history but seemingly isolated and far away from other worlds. At the time the Starseed project was planned, they were in many ways in the same crisis as modern society on Earth. Struggling with overpopulation, overconfident and deified in their advanced technology, and neglectful of the hearts of living creatures, they were on the verge of destroying their own civilization. For these reasons, while the Aesians were searching for a way to establish friendships with the outside world (in a sense, an escape from reality), their intergalactic communication network received an invitation to participate in the Starseed Project. The Agians are masters of theoretical communication and technology and are the archetype of the typical left-brain person. They were seeded in areas of the world with climates that could sustain relatively high humidity and temperatures.5) The fourth master race “Erien”... (White race, Orion) The fourth master race “Erien” is defined as the Caucasian race. Their roots are in the Orion Nebula. Their technologically advanced civilization has made intergalactic travel and even space travel possible. Always seeking to reach farther to understand the whole forest, this race is an indefatigable explorer. They are passionate spirits, driven by curiosity about the unseen world, and ultimately achieve their goals. They have built into your genetic structure “extreme willpower” and a desire to be a dominant species. The part of you that rejects constraints and forever moves forward to thrive on adversity has its roots in this species. Their planet, the fifth in counting from the central star of the Orion Nebula, receives the least amount of sunlight and is relatively cold. Given its harsh physical conditions, we can say that they have incorporated their most delicate genetic material into the human matrix. Because of their lack of pigmentation, their skin was white and they needed almost complete protection from the intense radiation of Ra. Homo sapiens' Erien star human master genes required the darkest environment on Earth. Otherwise they would not have even survived the early stages of seeding. They were cultured in the temperate zone between the Earth's poles. They needed a harsh geographic isolation that replicated their home environment, with slanting sunlight and a survival instinct that would have been triggered.. The reason for the existence of different skin-colored races on Earth was due to the fact that they came to the planet from different planets to participate in the “Starseed Project.... Continue to “Section 3: We have experienced all skin colors before this life.
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https://www.facebook.com/oota.kazunori.5/posts/pfbid01U6nBDeXH3HphLRLGn5Yf7GHtcu2tmtJoNPKqHmZEuuGmWkohF1A8SjojNYjYGDTl【理解できる時代が始まる・第104弾1~13節】『人種差別・民族問題の原因と解決のためのヒント・目次』 2022年のロシアのウクライナへの侵攻に続き、2023年にはハマスとイスラエルの紛争が起きました。この紛争は中東連合とイスラエルの全面的な戦いに発展しそうな様相を見せ始めています。 これ以外にも世界では、人種差別や民族や宗教の争いが起きています。では、肌の色の違う人種や宗教の違いは、地球でどのようにして誕生したのでしょうか。また、どうすればそれらの問題を解決できるのでしょうか? こうした問題の原因と解決のためのヒントが天上界より降ろされていますので、それらを学びながら、広い視野と一段高い視点を得て、分離から統合へと意識を高めていこうというのが、今回のシリーズのテーマです。 それでは、『人種差別・民族問題の原因と解決のためのヒント』の目次を紹介させていただきます。・第1節 人種差別・民族問題解決のためのヒント第2節 黒人・白人・黄色人種の起源第3節 私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきた第4節 人種差別、民族間の争いの起源は人類創世まで遡る第5節 真逆の教えと宗教の形成第6節 宇宙人が遺したネガティブとポジティブな影響第7節 オリオンの過酷な歴史・第1期第8節 オリオンの過酷な歴史・第2~3期第9節 オリオンと地球を繋ぐポータル(エネルギーの扉)は「中東」にある第10節 最も地球に長く関わってきたオリオン人第11節 地球人類により多くの可能性を与えたオリオン第12節 全ての問題の解決の鍵は愛にある…《無条件の愛と受容という感情によってDNAは強化される》第13節 並外れた能力を持つ子供たちの誕生が意味するもの・第1節 人種差別・民族問題解決のためのヒント①先進宇宙文明の驚異のコミュニケーションツール②心をオープンにして積極的にコミュニケーションをはかる…《人を知るには、相手の心に寄り添うことが大切》③文明の違いの原因は、地球にやって来た異星人の違いにある・第2節 黒人・白人・黄色人種の起源①「スターシード・プロジェクト」のスタート②第一の種族「エンガン」…(黒人人種)③第二の種族「アトル」…(プレアデス)④第三の種極「エイジアン」…(黄色人種)⑤第四の種族「エリエン」…(白人人種・オリオン)・第3節 私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきた①第5の要素…(ガイアの魂の本質)②先住生物や高次元の光の存在たちのDNAも組み込まれている③私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきた④人種差別をすると作用・反作用の法則が働く⑤四大元素(地・水・風・火)と人種の関係⑥支配者たちは人種の起源を知られることを恐れている・第4節 人種差別、民族間の争いの起源は人類創世まで遡る…《地球の様々な問題の原因は、古代の宇宙人にある》①地球は生命の実験室②地球外生命(ET)たちによる生命の実験③声帯が与えられなかった猿の悲しみ④「自立」と「依存」という真逆の教え⑤宇宙人に見捨てられた人類の悲しみと宗教の形成・第5節 真逆の教えと宗教の形成①22種類もの生命体から遺伝子を注入された地球人類②「自立」と「依存」という真逆の教え③宇宙人に見捨てられた人類の悲しみと宗教の形成・第6節 宇宙人が遺したネガティブとポジティブな影響①宇宙人が遺したネガティブな影響②宇宙人が遺したポジティブな影響③宇宙人が残した遺伝子が人類の目覚めに貢献している④強者こそが世界を支配するという宇宙人の行動様式を受け継いだ地球人・第7節 オリオンの過酷な歴史・第1期①琴座とベガの住民たちがオリオン座に大移動…映画『スター・ウォーズ』と銀河の記憶②オリオンの歴史・第1期・第8節 オリオンの過酷な歴史・第2~3期①オリオンの過酷な歴史・第2期②オリオンの過酷な歴史・第3期・第9節 オリオンと地球を繋ぐポータル(エネルギーの扉は)は中東にある①ギザの3つのピラミッドはオリオンの3つの星と対応している②オリオンのまだ癒されていない部分が地球に持ち越されている③《地球独自の方法》で変化を起こしていく④中東紛争のもう一つの遠因⑤銀河の家族には一貫したテーマが流れていることに気づいてください・第10節 最も地球に長く関わってきたオリオン人①ETたちは地球人類に自分たちの遺伝子を挿入しハイブリッドをつくった②最も地球に長く関わってきたオリオン人③奴隷づくりに興味を持ったオリオン人は、地球人の遺伝子操作を続けた④非難され続けたオリオン人の急速な変化・第11節 地球人類により多くの可能性を与えたオリオン①オリオン人の特徴②オリオン人の急速な変化が地球人類により多くの可能性を与えた③オリオンの持つ洗練された知性と、情熱的な探究心が必要な時代④最もダイナミックで面白い変化が起きようとしている・第12節 全ての問題の解決の鍵は愛にある…《無条件の愛と受容という感情によってDNAは強化される》 人種差別・民族問題の原因に関する天上界からのメッセージの一部を紹介してきましたが、これらの問題の原因は、地球人類に遺伝子を注入した宇宙人にあるのでしょうか。この問題を輪廻転生から見れば、どのように見えるのでしょうか。また、この問題を解決するためには、どんな方法があるのでしょうか。①輪廻転生から見れば、古代の宇宙人は、現在のあなた方なのです②どんな遺伝子的決定も、意識によって変えることが可能③「無条件の愛」と「受容」という感情によってDNAは強化される④「気づき」こそが最初のステップです⑤全ての問題の解決の鍵は愛にある・第13節 並外れた能力を持つ子供たちの誕生が意味するもの①並外れた能力を持つ子供たちの誕生が意味するもの②私たちを操っている非友好的宇宙人③この世界のすべてを決定しているのは意識に他ならない④人類に、進むべき道を明らかにする時がやってきた・…『第1節・人種差別・民族問題解決のためのヒント』に続く
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https://www.facebook.com/oota.kazunori.5/posts/pfbid0xwkwBf3Tfx5PRxxnDcHbNDqxu1UNJRdfrcmxLFYyAvDrMEqKpVyLnmwatavJVbTYl【理解できる時代が始まる・第104弾1~13節】『人種差別・民族問題の原因と解決のためのヒント』第3節 私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきた 私たち地球人類の中に注入された要素は、前述した「エンガン」(黒人人種)、「アトル」(プレアデス)、「エイジアン」(黄色人種)、「エリエン」(白人人種・オリオン)の要素だけではありません。私たちを育んでくれるガイアの要素も注入されているのです。①第5の要素…(ガイアの魂の本質)②先住生物や高次元の光の存在たちのDNAも組み込まれている③私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきた④人種差別をすると作用・反作用の法則が働く⑤四大元素(地・水・風・火)と人種の関係⑥支配者たちは人種の起源を知られることを恐れている・①第5の要素…(ガイアの魂の本質)…『シリウスの超叡智③』 第五の要素である惑星間の魂のつながりは、地球最初の霊長類であるホモサピエンスのDNAの中に見ることができます。この要素はホモサピエンスに原初形態と原基構造を提供したと同時に、あなた方にガイアの魂の本質を永遠に根づかせたのです。・②先住生物や高次元の光の存在たちのDNAも組み込まれている…『シリウスの超叡智③』 現代社会に蔓延している、これらの種(四つのマスター種族)の原型に対する偏見には十分気をつけてください。特定の種族がほかの種よりも優れているわけではありません。あなた方は唯一無二の存在であると同時に平等なのです。微妙な割合の違いはあっても、あなた方一人ひとりの中にこれら四つの地球外種族の遺伝物質が存在しています。 それと同様に、あなた方の中には高次元の光の者たちのDNAも組み込まれているのです。さらには、この地球においてホモサピエンスが誕生するずっと以前の黎明期から二足歩行をしていた先住生物のDNAも存在しています。四つのマスター種族について述べましたが、あなた方の全員が持っているこのような特徴のおかげで、いかに人間性がより豊かになり、人類が素晴らしい存在であるのかを考えみてください。それらの遺伝子が交配することによって、どのような素晴らしさが生まれてくるのか、よく考えてみてください。・③私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきた…『プレアデス 人類と惑星の物語』あなたがプレアデス人やシリウス人であろうとも、あなたは低次元から進化した幼い魂によって構成される社会の住民や、《三次元の現実を体験するために》、高次元から次元降下した人々の中での転生を経験してきているのです。 それらの社会はプレアデス、金星、リラ、北斗七星などの特定の遺伝的系統を有しているかもしれませんが、様々な人生を通して、あなたはその他の遺伝的系統からの影響を確実に受けてきたのです。あなた方は、名前も知らない数多くの宇宙人の遺伝的起源を有する社会に生まれました。あなたの今の人生のルーツが、西洋人や東洋人といった遺伝的遺産はまったく問題ではありません。あなたがこの太陽系やその他のどの星で生を受けたとしても、あるいは、あなたの魂が地球で創造されて、地球で生まれたとしても、《…私たちは今の人生以前に、全ての肌の色を体験してきたのです…》。・④人種差別をすると作用・反作用の法則が働く…『プレアデス 人類と惑星の物語』もし、あなたが人種に対する偏見を持っているなら、その人種に生まれ変わった時のあなた自身のその部分が、拒絶されて苦しみます。これが作用・反作用の法則です。 あなたが人を判断するなら、同じことをした時のあなたのその部分が、判断されて苦しみます。あなたが人を非難するなら、同じことをした時のあなたのその部分が判断され苦しみます。 あなたが人を非難して、相手に罪の意識を感じさせるなら、あなたはその人と同じだった部分を非難して罪悪感にとらわれ、苦しみます。 動物や植物も含めて、自分以外の生き物をあなどったり、危害を加えたりすれば、あなた自身も必ず傷を負います。全てのものの一面が、あなたの内側に存在し、あなたの一面が「すべてなるもの」の中に存在しています。 ですから思考、判断、態度、行為、信念を通して二元性を創造する時、あなたは「分離」と「虚偽」という幻想である闇に、力を与える手助けをしているのです。・⑤四大元素(地・水・風・火)と人種の関係…『シリウスの超叡智③』 四つのマスター種族とガイアの要素が挿入されたのが、あなた方地球人の銀河的遺伝子構造のマスター方式です。エンガン(地の要素)は物理的領域を司るマスターであり、あなた方に体力、身体持久力、生存本能を与えてくれました。 アトル(水の要素)は、あなた方の愛する能力、周囲の生き物との一体感を増大させてくれたのです。 エイジアン(風の要素)は物事を理論的に考え、卓越した知性とコミュニケーションする能力を人類に授けてくれました。 そしてエリエン(火の要素)の意識は、この播種に不屈の意志をもたらし、困難を克服して目標に到達する原動力となったのです。そして2020年12月、地球は本格的に「地の時代」から「風の時代」に入り、エイジアンの卓越した知性とコミュニケーションする能力によって、四つの要素を統合する時代を迎えました。 この四大元素(地・水・風・火)のそれぞれの特徴を知ることによって、つまり人種の特徴を知ることによって、新文明構築に当たって、日本が中心となる理由が分かってくると思います。・⑥支配者たちは人種の起源を知られることを恐れている人種差別を計画的に永続化し、人類を支配し操作している勢力は、こうした情報が広く知れ渡ることを望んではいません。なぜなら、そうなると歴史が書き換えられ、彼らが設定した枠組みが根底から崩壊するのが分かっているからです。人類にとって最善なのは、これまでの異星人の介入や超銀河文明の真相が、すべて白日の下にさらされることでしょう。・これまで人類に知らされてこなかった地球人類の肌の色の違いの起源や、人種の持つ特徴、四大元素(地・水・風・火)と人種の関係を知ることによって、新文明建設の中心が日本だということの理解ができてくるのではないでしょか。魂の進化は永遠であり、神の計画は遠大です。一つの計画の上に、さらに大きな計画があり、永遠の進化を続けるための計画があるのです。…『第4節・人種差別、民族間の争いの起源は人類創世まで遡る』に続く
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8415881548488516&set=a.154145194662234God's Plan - The Truth about the Present Civilization7. two pillars of the OrientBetween Morya's descent from the ninth dimension to the West and Amor's descent, Buddha was first born in India to set up the pillars of the East. In contrast to Moses, who was born the son of a slave, he was born a prince, though not in a very large country. In the midst of his comfortable life, he began to have doubts about life.The first thing he noticed was that in any life there are four sufferings: birth, aging, sickness, and death. Even though nine-dimensional spirits are born on earth, they are not enlightened from the beginning. They are born on earth after experiencing human suffering, questioning life, and making plans to become enlightened.In India at that time, there were many different beliefs, and there were many different methods of ascetic practice, mainly physical practice. Even though he was ordained and trained under many masters, Buddha's heart was never satisfied.At the age of 35, he attained enlightenment. However, he did not attain this enlightenment through physical practice. He entered into the Middle Way, which is known as enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. He taught many of his disciples until his death at the age of 80.It was Buddha who divided his disciples according to the stages of spiritual enlightenment. He established many precepts. If one practiced the way he indicated, it was a sure path. There were many women among his disciples, but they followed the same practices as the men. There was no special consideration for women. This approach certainly had the potential to bind later Buddhists in that all practitioners had to ascend the same ladder of enlightenment.It was the Buddha who taught how to reflect on one's own mind and attain God. It was also a teaching of the yin of yin and yang, the oriental way of going within oneself. Many disciples of Buddha were raised under him in India at that time. Many of them took physical bodies again in China and Japan in the course of subsequent Buddhism, in the form of the Chungkingyo, and finally in Japan, where the Buddha prepared to preach the Dharma of the cosmic age.While the love preached by Immanuel was a teaching that nurtured all people equally, Buddha's oriental love was described as “compassion” and supported sentient beings from below.Buddha's compassion is often thought of as saving those below from above, but the original compassion was a love that supported all sentient beings from below. During his long period of propagation, Buddha taught many things, such as the importance of reflection, the idea of “nothingness,” which was later misunderstood, and the existence of the afterlife. More than 1,000 years later, Buddha's teachings were transmitted from China to Japan.As if waiting for Buddha's return to the heavenly realm, a few years later, a Theravim was born in China as Confucius. At that time, China was also a time when there were many preachers of various teachings. It was called the Spring and Autumn Period, and it was not a stable time.In this context, Confucius preached a practical rather than a spiritual teaching. His teachings on civility and respect for one's elders were used by the rulers. In fact, in China, Korea, and Japan, it was incorporated into the education of children as a moral teaching. Due in part to the inherent diligence of the Japanese people, Confucius' Confucian teachings were also readily accepted in Japan.As the Buddha and the Theravim had predicted at the beginning of this civilization, the teachings they preached on earth were transmitted to Japan at around the same time and steadily penetrated into the people's hearts.(From “Earth Shift Up Plan: Gaia, Her Love, Her Light”)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2365406726994871&set=gm.3632672480314340&idorvanity=1633408513574090オーム(宇宙神霊)からのメッセージ【愛する地球の子どもたちへ】~金庫のかぎを開けて、黄金のチップを使いこなしなさい~あなた方が持っている力を発揮する、それがあなた方自身の魂が今回最大の成長と進化を遂げる道である。そして、その成長し進化していったものが地球という磁場において、そして地球意識においても、あなた方すべてにおいてもがつながっていることをもって、地球自身の進化を促し、そして、この太陽系すべての、そして太陽系だけではない、この銀河も宇宙も、オームのすべてにいたる進化を促進するエネルギーになるのだ。そして、その進化においては、愛というベクトルが必ず提示されていて、その愛のベクトルの方向によって皆で手を取り合い、協力し合い、助け合い、愛し合っていく方向に皆が頑張っていったときに、ともに成長、進化発展していくのである。そのベクトルと違う方向に進んでいったときにはあなた方は――、そう、わかりやすく言うのならば、グレイという宇宙人を知っているであろう。彼らは彼らの自由意志において頑張ったけれども、その愛という進化のベクトル、そこからは離脱した者たちである。それは、離脱してもそこで学ぶものがあるならば、許されはするけれども、それが己自身の未来を自らが追い込んで、滅亡の未来を導き出してしまうのであるから、地球にはそのようになってほしくないと思う。あなた方の力、あなた方の協力をもって、明るい素晴らしい地球の未来をつくり上げ、発展し、新たなアセンションの時の中で、宇宙の一員として、あなた方が宇宙の友たちの前にデビューしてくれることを、わたしは願っている。そのためには繰り返して言うが、あなた方が神の子、神としての力に気づくということ。もともとその身体に埋め込まれ、そのチップはあなた方にすでに手渡されているということ。そのチップを使って、あなた方は己自身の魂を開き、神の属性としての創造性の力を取り戻し、そして、その力をもって、この地球の未来を新たな光のほうへ、愛の方向へ立ち戻らす、そこまで具体的に動かなくてはならない。その思いと行動の集積によって、地球の未来はあなた方が願っている通りの、愛の星、地球へと変貌するのである。よいか、そこのところを間違ってはならない。オーム(宇宙神霊)『ガイアの祈り 光ある愛の星にアセンション』より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2371928736342670&set=gm.3639570759624512&idorvanity=1633408513574090【母なる地球より】~手をつなぎ合うこと~ブッダひとりではできなかったことを、救世主はいなくてもみんなで力を合わせればできるというところを見せようということで、今現在頑張っていらっしゃいますね。あなた方の姿を見て、「地球人もここまで成長できたのですね」とテラ様と喜んでおります。そして、応援しております。なんとか成功してみんなで次のステージに行きたいものです。ただ、どうしても伝えておきたいことがあります。地上ではやっと最近になって、CO2排出量規制だとか地球温暖化とか、地球環境を真剣に考える機運が盛り上がってきています。それを見て、テラ様も私もうれしく思っています。でも、「地球のため」と言っていますが、地球がもっと熱かった時代はいくらでもあるのです。温暖化によって困るのはあなた方自身でしょう。北極や南極の氷が溶けて、海面が上がって困るのはあなた方人間でしょう。それなのに、まだまだ「自分たちの国だけよければ、他の国がどうなってもかまわない」というエゴがあるのではないですか。地球のすべての人びとが手をつなぎ合うのです。みんな神の子、兄弟なのです。互いに助け合わなければ、この難局は乗り切れませんよ。もっともっと世界中の人びとが同じ認識のもとに手をつなぎ合っていただきたい。それが地球の母の願いなのです。ガイア(地球意識の女性体)『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2369217789947098&set=gm.3636672426581012&idorvanity=1633408513574090分かれていきます。分岐は現在進行形です。いつか。ではなく、この毎日が決めていっています。今日のあなたの周波数が選択していっています。愛を生きて、愛を放ち、愛の世界を選びましょう🌟🌎💗~~~~~~~~バシャール:周波数の刻印ポジティブのリアリティとネガティブなリアリティに分岐していくと言われていますが、実質的に”分岐”がどのように起こるか、どんな現象なのか、皆さんはご存知でしょうか?分岐と言ってもたった2つの世界に分岐するわけではなく、複数のポジティブ平行世界と複数のネガティブ平行世界に分岐していく事になります。ある平行世界は高周波数を駆け上り、ある平行世界は今と変わらない周波数を進みます。またある平行世界は、更に低周波数を降りていきます。貴方がどこの平行世界に移行していくかを決定しているのは、貴方本人の周波数です。ここに刻まれる“周波数の刻印”が、どの世界の周波数にダイアルがあっているかで決定されることになります。貴方の心の中(意識)を寸分狂わず投影する貴方の周波数は、決して嘘をつけません。この周波数の刻印が示す世界を、これから貴方が体験していく事になります。新しい地球のスターシード達へ the PLANET from NEBULA
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8389176407825697&set=gm.3760457637535823&idorvanity=1633408513574090"The Rise and Fall of the Earth's Civilization"16. Origin of Eastern ThoughtEven in the field of science, Lemuria had reached a considerable degree of achievement, and Mu had inherited those achievements of Lemuria. However, the unified intention of the Ninth Dimensions was, "We will avoid that the mind of the people goes to the direction of the science from the beginning."They thought, "To develop the spirituality, we wish to guide the mind in a direction that is united with the Mother Nature and drawing the divinity from that is inside our own mind." They all agreed. Now, it was quite important how to start it. At the first chance, the course of the direction must be fixed firmly.Who was appropriate to attract the people and guide them to that direction with great impact?The person should possess both personal magnetism and magnificent leadership.A spirit of the Ninth Dimension generally clears such requirements. However, nobody said, "I shall go".It was apparent that this civilization was to become the origin of the eastern thought in the future. All the Ninth Dimensions knew it. As the intuition is in the basis, we cannot bypass a process of going into the self deeply and meeting the goodness there. The inner direction is the direction of Yin of the Yin and Yang.The Ninth Dimensions had determined from the beginning that the west is yang and the east is Yin. So Mu civilization must have become the origin of the eastern thought.The Ninth Dimensions were thinking a woman was more appropriate for the origin of Yin. That was the reason nobody had declared oneself.Who was the best for the mission among the female spirits?They came to an agreement without any discussion. They determined that the woman, who was known as Amaterasu now, was the most appropriate. No other person could match. That was the agreement of the Ninth Dimensions.Source:“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~”(Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/fWlX9
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=942581907917557&set=a.468494701992949Chapter 5: The Essential Flaw You Don't Notice The disk on which we were riding was heading for the star Kia. The disk did not “fly” at the slow speed of light, but merely “positioned itself,” which means that it could go anywhere at once by some very difficult time-space “contraction and bending” or “distortion” method. Ami taught me on my last trip that we can go anywhere at once by using the “contraction and flexion” and “distortion” of time and space, which are very difficult to understand. Whenever we were “situated” somewhere, the stars always seemed to stretch out, and then a white haze appeared. That is exactly what was happening now. As I looked out the window, I thought about Ami's comment that it is not good to show a lot of light to people who are not used to light. Of course, I knew Ami had caught on to what I was thinking, so I said, “I kind of get it. I knew that Ami had caught on to what I was thinking, so I said, “I kind of get it, but I don't think it's good to show the darkness to people who are used to the light. Binka heard that, I'm going to be shocked to death. I was surprised to hear Binka say this unexpectedly. Do you know that, Binka? No. ...... Then why? He was just repeating what Ami had said earlier. I don't understand it either. Ami, what does that mean? “Well,” she said, ”I don't know. For example, it is better not to show the “darkness” to people who do not know about a certain kind of miserable life.You shouldn't show the “darkness” to people who don't know what it's like to live in a certain kind of misery. You have to go slowly. For example, showing a carcass. ...... But that wouldn't be so shocking.” Binka said in a tough tone. 'Well, what about decomposing corpses? Crikey,” said Binka! That's very good,” Binka said. But it also points to a person's inner darkness. Ami sometimes said this in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. I've had enough of your riddles,” he said to her, ”and can you please explain it to me?I want you to explain it to me,” he said to her. I'm just trying to make sense of it,” he said to her. Many people think they are wonderful people,” he said. They are completely unable to face up to some of their own shortcomings. Sometimes these faults are very serious. But when they find these flaws in others, which they are not aware of themselves, they always criticize them more than others. And when someone suddenly points out their flaws, they are shocked to death. Do you know the story of the “ugly, happy-go-lucky little person” who always thought he was beautiful? No, I don't. No, I don't know.” ”He had never looked in the mirror before. He had never looked in the mirror before. And when he looked in the mirror for the first time, the tragedy began. Do you understand? Again they both nodded yes.The ego, that part of ourselves that pulls us away from love, has roots that hold it up and bind it. What roots? The greatest intrinsic flaw. We have many faults, but this is the most serious of them all. It holds the ego in place. It is not easy to find it in ourselves, just like the roots of a tree that are buried in the soil and cannot be seen from the outside. It is much easier for others to find it. But when others tell us, our poor ego loses its support, just like the “ugly, happy little person” who thought he was beautiful, and we are shocked to death.... .” I couldn't get used to this story. Why? If ego were gone, we would be much happier and closer to pure love. ...... If you suddenly take away the “life preserver” from someone who can't swim by himself yet, you're in big trouble! ...... Again, what's with the riddles? At a certain level of life, the ego plays a protective role, a kind of “life preserver. But if you want to progress to a higher level, you cannot take that heavy “life preserver”-that is, your ego-with you. First, you have to learn to swim alone. There will come a time when you will have to choose between the two. What do you mean by “learn to swim”? It means learning to live according to the laws of the universe. If you can live with love, you don't need anything else. But you don't even know how to get love yet. That's why we are going to Kia. Ami, do you know my basic flaws? Ami knows my basic flaws? Of course I do,” he answered, smiling, ”even more difficult to see than the mambacha. Ami laughed. What did you say? The mambacha. A very ugly prehistoric animal. Binka said, after much hesitation. Do I have that ugly flaw too?Of course,” Binka said, after much hesitation. Of course, you have grotesque defects, like those of the chachaca, another ugly prehistoric animal. Otherwise, Vinca would not be working with a mission in Kia. ...... What! I have a mission? What mission? What is my essential flaw? They both asked at the same time. The little alien gave a soft, babyish laugh and said, “I can't answer both of your questions at once. I can't answer both of your questions at once. I can't answer both of your questions at once, so I will first explain their shortcomings and then their mission. Mission? Do I have a mission? Now you have three questions. I can't talk about shortcomings now, because they are too unexpected and too much of a problem for me. I can't tell you about the drawbacks now, because you are not prepared to deal with the unexpected and very difficult reality that you are being told about. You can't swim alone without a “life preserver” yet. So I will show you the secondary disadvantages little by little. This is a delicate and demanding task for all three of you. Pedrito, didn't I point out to you before that you are not a good swimmer? “Oh, you mean the 'slander'?” I was once again embarrassed, remembering what Ami had accused me of. Ami laughed again. It's always the same reaction of self-preservation: ....... “The same old defensive responses: slander, injustice, insults, and accusations. But the first blow has already been struck. You are at least aware of that. A branch of your ego has already been broken. Once you can see and accept the flaws, then you will be able to fight against them. ...... Even if sometimes it takes time to accept it. Ami looked at me and continued. In this way,” she continued, looking at me, ”you gradually get closer and closer to the basic flaws, but at the same time, you are alone. But at the same time, I have to learn to “bing” on my own. ...... By the way, what about your mission? Binka started his question as if he couldn't wait any longer. I still wasn't sure about my shortcomings and ego, as Ami put it, and I was still very uncomfortable with the way she was attacking me. I was still uncomfortable because I felt as if Ami was attacking me. Pedrito. What I said to you applies to everyone, not just you. Ami caught what I was thinking and said. Binka repeated.So, Ami, tell me about your mission. What is our mission?You wrote the book just like I told you, didn't you?Yes.Yes.Binka and I answered at the same time.Yes. You did?And you? They both said at the same time.Both of you wrote books about your experiences with me. Bing. After saying this, Ami looked at both of us as if to check our astonishment.I was curious, so I asked Binka, “What about the title of the book you wrote?What is the title of the book you wrote?Ami, the Little Alien,” Binka replied.Binka answered, “Ami, the Little Alien.Ami, the Little Alien” (Enrique Barrios, Tokuma Shoten)Chapter 5: The Essential Flaw You Don't Notice (p. 85-94)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2369550596580484&set=gm.3637020099879578&idorvanity=1633408513574090A message from Morya (Moses)【Existence of Dragon Gods】You might think a dragon is an imaginary creature and it is not actually existent. Certainly, they have never be born in this civilization. But, in the past civilizations, there had been eras when they were living on the ground.You might not believe, but there is a place where dragons are reigning over a planet. That means the spirits like you are born to figures of dragon.In the spiritual regions of the earth, they are only the existence who can move through the wall between dimensions. Your human spirits cannot move from the lower dimension to the higher dimension freely.However, dragon gods can go through the wall. There is a word 'Mitama-Okuri' or carrying-a-spirit, which means that a dragon god carries the human spirit on its body beyond the dimensional walls when he or she finishes the life of this world and gets back to the original spiritual region.It is the role of a dragon god to make a spiritual barrier.There happens to make enormous hindrance by the beings of the demonic world when an important situation faced like in the current civilization. In such occasions, dragon gods protect the angels of light on the ground by making a spiritual barrier or shield, called 'Kekkai'. It is a dragon god who has been taking a very important role, where you are not aware of.Morya (Moses)Channeling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7479206092156071&set=gm.3637069546541300&idorvanity=1633408513574090A Message from Jesus Christ【God and Love】8. Figure of Love Itself Is the Figure of the Children of God Themselvesー①Seeing your figure in the situation, people get to know how the children of God exist, how the figure of God exists. By the figure of the angel of light descended on the ground, they get to know the presence, the real existence of God.Through the way of my life conveying the God word in that age, people felt that which is God.In recent years, a person called Mother Theresa showed the love of God in her behavior with her figure, seeing my figure fully expressed in the poor people.Seeing the figure of Mother Theresa, and the figures of the sisters and brothers of her group, many people must have felt, "Ah, God exists after all."The children of God are, in their ultimate form, those who can shine the own divinity as "the passage of love" or as "the passage of God's light," and the figures of those are called the final embodiment of love.The figure of love, the embodiment of love itself, is the figure of the children of God themselves.I am referring to what the ultimate figure of love is to be, as you have asked, because we are certainly not existing as God itself, we are the children of God. If one is an angel of light descended to the ground, then what is love itself?With the will of heaven from God, we do express the real presence of God itself on the ground making the self into a passage of love as the representative of God. By its figure expressing fully the love of God, through ones own capacity and individuality, one is called a messenger of God and called a child of God.Ultimately so we say.It is the same for us all.Ninth dimension, eighth dimension, seventh dimension, all the same.Going higher, the less being that which is held as love in its own consciousness. Only the degree of that which is being held in the heart is changing. From the seventh dimension, there is nothing but to love others as well as individual enlightenment.To love others means to be a figure of serving to love others by your own life.Service is not suffering. Service is simple. It is only to share the part of the children of God that is love in order to love ones own family and ones own brothers. The figure is also being called "service".If you use the love only for yourself, unless it is being circulated, it won't flow at all.No matter how many people are around you, all of them are your brothers and neighbors, if you realize that all people are children of God who are to be loved.If you love only the relatives, it would be the beginning.Whether there is a blood relationship or not, all of us are the children of God. For example, there are children crying at the other side of this earth. Full of tears and in poverty, saying there is no water, or no milk, with the parents who are running from one place to another under a warship or in suffering, there are children who live alone being separated from their parents.If you do not take on the sorrows and suffering of those children as if they were your own based on the reason that they are living in a different country, or they are in a different environment, or moreover because they are not the children of your blood relatives, you cannot be said to be the children of love. They are the same children of God.Amor (Jesus Christ)Channeling message by Amarie『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Amor (Jesus Christ)Known as Jesus Christ, born in Israel and preached the teaching of love.In the age of Atlantis, he preached the teaching of love as the Great King Agasha.In the heaven, he takes the role of the white ray, love, and he is in charge with deciding various guiding policies.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Messages to the Children of God in the Space Agehttps://lmr.cc/.../book_Children_of_God_in_the_Space_Age...
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8394854470591224&set=gm.3761909374057316&idorvanity=1633408513574090"The Rise and Fall of the Earth's Civilization"17. The Queen of MuAmaterasu was born in a royal family of Mu.It was the beginning era of Mu, and there was no rule that a woman was not able to be a monarch. Amaterasu became the queen of Mu naturally, since there were no other people as the heir.She had not spoken of a difficult matter. Just simply said, "Be united with God in Mother Nature. God is Light itself and an existence like the Sun." She planted the simple animism in the people of Mu.People at that time were not always disinterested in the spiritual power. The guideline of Amaterasu was that "True usage of the spiritual power is to demonstrate toward the direction of Light, being united with Mother Nature."There were people opposing that completely.They were the ones born to there from the back world, which was built during Gondowana.They were insisting, "The direction into which the power is released does not matter. We cannot survive in such a soft way. Strong power is what is important." Their assertions had not changed basically since the ages of Gondowana.The reign of Amaterasu had ended without any serious troubles, although there was some opposing fraction. Since she left this world, Amaterasu had become a symbol of the teaching of Light, and she herself had become an object of faith for the people of Mu. The goal, the Ninth Dimension presumed at that time, had been attained.Source:“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~”(Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/fWlX9
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8406572619419409&set=gm.3764183863829867&idorvanity=1633408513574090The Rise and Fall of Earth Civilization19. the lower life of BuddhaGenerally, the king of Mu is called La Mu.However, there are cases in which Buddha's birth as the king of Mu at the end of the Mu civilization is specifically referred to as La Mu. At that time, the Mu civilization was at its peak, but it was also on the verge of decline.The Buddha instructed people by emphasizing three points: that God is like the sun, that we should live with love and compassion like the sun, and that we should improve our spirituality in life. This was exactly the plan he had set before his descent in the ninth-dimensional spirit world. It is believed that he achieved this goal to some extent.He was not without opposition. There still existed forces from the back world that had been continuing since the time of Amaterasu's reign. Buddha had considerable spiritual abilities on earth, but he did not use them to silence them. But during his lifetime, the opposing forces simply meekly followed.Buddha's wife was named La Mentas. La Mentas is the same soul in the present civilization as Hera, the wife of Zeus. Buddha and La Mentas had no children. After Buddha passed away, La Mentas took over the reign. As if in anticipation, opposing forces rose up against La Mentas. War after war followed until the last days of Mu.(From “Gaia Dawn: How the Living and Conscious Earth Was Born”)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8434143629995641&set=a.154145194662234God's Plan - The Truth about the Present Civilization13. protecting and nurturing the land of japan-①.The land of Japan has been protected by the Shinto gods of Japan since ancient times.Unlike other indigenous religions, Japanese Shinto was originally administered by spiritual people who were in the central government and were sent to Japan for this shift up. Although they accepted the teachings of Buddhism and Confucianism, they never allowed other countries to invade. This is because the gods of Japanese Shinto, especially the spirit people of the Ura-Kai, were bound and protected them.It is certain that they were in danger of invasion from other countries on several occasions. First, the Mongol Empire, which conquered Western Asia and the Korean peninsula in the 13th century, invaded Japan. If Japan had been connected to the continent by land instead of being an island nation, it would have been easily conquered. With this in mind, from the beginning the 9th Dimensional Spirits decided to locate their shifting base of operations in the island nation of Japan. It was partly because the people of the Mongol Empire were horsemen and were not accustomed to handling ships, but it was also true that they caused a storm called “kamikaze” from the heavens, which inflicted tremendous damage on the Mongolian army.This period known as the Kamakura period, when the shogunate was located in Kamakura, was about 500 years after Buddhism was introduced to Japan. As time goes by, the original teachings of any religion are often bent over time. Buddhism in Japan was no exception. Buddha's teachings had faded away.Therefore, the Heavenly Realm came to the conclusion that Buddhism in Japan also needed to be reformed. It was decided to concentrate the souls who had come to earth with the Buddha during the Indian period and who, after the Buddha's return to heaven, performed the first Buddhist scripture gathering, as well as those who were born in Israel with Jesus Christ, to be born during this period.As a result, besides the reform of existing Buddhism, new Buddhist sects were also born. Nichiren, who also emerged during this period, descended from the heavenly realm to earth to reform Buddhism, but he was the offshoot of the Archangel Michael.In the West, the spirit of Martin Luther, who left Germany to reform Christianity, promoted the reform of Buddhism in Japan. In fact, many of the souls who were successful in the Buddhist Reformation at that time were the souls that would later be born with Buddha when he was born in Japan. In some aspects, the Kamakura period served as a groundwork for Buddha's preaching of the Dharma in Japan in preparation for the cosmic age.(From “Earth Shift Up Plan: Gaia, Her Love, Her Light”)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2498047410397468&set=gm.3774633779451542&idorvanity=1633408513574090深い愛の言葉です。今、ここで、御自分のこの人生を振り返ってみて、どうでしたか?今はどうですか?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~魂というのは、甘ったれたところにいたらば、やはり成長しないのです。ね。やはり、荒波にもまれればもまれるほど、そして高い認識の運動の中で活動の中で、自己を鍛錬すればするほど、やはり魂というのはより一層光り輝くし、高いレベルまで上がっていくということ。高橋 信次『高橋 信次 再復活2』~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~そして、仲間がいます。手を取り合い、愛を贈り合い、助け合い、進みましょう。大嵐の中に浮かぶいっそうの小さな船だと感じた時に、まわりにも仲間がいると感じてください。そうして、思い出してください。今は嵐でも、この海は、みんなの一滴が集まった、「わたしたち」という海です。この海は、神様の愛です。いつも愛の中に在ります。どの様な時にも、心に、凪を感じてみましょう。そうしたら、また、舟を漕いでいきましょう。灯台の灯を見つめ、灯台の灯を思い、進みましょう。いつも愛の中で、見守られ導かれています。存分に魂を磨き光輝かせていきましょう。また、あなたの体験は、あなたが乗り越えていく体験は、世界に贈られていきます。後から来る者の道を照らす綺麗な光となります。
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=954870153346724&set=a.461274999372911~ A history of destruction due to cause and effect~.In the past history of the earth, there were numerous civilizations such as Lemuria(*), Mu(*), and Atlantis(*).Why did so many advanced civilizations, such as Atlantis, perish?It was, at the end, their own egos rather than learning to love, and their battle to dominate the world with science and technology resulted in the sinking of their continent.In the law of cause and effect, mankind has in the past created a number of conditions in which they could not survive.We have had to make up for what we have caused and start all over again from an ancient civilization.The question is, “What have you learned?In this civilization, when we discover nuclear energy, we are faced with the question of what we will choose in the end, and in what direction we will take the earth.Do we use nuclear energy for peace, or do we make nuclear bombs and shoot each other?Should we continue to pollute this beautiful earth and hurt each other through ethnic consciousness and religious boundaries?The people of the earth are now at the stage where they need to learn such things.From Amalie's “The Venusian Law of Becoming a Spiritual Beauty*Lemuria (civilization): A civilization that flourished on the Lemurian continent in the Indian Ocean and focused on the arts. It was an advanced civilization that also communicated with aliens.Moo (civilization): A civilization centered on animist beliefs that flourished on the continent of Mu in Southeast Asia. It is also the origin of today's Eastern civilization.Atlantis: The Atlantis civilization preceded the current civilization. It had more advanced science than today's civilization, and people were able to use their psychic abilities and had a high level of spiritual awareness.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2371248446410699&set=gm.3638830386365216&idorvanity=1633408513574090My mission is the energy of gratitude to God who just love to keep me alive.What is gratitude?If we are truly grateful to God for keeping us alive, then we should be grateful to the God of love who keeps us alive.I want to give back to the God of love who has given me life to the best of my ability.It is the energy of true gratitude.Archangel MichaelFrom "The Last Plan of Mankind"
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2370949086440635&set=gm.3638520166396238&idorvanity=1633408513574090”Law of Venus”RESCUE EARTH USING THE ENERGY OF THE FEMININE At the risk of their lives, men are going to send down the law desperately, make them complete, reforming the world and maintaining it by intellect. With a power, with courage, they are going to change the age dramatically.It will be done by men of positive who have a strong power and strong energy.But, even with that power, there remain something which cannot be rescue.When a big sense of the value of the age is going to be changed, if the humans emit egoistic energy, men cannot accept the difference of the sense of values. Men can only insist on their own sense of value.By that reason, they collide and wars happen.When men kill each other and are injured in order to insist on their own sense of values, what does it take to calm down them?It is the same as the tears of mothers who lost their sons in the war.There are youngster who are killed in the warYou all are the mother of all of those soldiers.In such thought, accept the feminine firmly.Then what are you going to do?You can insist: “You should never do such a thing.”It is the power of women.It is not the energy of woman only to expand an antiwar movement together with men.Even if it is the antiwar, in the wish of women, it is your women to declare the dignity of life, the sorrow of losing the loving persons as “Why do you men injure to each other, injure Earth, and kill my son and husband, by insisting on yourself, being thrown off your own sense of value?”Only the word can touch people’s heart the most.It is because all the human beings are born from the women’s body.All are my children.I am the mother of Earth.The mother of all Earth people.Thinking that I gave birth to all of you from my body,caring for you all, I have been living up till now.I am loving you all.So, you whom I love have been injuring each other, killing each other, and hating each other.I cannot permit you all to distress my loving Earth any more, which Earth Consciousness has been nurturing being injured, to distress Earth Consciousness itself, and further you yourself suffering to each other by yourself, injure to each other and perish.I as a mother do not want to permit this.Those who stop it are women, by gathering the energy of us women.When new lives are to be born, new lives beginning to dwell, and many lives must perish in the process of old things so far being destructed.That is, not only for the lives of physical bodies, what I am talking about is, I as the mother of spirits descended down on this ground, when the life on the spirit, the life of the spirit is to be recreated.And, I would like to convey to you, “By utilizing the energy of the feminine, the original energy of which I gave you when I created you, save this critical moment of Earth.”Women, you all have the powers you have not known.But, in order to use them, first you have to know you are children of God and that God is an energy of love that rules Universe.Then, unless you have been aware that you children of God are part of love itself, love itself, you could not use fully the energy of love that is in yourself.Love itself.Energy of love in yourself.Its power of transformation.In order to convey it, you need to be aware of the factthat you are the existence of love itself.Otherwise, this law cannot be conveyed.So I have waited for this time.Based on this point, I would like you to fulfill what your role is,in this society of now, also in your daily life.Selenity (Moon Consciousness)Channeling message by AmarieSource:“Prayer of Gaia”(Kindle)~Full moon in Sagittarius Flower Moon~
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2372589579609919&set=gm.3640253979556190&idorvanity=1633408513574090Bashar: Member of EarthPrioritize your comfort level first.Like an oxygen mask on an airplane, you first ensure your own safety before helping those around you.If you are not energetic and healthy, it will be difficult to lead those around you.No one can lead you to joy unless you yourself are joyful.First, focus on being stable, balanced, and joyful.We will move based on this ``way of being''.A person who connects with “above” can demonstrate tens of thousands of times more power than someone who does not.Just like Dr. King, it takes just one person to bring a crowd to its feet.What would happen if there were many people connected to “above”? I think you can imagine that a vortex of tremendous energy will be created.There was a joint meditation dedicated to world peace, where many starseeds unified their minds as one, and the energy had an impact that even affected the Schumann resonance of the earth.As members of this planet, let's help and support each other.And let's unite as earthlings, join forces, and unite our hearts! !To the star seeds of the new earth the PLANET from NEBULA
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2371583906377153&set=gm.3639197032995218&idorvanity=1633408513574090【People Are Gathering Under the Light】Since each of you is a splendid spirit, be aware that you are an angel of light who was sent from God.If each of you were to put out your strength to the maximum degree, more companions would come along.When the overwhelming light of God comes out from your spirits, the companions will come along towards that light.Humans are to come along too under the light.Even if you don’t say anything, people will gather at the place where the light is shining brightly.Feel this, concentrate upon it, and people will gather, making a crowd.A Woman of Essenes『Truth of Fatima』
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2369546336580910&set=gm.3637015853213336&idorvanity=1633408513574090All, you created from God, the children of love, the children of God.Those who are loved and created by God, the expressive form of God’s will itself, are us, all the children of God.So I would like you please to have a sense of pride, dignity, and honor in each one of your existences and in each one of your individualities, make alive the individuality God created as your own individuality and expected, and I would like you to construct the way of living happily on this ground, sharing the distresses and sufferings and also joys with others, and taking hands together. It is the advent of the realm of God, which is expressed in the word ground utopia, for which God is wishing.In heaven, the realm of God has been made already.Also on this ground we wish to reflect the world filled with the thought of God to the three dimensions of this ground, like in heaven, where people are trusting each other, making each other alive, and speaking of the praise and glory of God to each other. We wish to restore the realm of God filled with joy and blessings to this three dimensions.In order to become so, it is also the objective of the ground utopia within the overwhelming expression of that which is goodwill and that which is love to project the overwhelming world of love to the ground also, so that no anxiety, no betray, no sorrow, no ill will come in there, and so that they could all melt away.For that, unless the realm of God is made in the heart of humans first, it will never be made on the ground.As the person just before mentioned, if you consider cause and effect, think in the heart of people, think in your mind together, the thought of love, tenderness, the thought of making each other alive and mutually respecting one another, the gratitude to God, a figure to praise the glory of God.Mother MaryChanneling message by AmarieSource:“Truth of Fatima”(Kindle)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8383473981729273&set=gm.3759210100993910&idorvanity=1633408513574090"The Rise and Fall of the Earth's Civilization"15. To the Civilization of SpiritualityYou would accept that "A human possesses intelligence, reason, and sensitivity."However, you might not be familiar with the word "instinct" or "intuition."It has been discussed in various ways in the field of philosophy.Inherently, instinct might be a feature of the mind that could be referred to as "spirituality."It can also be said to be an overall ability unifying the intelligence, reason, and sensitivity. Anyway, it is an attribute inherent in the human spirit.After obtaining considerable achievement in the Lemuria civilization on the basis of sensitivity, the Ninth Dimensions were going to make a challenge: "Next will be a civilization this is focused on intuition." The aim is surely that "More brush up has to be done after the spiritual sense being bloomed to some degree, by experiencing Gondowana and Lemuria civilizations."It had been determined to build up a civilization on the basis of spirituality, under the leadership of El-Ranty and Buddha.The stage of the civilization was to be the Mu Continent.The history of Mu was older than Lemuria, and it had existed since several billion years ago. It had become a colony of Lemuria later, but for that reason the culture of the Lemuria was propagated to Mu. Hence, this time, it was not a civilization began from nothing. Lemuria civilization was transferred to Mu and Mu inherited that. So, the pyramid had been utilized in Mu as well.Source:“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~”(Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/fWlX9
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2479549472247262&set=gm.3755065774741676&idorvanity=1633408513574090A Message from Jesus Christ【God and Love】~Be a Passage of Love by Yourself~I have come here today to tell you about the meaning of love in the law of cosmos, and as the children of God, what kind of position the love of God is being circulated, in the grand universe, in the law, and in the wisdom.In love, there is no relation to the height.In love, only the richness has meaning.Only by the degree how many people you will be able to love, there are seventh, eighth, and ninth dimensions. It is not the relation of high and low. I would like to clarify this point.And I have said that which loves the self is very narrow.Opposing it, the love of the seventh dimension or higher is about serving others rather than oneself and to love is the circulation of love of the fundamental of the divinity that the love is flowing outward from oneself.But the love comprising a thought one must serve is still an "infant" in its perception, from our point of view. Why is it?It is because there is the self who is giving love, with the thought that one must serve. It is meant that there is still ego.Even though, the self is a child of God created from God.It is meant to be "the passage of love", as I have told you earlier.Look at this person. Do you think there is an ego for a person who takes a message from heaven like this?She must remove her own will. Only giving fully her own sensitivity and language capacity to our consciousness, the consciousness of heaven. Looking over the figure of this person, you have to learn that this person is the passage of love.There must not be any thought of one's own, even a single thought. It is the work of a medium. Only give the self fully to the will of God. And, in order to become a pipe between heaven and the ground, as a passage of love, it is to convey our word directly to you. Based on that which exists like this, the love of heaven, our wisdom of heaven is conveyed to this ground.What can you say about this if you don't say it is a miracle?By the figure of his sort that is bringing the word to the humankind, it is called "a passage of love."If you have heard this word, "be the passage of love by yourself." So I would like to say this.No matter how you say it, whether it be 'Nyorai (tathagata) world' or 'Bosatsu (bodhisattva) world', I do not mind what it is called.Amor (Jesus Christ)Channeling message by Amarie『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Amor (Jesus Christ)Known as Jesus Christ, born in Israel and preached the teaching of love.In the age of Atlantis, he preached the teaching of love as the Great King Agasha.In the heaven, he takes the role of the white ray, love, and he is in charge with deciding various guiding policies.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8434143629995641&set=a.154145194662234【神の計画 ~現文明の真実~】13.日本の国を守り育てて-①日本の地は古来より日本神道の神々が守ってきました。日本神道は他の土着の宗教とは異なり、もともと中央省庁にいた霊人たちが今回のシフトアップのために日本に派遣され、管理していたのです。仏教や儒教という教えを受け入れてはいましたが、他国の侵略を許したことはありませんでした。それは日本神道の神々、特に裏界の霊人たちが結界を張って守護していたからなのです。何度か他国からの侵略の危険に遭っていたことは確かです。まず、十三世紀に西アジアから朝鮮半島までを征服したモンゴル帝国が日本に攻めてきました。もし、日本が島国ではなく、大陸と陸続きになっていたら簡単に征服されていたでしょう。このようなことも考えて、当初から九次元霊たちは、日本という島国にシフトアップの拠点を置くことに決めたのです。モンゴル帝国の人びとは騎馬民族で、船の扱いに慣れていなかったということもありましたが、天上界から「神風」と呼ばれる暴風雨を起こし、モンゴル軍に多大な損害を与えたことも事実でした。この鎌倉時代と呼ばれる、鎌倉に幕府が置かれていた時代は、仏教が日本に伝来して約五百年後に当たります。どんな宗教でも時間が経つと当初の教えが曲げられてしまうものです。日本に伝えられた仏教も例外ではありませんでした。ブッダの教えも色あせてしまったのです。そこで、天上界は日本の仏教も改革が必要であるという結論にいたりました。インド時代にブッダとともに地上に出て、ブッダが帰天したのち第一回仏典結集を行った魂や、イエス・キリストとともにイスラエルに生まれた者たちなどを、集中してこの時代に生まれさせることになりました。結果として、既存の仏教の改革以外に、新たな仏教の宗派も生まれることになりました。この時代に出た日蓮も、仏教の改革のために天上界から地上に降りた者でしたが、彼こそ大天使ミカエルの分霊だったのです。西洋ではキリスト教改革のためドイツにマルチン・ルターとして出る魂の分霊が日本では仏教の改革を推進したのでした。実際、当時の仏教改革で成果を挙げた魂たちの中には、その後日本にブッダが生まれるときにともに生まれることになる魂も数多くいました。日本でブッダが宇宙時代に向けて法を説くための地ならしのような役割で鎌倉時代に出ていたという面もあったのです。『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光」』より
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=963249339166352&set=a.451731710318120Looking for Truth or Looking for Praise?From the inspiring words of Shokan Kobayashi...I wanted to eat ramen, but when I was ordering, I saw a sign for kitsune udon and unintentionally said, “I'll have kitsune udon, please.The “heart” was ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent ramen, but the words that came out of my mouth were “kitsune udon.The person who took my order trusted the words “kitsune udon” and brought me kitsune udon.The person who receives the order trusts the words “kitsune udon” and brings the ramen, but he or she does not take “my heart” into consideration and brings the ramen.Also, rather than thanking family and friends with “Thank you for everything” from the heart, saying “Thank you” in words conveys the message, and the recipient is pleased.Words have more energy than the heart.There are “three elements” in “throwing”: “heart,” “words,” and “action.The “heart” is to orient oneself to “live to please.Words” means to make the words that come out of one's mouth into words of joy and gratitude.Actions” are to put into practice.It is important that the “casting” be accompanied by “heart,” “words,” and “action.In the Gospel of John, we read the following wordsIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.These words seem to describe how the universe works.If the words coming out of one's mouth are colored by grumbling, complaining, whining, bad-mouthing, and complaining, phenomena will fall that will make one want to say those words.On the contrary, for those who are colored by positive words such as happy, joyful, happy, and thank you, such phenomena will fall.I have consulted with many people in the past, and there were certain common threads among those who said they had problems.People whose parent-child relationships do not flow smoothly also have marital relationships that do not flow smoothly. Siblings, workplaces, and neighborhoods all have problems.Conversely, if a person's parent-child relationship and marital relationship are flowing smoothly, all relationships are flowing smoothly.No one relationship is stagnant and the others are flowing smoothly.People who have problems somewhere else have fights in other relationships as well.The difference between the two is that they are looking for trouble.People who are looking for something new will always find something they don't like (looking for something new) in any relationship, no matter what is happening, which leads to fights and troubles.Instead of looking for something new, look for only the good things and praise them.When we look at how blessed we are, appreciate everything, and find joy in everything, our relationships and the events around us will be surrounded by joyful things.Everything is transmitted by me.It depends on whether you are looking for the truth or looking for praise.The Happiness Theory of Living with “Omakase”: The Encouragement of Dereliction, East Presshttps://amzn.to/3BSm733We tend to want people to understand our feelings and our hearts, saying things like, “I feel so deeply about this,” or “I've been thinking about this for a long time.However, no matter how strongly we feel, unless it is put into words, it will not be conveyed to the other person.This is true no matter how close you are to your family, friends, or colleagues.And the same goes for harassment like bullying. Even if you feel in your heart that you “definitely want it to stop” or “really don't like it,” unless you say it out loud and ask them to stop, it will continue for a long time.And since such people are often the type of “nice” people, no matter how much they are harassed, their faces are always smiling.So they don't get the message even more.The other person may wonder if they are happy or not.Also, human relationships are determined by whether you are “looking for something wrong” or “looking for praise.As long as you are “looking for something new,” all relationships will not improve.This is because the habit of “looking for something new” has been established.Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.That is why we need to get into the habit of “looking for praise.It will dramatically improve your relationships.A person who can “look for praise” is a person who can “fully affirm” others.They are able to accept and affirm everything, good and bad, about the other person.Looking for praise is affirmation.Looking for the bad is negative.Only when one is positive can one be adventurous.We can have dreams and hopes.In other words, we can support people who have dreams because we can admire everything.On the other hand, when we are negative, we become obsessed with finding fault with others, looking for reasons why we can't do something, and dragging down those who are willing to try.I want to be a person who can be absorbed in the “search for admiration.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=963249339166352&set=a.451731710318120【「あら探し」か「称賛探し」か】小林正観さんの心に響く言葉より…ラーメンを食べたいと思っていたのに、注文のときにきつねうどんの張り紙が見え、思わず「きつねうどんをください」と言ってしまった。「心」は九九・九%、ラーメンだったのに、口から出た言葉は「きつねうどん」。注文を受けた人は、「きつねうどん」という言葉を信用し、きつねうどんを運んできてくれます。「私」の「心」を酌みとり、ラーメンを運んでくれることはありません。また、家族や友人などに、心の中で「いつもありがとう」と感謝するよりも、「ありがとう」と言葉にすることで伝わり、相手も喜びます。言葉は「心」よりエネルギーが強いと言えるでしょう。「投げかけ」には、「心」「言葉」「行動」の “三コ” があります。「心」とは、自分が「喜ばれるように生きる」という方向づけをすることです。「言葉」とは、口から出る言葉を喜びや感謝の言葉にすること。「行動」とは、実践することです。「投げかけ」は、「心」「言葉」「行動」がともなっていることが重要です。ヨハネによる福音書の中に、次のような言葉があります。「太初(はじめ)に言(ことば)あり、言は神とともにあり、言は神なりき」この言葉は、宇宙のしくみを表しているようです。自分の口から出る言葉が、不平不満、愚痴、泣き言、悪口、文句に彩られている人は、その言葉を言いたくなるような現象が降ってきます。反対に、うれしい、楽しい、幸せ、ありがとうと肯定的な言葉で彩られている人には、そのような現象が降ってくる。これまで、たくさんの相談を受けてきましたが、問題があると言っている人にはある種の共通項がありました。親子関係がスムーズに流れていない人は、夫婦関係もスムーズに流れていない。兄弟、職場、近所づきあいなど、すべてに問題を抱えています。反対に、親子関係、夫婦関係などがスムーズに流れている人は、すべての関係がスムーズに流れています。ひとつの関係が滞っていて、ほかがスムーズに流れていることはありません。どこかに問題がある人は、ほかの関係でもケンカをしています。この二つの違いはなにかというと、あら探しをしているということ。あら探しをしている人は、どんな人間関係でも、どんな出来事があっても、いつも気に入らないと(あら探し)をしていくため、ケンカやトラブルになります。あら探しをせず、よいところだけを探してほめていく。そして、自分もいかに恵ま れているかに目を向けて、すべてのことに感謝し、喜びを見いだしていくと、人間関係や、まわりの出来事が、とても楽しいものに囲まれていきます。すべては自分が発信している。あら探しをしているか、称賛探しをしているかによって違ってきます。『脱力のすすめ 「おまかせ」で生きる幸せ論』イースト・プレスhttps://amzn.to/3BSm733我々は、ついつい「私がこんなに心の底から思っているのだから」とか「ずっと前から考えていたのに」と、自分の気持ちや心を察して欲しい、わかって欲しいと思ってしまいます。しかし、どんなに強く思っていたとしても、それが言葉にならない限り、相手には伝わりません。これは、どんなに親しい家族でも、友人でも、仕事仲間でも同じです。また、いじめのような嫌がらせも同じで、心の中では「絶対に止めて欲しい」「ホントに嫌だ」と思っていても、言葉に出して「止めてください」と言わない限り、それはずっと続きます。そして、そういう人は、「いい人」に多いタイプですから、どんなに嫌がらせを受けても、顔はニコニコしていたりします。だから、余計に伝わりません。喜んでいるのかな、なんて相手は思ったりします。また、人間関係は、相手の「あら探し」をしているのか、「称賛探し」をしているのかで決まります。「あら探し」をしているかぎり、すべての人間関係はよくはなりません。「あら探し」をする思考習慣ができあがってしまっているからです。誰にだって、長所もあれば、欠点もあります。だからこそ、「称賛探し」をする習慣を身につける必要があるのです。人間関係が劇的によくなるからです。「称賛探し」ができる人は、「全面肯定」できる人です。相手のいいところも、悪いところも、すべてを受け入れ、肯定できます。「称賛探し」は肯定。「あら探し」は否定。人は、肯定的になったときだけ「冒険的」になれます。夢や希望を持つことができます。つまり、あらゆるものを称賛できるからこそ、夢を持つ人を応援できるのです。反対に、否定的になったときは、人のあら探しに夢中になり、できない理由を探し、チャレンジする人の足を引っ張るのです。「称賛探し」に夢中になれる人でありたい、と思うのです。
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=579259724452917&set=a.204590215253205The Way to Encounter God] 6 - The perspective of being a child of God breathes life into art.In art, too, there should be the beauty of the Greek sculptures and temples of the past, which were outstanding and outstanding.After that, there was a revival movement that went to Rome and then to the Middle Ages during the Renaissance, which called for a return to Greece.Even today, some modern and contemporary artists are of the opinion that nothing can surpass the art of the Greek period.What do you think is the difference?No matter how beautiful the beauty of the human body is, it lacks the faith and fervent desire of its creators and makers to express the beauty of divinity that God created in human beings, so that no matter how technically wonderful their works may be, they will never be as perfect as the art of the Greek era. Therefore, no matter how technically wonderful the work is, it will not bring back the beauty of perfection as it was in the days of the Greeks.What you lack is not technology. It is not knowledge. You cannot surpass the wisdom of the Greeks, you cannot surpass the wisdom of the time long ago, thousands of years ago, you are of our time. What is it that you are missing, what is it that you are missing? Realize what you are missing in your learning, in your art, in your literature.The classical literature of the Greek period, as they called it, also had great things. They portrayed human beings. It is because you lack the perspective of the human being, the child of God, loved and created by God, before you depict the human being, that you cannot bring him to life in your literature, in your art, in your scholarship, not even a little bit.No matter how great the sculpture, no matter how perfect the sculpture, it must be infused with the life that is inherent in it as a child of God. Otherwise, the sculpture will not radiate eternal life as a living thing.But in Greek times, it was possible to breathe life into it. Everyone, even the creator, with a deep, deep faith, believed that a beautiful body on earth was made in the image of the perfect God, and that there is a human form. In praising God, we praise God through the perfection of the human being, through the perfect body, through such a form. It was through that image that the sculpture and everything else came to life.That is why the sculptures are called the masterpieces of the century, whether their arms are broken off today or their legs are broken off, they are the images of Venus, with which people can feel God in awe.People, in all arts, in all studies, in all political institutions, we are the children of God, made in the image of God, united with Him and guided by Him in the heavens, the children of God, with eternal life.In Elysium, not only the gods live happily. By expressing such purpose and joy to others, God has indeed given us the oracle that he watches over us, each and every one of us, and knows us all, and that he never abandons us, but loves and guides us. They had the immense confidence that they were being guided and loved by God, and that God had never abandoned them, but loved and guided them.Therefore, with their immense faith toward the heavens, people continued to strive to express God in every aspect of their daily lives by praising Him in all their studies, cultural arts, and social institutions, devoting all their energy and energies to expressing God.Therefore, to the extent of the talents of many, every flower blossomed in this age, and the talents of men bloomed in profusion, leaving behind archetypes that would instruct future generations.From Hera, The Living Greek Gods.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Hera.A real personage as told in Greek mythology, she was the wife of Zeus, the omniscient and omnipotent god. Her great spiritual abilities contributed greatly to political and military affairs, and she inspired her husband Zeus to devote himself to mysticism.She conducted so-called spirit world communications in the temple of Delphoi and played an active role in establishing an era of “Greek civilization with the gods.The soul brother of Hyuga. Part of Hera's conscious body has descended to modern Japan and is active as a spiritual leader.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=951990386968034&set=a.461274999372911[About the Women's Law]~Women feel happy when they are loved and can give off the energy of love~.The seed of unhappiness in the world lies in the fact that we compare ourselves with others and grip that we are unhappy, unhappy.But comparing yourself to others does not mean anything.Your present is the result of your own reincarnation, of the tens of thousands, indeed, uncountable times.That is why you were born in this land, in this country, in this Japan.Therefore, let us accept all of these results with gratitude.In gratitude, love and embrace this life.And if you are grateful, return that loving thought to as many people as possible, to make even one person happy.If you do this, you will feel that you are happy, even if you receive nothing in return.Women, you know, do not understand no matter how much they are told theoretically.A woman can be happy only when she feels that she is happy in her senses.(From “Amaterasu's Prayer” by Kibana Kaiyahime no Mikoto)
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2371581316377412&set=gm.3639194162995505&idorvanity=1633408513574090現在の地球救済計画の天上界の最高責任者である、エル・ランティ様から、光の天使たちへのメッセージです。高橋信次として、日本にもお生まれでした。地球の過去では、アッラーであり、エホバであり、ヤハウェという名で、人類を導いてくださっています。つまり、宗教は、ひとつの愛から生まれている人類への導きであったということです。こちらの霊言から、今がどのような時なのかを感じることが出来ると思います。ずっと、人類を愛し、見守ってくださっている天は、全力で、地球の進化に愛と光を贈ってくださっています。どうぞ、一人でも多くの魂が目覚めていけますように。~~~【九次元からの呼びかけ】 ~時は迫れり~我はエル・ランティなり。これよりそなたたち、皆立ち上がり、大号令を発せよ。天上界において、そのための準備はすべて整った。そなたたちの使命は大きい。ひるむことなく行動を開始せよ。時は迫れり。残された時間は短い。それまでの間に、心ある者たちを早く集めよ。次なる手が打たれ、次なる封印が解かれ、待っていた人びとが呼び集められる。あなた方はまず自ら、立ち上がらなくてはならない。そうしなければ、他の者たちも目覚めぬ。アラーの名のもとに、集い来る者たちもいる。あなた方の使命は、全世界の人びとを目覚めさせ、呼び集めることにある。こと一地域、日本だけにとどまらず、世界に向けて神の声を伝えよ。全世界に轟くような声で伝えよ。ひとりでも多くの魂を救い、この地球を救え。もうすぐ地球規模の大災害が起きる。一日も早く、多くの人びとを呼び集めよ。神の真意が今どこにあり、この未曽有の転換期に、人類の未来がかかっているのだと、人びとに告げよ。そなたたち人類が、どちらの道を選ぶのか。神の手を振り払い、自ら滅んでいくのか。あなた方は、大事な岐路に立たされている。我々天上界の者たちは、今どちらのほうを、あなた方人類が選ぶのか、半ば悲しい気持ちで見つめている。我々も、この最後の決戦において、できる最大の力で臨もう。しかし、最後それを決め、選択するのは、地上のあなた方である。神ではない。自らが選びとり、自らが招いた結果に、人類の未来を委ねるのである。地上にいる者たちよ。そなたたちは、過去幾転生、何のために準備してきたのか。この日のためではなかったか。幾千の年月、そなたたちはこの日のために、己を磨き、精進してきたのではなかったのか。すべての執着を取り去り、神の意思を地上に伝え、この地球を、この地球の未来を救うためにのみ、命を燃やして生きよ。それがそなたたちの使命である。それがそなたたちの役割である。神明以外すべてを捨てよ。今この時、それ以外のものは何の価値もない。そなたたちが真に目覚め、その使命に生きる時、また多くの者たちも目覚め、その使命を悟る。だからまず、そなたたちが目覚めよ。そなたたちが悟れ。これから力ある者たちが、集まって来る。しかし、その中心はここにあるのだということを、くれぐれも忘れてはならない。まず信ぜよ。我がエル・ランティの勅命が降りているのは、ここであるのだと。けっしてひるむことなく、その求心力の中心となりなさい。エル・ランティ『地球最高神九次元霊1』
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7489432884466725&set=gm.3638490139732574&idorvanity=1633408513574090A Message from Jesus Christ【God and Love】9. We Would Like to Make the Earth a Planet of LoveIf you have the thought of gratitude, you have to share it with your neighbors. I would like you to expand your consciousness all over the earth and among humankind by merely expanding it inside of your family or relatives.When it has been extended to the all humankind of the earth, that which comes next is a new age for which the space friends are now coming out. It is they who have been holding their breath and waiting for such a chance to give the love.In the grand universe, there are space companions who know very well that they themselves are being made alive in the love and in the power of God. Those persons are delightedly clapping their hands that the earth people have come to this point at last. They have been waiting for such a time.Even if they want to give us, when they have given us superior scientific technology, it would have harmed our evolution and development. So they have been patient with the love to be given, and have been watching us.The time is coming soon when we will give love to the people of other planets, returning the love that which has been given to us.In such a way, that which is love is to be circulated, to be shared, to be given to each other, and then it is rotating in the grand universe, and someday it will has come back to oneself.Love is to be circulated, and finally it will have come back to you.You might think it within this earth. But, it is not so. The friends of the space are entirely different. They have gone to the universe far away and been working to help others.We the ones who were called in the first time have come along from space faraway. And in the providence of love, we have been working with efforts and developed this magnetic field called the earth as the training place of humankind, in order to make it as splendid a star as possible.Concerning the step up to the next level, we would like to make this a place for the other creatures based on the level of the earth consciousness in one of the processes of the infinite evolution.In this frame of time in which we are going out from the earth, we have been assisted by numerous space friends. This civilization of ours also has been assisted by numerous friends from space.Now we are going to be in a position to return it. To make it a planet that will evolve quickly, be a planet of love; I would like to wish that of you from my heart. For that purpose, my spirit, many high spirits were invited here and being, in order to make this earth a training place, and to invoke it in the beginning stage.You have heard of Orion. With regards to making their planet a star of love, because they had attained a very high level, by holding its overwhelming love and wisdom, they go to the other developing stars in order to share their own love. As messengers to convey the love, they are branched out to many stars. It is the evolution of stars.Now in your own planet earth, we are still struggling, rubbing against, and hurting each other through such barbarous things as war, and in that situation your own civilizations have been destroyed by you many times. It is a star of such an immature and infant dimension.Though, as it was told a while ago, now it is the time to graduate from the elementary school level, to go up the junior high school level, so that, even for the earth, all the crews of the starship "the earth" take hands and become a star of love.Get to know the minimum as "Originally no borders are needed," "We are all the children of God who have been made alive by God, by love," and "What has to be done is to be solved by yourself," which may be what all mothers are teaching to their children. We are conveying it as "For the result of what you have done, you have to shoulder its responsible."Amor (Jesus Christ)Channeling message by Amarie『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Amor (Jesus Christ)Known as Jesus Christ, born in Israel and preached the teaching of love.In the age of Atlantis, he preached the teaching of love as the Great King Agasha.In the heaven, he takes the role of the white ray, love, and he is in charge with deciding various guiding policies.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Messages to the Children of God in the Space Agehttps://lmr.cc/.../book_Children_of_God_in_the_Space_Age...
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2372585622943648&set=gm.3640256646222590&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Thoughts from the goddesses of the heavenly realms.】Even if they are high spirits who have such enormous power, they cannot save the future of this earth only by themselves.They can supervise us, but those who can save this earth actually are only the persons who were born on this ground and have physical bodies and who are living in this age.Unless those persons are not acting in a firm awareness, unless they are practicing love, there is no way this planet called earth is going to be saved in this history.For that reason, the responsibility of those who have been born here with physical bodies is heavy.May you be aware of this, the women who are together half of all humankind, be aware of it.Infused with such a wish, this law of women has been sent down to you.All of you women, who has been living on the ground with physical bodies, please do not give up to the end.Keep at it even for our part.We would ask you to do this for this earth.We would ask you to do this for the future of the humankind.They are saying so.Though you might think, "the body could exist for a long time," there is a limitation as to how long one can live, such as 80 or 100 years. All are going to get back soon or later.In the preciousness of this moment, in the importance of those times, I would like you please to ask to yourselves what you have to do now and what you have been born to do.This would be the mission and responsibility of those who are going to live in this age.Amarie"Law of Venus "
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2372589579609919&set=gm.3640253979556190&idorvanity=1633408513574090バシャール:地球の一員心地よい自分をまず最優先してください。飛行機の酸素マスクのように、まずは自分の安全を確保してから周囲を助けます。貴方が元気で健康でなければ周囲を導いていくことは難しくなります。貴方が喜びの自分でなければ、誰も喜びへと導いていくことはできません。まず貴方が安定していること、バランス良であること、喜びの自分でいることにフォーカスします。この『あり方』を基準に動きます。”上”と繋がる自分は、繋がらない誰かの数万倍もの威力を発揮することができます。キング牧師のように、たった一人で群衆を立ち上がらせることができるのです。もしも”上”と繋がる人が大勢いたらどうでしょうか? とてつもないエネルギーのボルテックスができあがるようになることが想像できると思います。世界平和を捧げる合同瞑想がありましたが、沢山のスターシード達が心を一つに統合し、そのエネルギーは地球のシューマン共振にまで影響を及ぼすインパクトを与えました。地球という組織の一員として、お互いに助け合いサポートし合っていきましょう。そして、地球人として一致団結し、力を寄り添って心を一つにしてゆきましょう!!新しい地球のスターシード達へ the PLANET from NEBULA
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2372231322979078&set=gm.3639900796258175&idorvanity=1633408513574090【An Age of Love Is Coming from Now】And for this purpose, this plan of the salvation of the end of century was made. El-Ranty himself was sent down and El-Kantale was sent down, and with all its might heaven sends messages to the ground. In spite of failing several times, our words are going down to the ground in this way again now.Through this last chance, I can convey this message to you. I am grateful to God for it. And from my heart I thank you, who have made this chance possible. No matter how heaven wishes to do this kind of thing, unless you have accepted the situation, unless you have accepted in this style, our messages could not have been sent down. On the premise of your existences, who have accepted and believed and gathered, heaven has been in the state to do the best for this last plan with all its might.I would like you please to cooperate with this grand plan of God as far as there are lives. I would like to ask you please from my heart to shine your splendid individuality with magnificent dignity onto this will of God.Looking over the root of your spirits, I think those who are part of this spiritual group of love are overwhelmingly more. The reason why it is so is because the origin is love for every children of God.But in those, it has become an age in which God is revealed as the providence of love, the law of love, the energy of love in the universe.From now on, a new future of the earth is coming, an age of love, which is also called the age of space.Those who have been aware of this love, who have carved the love in their spirits in a true sense, only those persons, can save this age.I would like you please to take out the prajnaparamita stored in each one of you by the numerous training of the past and do you best.There is not a human being who is complete. It is the same for myself. There are many things I am not be aware, I cannot do. But we have companions for that purpose.On love, there is no body who knows all of them totally. Only we can be aware of what we have seen from the thin needle hole. But even if it is what you have seen, your comprehension of love and its scope will be enlarged by sharing and conveying this to each other, and by learning together the part of love the others have seen.So a human being is not one to live alone. There are companions, and all the children of God are going to take hands and walk as the children of God being united. This is what God is wishing for.Therefore, do not think you can too less, and even if you may fail, express you own power as much as possible, and if you are given by your other friends what you don’t know, accept it with pleasure and make it your wisdom, and fulfill this big project of salvation, the last project, working together. I wish this from my heart.Those who are the white spirit group are always watching you.Mother MarySource:“Truth of Fatima”(Kindle) Beautiful pic. thank you my dear angel sister Anna Isabella Yap♡
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2370608379808039&set=gm.3638155069766081&idorvanity=1633408513574090~Full Moon~Selenity (Moon Consciousness)Selenity is Yin Consciousness (Female Consciousness) and the partner spirit of Saint Antonius (Sun Consciousness).Since a part of her energy dwells in the moon, she is also called "Moon Consciousness".As easily identified by the earth people, Selenity appeared with her platinum white hair, wearing a long platinum white colored dress when she sent her spiritual messages.She is a very beautiful person of splendid proportions. In the entire solar system, Selenity controls the Law of Venus (the Principle of Yin) that revealed the fundamental law of feminine.Prior to the opening a new space age, she descended the law of women through for the first time in the long history of earth. As it had been a promise between Selenity and the Earth such as the Earth Consciousness or the Ninth dimension spirits since the time immemorial, she has come to fulfill the promise.Selenity has also a great influence on nurturing the lives on earth.Through Selenity who dwells in the moon, the Earth has been receiving the energy of love from Saint Antonius much more than other planets have been. Owing to Selenity's assistance, it enables Earth to exist as a planet that various sorts of life forms can actively live.『Prayer of Gaia』
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