下山すると、鎌倉宮で草鹿(くさじし)神事が行われていました。鹿の形をした的に、射手が矢を射ていくものです。 鶴岡八幡宮や小町通りで食事をしたり、買い物をして、夕方家に帰ってきました。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Eating breakfast, I talked with my wife how should we do today. Then, we decided to go hiking in Kamakura city. After we moved to Kita-kamakura station by train, we visited the Kenchoji temple. I hear that the soup which ascetic monks cooked in the Kencho-ji temple was called "Kencho-
popular name. About 50 minutes hiking through "Tenen hiking course" made us go to the highest mounain, Mt.Ohira in Kamakura city, Japan. It is only 159.2m high. They say the route "Kamakura alpes". I saw the view of Kamakura city on the way to go to the top, then I could see the yokohama's land mark tower at the top of the mountain. Going down the mountain, shrine ritual that master shots shoot their allow at Japanese deer was held at Kamakura-gu shrine. We enjoyed having lunch, shopping at the famous street named Komachi-tori. Then we came back to our house.
↑北鎌倉駅 / Kita-kamakura station. ↑建長寺 / Kencyo-ji temple. ↑法堂・天井の雲龍図 / Dragon's picture on the ceiling of the temple.
↑天園ハイキングコース/ Tenen hiking course. ↑大平山山頂 / At the top of Mt.Ohira. (Only 159.2m high) ↑山頂から横浜市内を臨む。(横浜ランドマークタワーが見える)/ A view of Yokohama-city. ↑鎌倉宮 / Kamakura-gu shrine. ↑草鹿神事 / Shrine ritual "Kusajishi".