夕方は、神田祭りで神幸祭(しんこうさい)が行われ、三省堂前の交差点は、一時通行止めとなり、各町内会が神輿を担いで練り歩く姿を見ることができました。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Because of rainy whether, I gave up going to a pond for meeting kingfishers.
We had a lunch at a restaurant of ”SABOR 2" in Jinbocyo-town. I ate hamburg, my wife ate Neapolitan spaghetti. After lunch, I got around in the area of bookstores. I visited there a few times in each months. The popular used bookstore "ARATAMA" had a life-sized cut-out of Ms.Naoko Kawai, who is very famous Japanese singer-songwriter, who made a debut at 1980. The panel was made by Obunsya Co. or one of the biggest Japanese publishing company for their magazine's promotion. I had been able to enjoy seeing the panel when I went to there. Though the price was JPY250,000. , about one years ago, it was sold out.
In the evening, I could see that many people carry a MIKOSHI portable shrine in the Kanda shrine festival at the crossover point in Jinbocyo town.
mountaineering and sports goods shops. ↑神保町の喫茶店「さぼうる」と、食堂「さぼうる2」。/Coffee shop"Sabor" and restaurant "Sabor 2" at Jinbochyo town. ↑さぼうる2の中。/ "Sabor 2" ↑ナポリタンとハンバーグ定食。/ Neapolitan spaghetti and hamburg. ↑書泉グランデ。/ SHOSEN GRANDE. ↑ARATAMA。 ↑荒魂書店。/ Aratama bookstore. ↑ブンケン・ロック・サイド。/ Bunken Rock Side. ↑VINTAGE. ↑@ワンダー. / @Wonder. ↑菅村書店 / Sugamura bookstore. ↑神田祭の神幸祭。/ Kanda shrine festival, carrying a portable shrine in town.