Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays

Needless to say, it's not only people in our country that have been disgusted at how government and the power company stray and evade responsibility since the earthquake disasters and atomic power accident.
While there was a chief and workers at the spot who struggled to prevent accident just after the earthquake disaster,
-In short, communication disorder between on-site spot and central government and head office caused mutual distrust , and lead to the worst disaster.
Intermingling information, confusion and disorders back then are being revealed, which had been spurred by false report.
As is already reported, our country won upcoming Olympic game by announcing that they are determined to solve radiation-tainted water problem.
But they have performed unrealistic plan and already come to a deadlock.
At first, I used to think that it would be impractical to use frozen soil to stop the flow of radiation-tainted subterranean stream
-Because our country is not a cold district like Siberia and the Arctic Circle.

I wondered how about in other countries ...but in an industrial nation encouraging natural energy, electricity rate is soaring and becoming a major problem.
Have the system of huge industrial civilization become outdated?
Or have people -especially in industrial countries become so luxury that we cannot live anymore without threaten ourselves?
 If so, we might have to withdraw ourselves to threaten our place of residence and lives
  -which can be just what people who want central government grants want us to say, though.
In that case, it's nothing but irresponsible to leave all the decision of evacuation plan to local government and pass the cost for settling the accident on electricity rate.
Nuclear energy promoters have insisted that nuclear power plants don't emit carbon dioxide and the cost is cheap.
-But I think once I placed my excuse why I'm being skeptical;
I've read that while it's true that atomic power plant itself doesn't emit carbon dioxide nor consume oil, a lot of oil is consumed in refining uranium .
the cost for atomic power plants include decommission and dismantling, compensation and decontamination in case of accidents -you name it, everything
- Not only money, but also time, labors and lives .

It was lucky I didn't place this on Sep.11 .
around this day.
Excuse me for the delay.
But if I placed it too hasty, I might have placed wrong diary based on the false report
that functionaries neglected the responsibility and fled.

( August 2014 )

:Ready to place summery if asked


最終更新日  2014.09.22 18:02:51
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