Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
てれびテレビTV:【シリーズ10-line】:蛸坊主みたいなハンガーかけ All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎 LatinVulgate【シリーズ10-line】:紅白玉子ペア

1. I'm preparing today's manuscript on the assumption that upcoming Olympic and Paralympic games are held in Capital prefecture of our country as planned no matter what it takes.
I heard on the radio that in this year, professional baseball and soccer league is suspended during Olympic game period .
 It means those games are held during Paralympic game period.
  It's not something to be criticized; if the league matches are suspended for more than one month, the annual game schedule is disrupted a lot.
However, just after I took up outline of today's manuscript, a news came up that commercial TV stations are reporting Olympic game almost all day in rotation .
If they are reporting Olympic game that eagerly, they have to report Paralympic game as well

2. I recalled that when consumption tax was raised in April 2014 , IMF warned that consumption tax increase would destroy economy in our country .
Then, when consumption tax was raised to 10 percent last October, why did they recommend to raise it to 15 percent?
 I understand that national economy in our country is tight,
  But it's astounding that national economy went downhill so rapidly in mere four or five years.
Putting aside whether -and how consumption tax increase in 2014 led to deterioration of national economy in our country,
Panjandrums insist that if corporation tax is raised, firms escape to overseas and economy slows down.
But it doesn't take an economist to imagine that if consumption tax is raised, people refrain from consumption and economy slows down more certainly .
Today, I'd just like to interrogate them about the rumor that this recommendation for additional consumption tax increase have been at Panjandrums' instigation.

April 12 , so Lent is from February 26 .
According to The Gospel According To Luke 2-1 to 20 ,

General public had to go to be registered, each to their own town, so did Joseph and Mary.
When they arrived at Joseph's home town Bethlehem, all the inns refused them, saying that all the rooms were occupied.
There was no place for them to stay, and they ended up in staying at a stable -and Jesus the child was born there.

Last Christmas season, the Clergy at the local church quoted this section at a sermon, pointing out:

Augustus's head was full of politics he was controlling, and to grasp how many people in the region and how much tax yields he could expect.
Mary and Joseph must have blamed themselves and each other after they failed in arranging necessary place and things for safe childbirth.
-In short, just like people in Bethlehem who didn't care about this young couple, even more than two thousand years later, we are insensitive to other people's pain and suffer while we are sensitive to pain and hardship we face.
At that time, I secretly imagined that if Mary and Joseph could find an inn or house in the town to stay at and Jesus the child had been born there, the family might have been involved with different kinds of trouble;
 What if people who heard about the new-born Messiah thronged to the inn or house?
  What if the rumor about new-born Messiah spread among general public in the region, and the news caught ears of assassins like King Herod while Jesus the child was too immature to travel?
At least, shepherds, who were the most vulnerable people in society back then, might not have been the first to have an audience with Jesus the child, because the landlord of the inn or the head of the house wouldn't let those shepherds in.
Why such imagination? In the New Testament comic that Husband gave me at my birthday before marriage, at the scene before Jesus the child is born in Bethlehem, the couple arrive at a cave used to keep livestock, and Mary says that it's not them who choose something for the baby and the place they are staying must have been arranged for them by Lord.

:Ready to place transtlation if asked


最終更新日  2020.02.21 21:27:16
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