Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg 必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎 LatinVulgate【シリーズ10-line】:紅白玉子ペア

1. One of the reasons our nation is open to wear face mask is pollinosis that many people suffer in spring.
This is a kind of national disease caused by wrong forestry policy in rapid economic growth period;
In order to supply low-priced timber in short time, Forestry authorities made the nation plant cedars and cypress nationwide.

During Novel Corona-virus pandemic, wearing face mask became new normal worldwide.
But wearing mask is already common for our nation , and this is partly why the number of infected people is comparatively fewer in our country by global standards.
Even so, it NEVER means that forestry policy mentioned above was right.
Whatever... one of the things I'm concerned currently is -as well as explosive increase in cases and my own health as an asthmatic
There can be White-hat wannabes who intimidate and slander sightseeing facilities and tourists.
IF that's the way those White-hat wannabes express their sense of justice, their target is Panjandrums who never admit how their Traveling promotion campaign aggravate infection. Don't mistake.

2. It's almost impossible to explain the details without using proper nouns:
There is a political party that was inaugurated as a regional political party and now participate in national administration as a national political party.
The Founder of this Political Party tried to establish the metropolitan government system same as Capital prefecture in their Home Prefecture.
Five years ago, they held the first local referendum, and their Metropolis Plan was rejected.
Last autumn, they abruptly announced that they were holding the second local referendum in this November.
And came Novel Corona-virus pandemic, but they bulldozed the Referendum as planned, and their Metropolis Plan was rejected again.

Some voters who voted against Metropolis Plan could have opposed against non-essential Referendum under Pandemic.
Surely, there is no denying that they bulldozed Referendum at the wrong time.
However, we MUST NOT allow them to aim Third time lucky.
In order to fulfill their rivalry with Capital prefecture, they already wasted enough tax money and labor that should have been spent on infection control.
Why such thoughts? According to a survey, ninety percent of people who knew about the contents of their Metropolis Plan expressed opposition, and ninety percent of people who don't know about the contents of their Metropolis Plan expressed approval.
And the description of some media sounds right to the point expressing as the gilt has come off .
I shall accuse that it's the penalty for unnecessary Referendum that the spread of Novel Corona-virus infection is worse in this Prefecture than Capital prefecture in this month.

In our state, generally speaking, while general public's wage is decreasing, internal reserves of companies are increasing.
Of course, the situation is different depending on each company, but it means employers grudge labor cost, mainly by reducing regular employment and increasing non-regular employment.
That's the very reason why general public are unable to realize economic boom no matter how Panjandrums self-praise their economic policies.
Employers could afford to pay compensation for loss of earnings under Pandemic thanks to internal reserves they've stored up?
If they paid salaries according to the law without forcing employees overtime work without pay , which is called as service overtime in our language , our state would have been well-heeled, and it was much easier for people to make a living.
 Then our state could have much more tax income enough until they need not to raise consumption tax
The birthrate might not have dropped so rapidly ,
   And economy might not have shrunk so radically under Pandemic.
As is mentioned on The New Testament, The Letter Of James 5-4 :
Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2020.11.25 10:15:03
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