Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
Sera o caos Sera a luz【シリーズ10-line】貝のリース 縦.jpg sports-people-ship【シリーズ10-line】:ゴング?いえ卓上チャイム

1. Imagine there is a child - a profligate high-school student boy on the verge of dropout.
He has some important assignments (← developing vaccine and remedies, and inoculation ) to do.
If he cannot submit them by deadline, he is sentenced to expulsion (← defeat at upcoming election ) .
His parents tell him that if he finishes these assignments perfectly, they can admit him to go to a big sports event (← upcoming Olympic game ) he wants to go, otherwise they'll refund his ticket which is so expensive that it affects their family budget.
However, he has been gadding about, parties and travels (← Traveling and Party promotion campaign ) .
Now it's definite that he cannot finish and submit his assignments on schedule.
He is trying to justice himself and pleading with teachers, enumerating whole bag of excuses.
Meanwhile, to his parents, he persists in going to the Event no matter what it takes.
Nobody sympathizes with him while they are concerned about his future.

In short... it's simple why out state is falling behind in inoculation while advocating medical leading country. -Just a short-term one:
Instead of developing and diffusion of vaccine and remedies, Panjandrums have spent tax money and time on Olympic game that our nation no more wants, Traveling Promotion Campaign and Wine-and-dine Promotion Campaign for the sake of immediate profits of their own, encouraging general public's irresponsibility that increases infection risk.

2. Many journalists, media articles and social media users describe that current our state is no better than the period of the Pacific War .
 Not only domestic but also international.
Lamentably, this description is right to the point.
On announcing the third State of Emergency, Governor of Capital prefecture once ordered to turn off all the city lights except for streetlights after eight at night so that people are not lured by city lights to nightlife spots.
Accuses and ridicules arouse they are carrying out blackout like wartime -sex criminals and thieves under cover of darkness would be happy, though.
Panjandrums and Olympic Committee are pressing doctors and nurses into unpaid work for Olympic game while they are already occupied with infection countermeasures and inoculation.
This order brought a firestorm of accuses from not only general public but also general medical workers,
But do Medical Associations protest officially?
What current and former Premiers insist comes down to how our nation can overcome Pandemic with idealism.
Various writers point out that this situation is no different from the closing days of Pacific War when general public were trained to fight at bombardment aircrafts with bamboo spears .
 And it reminds me that there was a President who contemns science.
-The list will be a mile long.
   At the same time, now there are big differences from the wartime.
Now general public don't hesitate to oppose against Olympic game, and although Panjandrums turn us deaf ears, they won't arrest general opponents so openly like wartime -instead, White-hat wannabes on Panjandrums' side bully opponents.
Besides, I'm grateful that the world is on our general public's side -except for upcoming Winter Olympic hosting state plotting to take advantage of upcoming Olympic game for upcoming Winter Olympic game.
I'd like to take this occasion to ask -or urge again and again :
In order to save your nations, NEVER send athletes to our state even if those imbeciles bulldoze upcoming Olympic game.
Artless question to throw at International Olympic Committee here:
I understand that you ignoramuses are bulldozing Olympic game for revenue through broadcast rights.
Then if the hosting countries were other than Japan, would you still have bulldozed Olympic game under Pandemic?
-International Olympic Committee? Try Ignominious Olympic Committee !

If Panjandrums and Olympic Committees bulldoze Olympic game, it will be the Swan song of our state as economic superpower.
-Well, our state is already no more economic superpower but declining country, as many general public are aware.
According to several Japanese dictionaries in my electronic dictionary, the phrase "Swan song" comes from a fable that a dying swan makes the most beautiful sound.
If upcoming Olympic game is the Swan song of our state, it will be the most humiliating Swan song -or dying scream of a dog.

:Ready to place summery if asked


最終更新日  2021.05.14 17:15:04コメント(0) | コメントを書く
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