Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
LatinVulgate【シリーズ10-line】:紅白玉子ペア Thought-attackers【シリーズ10-line】:鉄瓶2014

It's not about Stevie Wonder ’s song.
Last Sunday May 23 was Pentecost, one of the most important days for Christians.
As I confessed before , Husband is a Christian, but I have no plan nor intention to follow Husband and get baptized.
The reason I'm cautious about baptism is because the Creation, Virgin Birth and the Resurrection are unscientific?
NO . The reason is NOT Christianity's doctrine nor church system.
On the other hand... When I was a schoolchild
For example... some religions prohibit eating certain food.
From the point of dietetics, fish and chicken and vegetable are healthier than red meat, but the ground of their taboo is not such thing.
Occasionally, religiose parents reject blood transfusion to their children from religious reason, and cause their children to die.
It's genuine abuse -or murder to make their child die for religious reasons before they are able make self-decision about religion and faith, isn't it?
As for this, the problem would be the views to treat children as parents' possession, rather than religion .
Under current Pandemic, wrong superstition spread that specific religion adherents aren't infected, which has always happened in history.
While face mask is important prevention measure, some avid devotees reject face mask for a reason that face mask deprives God-given breath.
Why don't they think that face mask protects the God-given breath from devil called virus?
Every time I see news about mass infection at religious activity scenes, I cannot help wondering what the current significance of religion is.
Recently, prayer is found out to be good deeds from the point of neuroscience .
But it's not dependence on someone or something else to expect to change something, but calming down fear and anxiety lodging in our mind.
Also: Respectable religion gives people opportunity to learn how to operate ourselves and our mind properly my new friend who has different creed pointed out.

Putting aside international situation, in our state, generally speaking, religion seems to be low in people's favor.
Actually, politics and religion are said to be kinds of taboo at social functions.
The backgrounds could be: Mass murders by a cult society a quarter of a century ago,
 Gate-crashing propagation by paganism cults,
  A religious association that is said to violate the general rule of separation of religion and politics, ...what else?
various people complain about excessive funeral costs, and how temples bind families and local communities -remains of national isolation age.
Unfortunately, japonaiserie group pressure exists even among Christians in our state.
Such as; I met with elderly women who despise visitors who haven't been baptized.
While our nation today is generally said to be irreligious, company allegiance, public-consciousness and self-consciousness, heterogeneously intolerant -they rather look like religion
-Although this is another story for today.

Then why I'm not getting baptized?
Last spring, like almost all the churches in the world, at the church Husband belongs to, Sunday worship was called off due to Pandemic.
Instead, daily contemplation assignments were distributed to the members, and we worked on it together every night.
 At that time, this routine was our mainstay.
  But gradually, Husband stuck to nighttime prayers even after Sunday worship was resumed and contemplation assignments were stopped, and by the beginning of last autumn, our bedtime was after midnight every day.
To make matters worse, somehow, I developed sleep disorder, and I was getting totally exhausted.
This caused our first-time-ever massive quarrel, and I became on the verge of nervous breakdown.
Less than half month later, I made up my mind that I must try while I have enough time thanks to work-from-home, and took up studying for a national legal qualification which I had been thinking for a few years.
 That's why my option of baptism was lost.

  At the same time, I learned a lesson that regardless of short-term or long-term, cults take advantage of situation like current disturbance and presume on people's vulnerable minds.
And even if what you believe in is respectable religion, if you are too absorbed in until you sacrifice real life, there would be no difference from cult believer.
Incidentally, according to an old book by a famous psychologist in our country , "religion" is guidance and support to live the reality, and "cult" is escaping from reality ; Today, I followed this distinction.
Meanwhile, I have two more rudimentary questions.
・I remember learning that Christians detest the Jews because they executed Jesus.
As long as Christians have a grudge against the Jews for the incident in two thousand years ago, religious and racial antagonism goes on, doesn't it?
At least, does Jesus wish those hatred chains?
・According to Genesis , when the first human couple Adam and Eve was living in Eden, Eve was allured by the serpent into eating a fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil that Lord God commanded them never to eat.
This is supposed to be the beginning of Original Sin.

Do they put the blame for human Original Sin on women?
Then as long as this belief exists, oppression on women by men remains rife, doesn't it?


最終更新日  2021.06.02 09:36:24
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