Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎 TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット

1. According to Labor Standards Act, one of the provisions for wages is principle of payment in legal tender .
With each employee's consent, payment via direct deposit is lawful.
As for only retirement lump sum grants, employers can pay by check.

That being so: Even under cashless age, is it legitimate to pay salaries with virtual currency?

2. In our state, tobacco tax was raised again in this October.
At that time, I read a rumor that Panjandrums plot to tax pet supplies like tobacco tax next.
Its authenticity aside for today... If they enforce such taxation, abandoned pets will surge, so will euthanized pets.

3. There is a move to extend the range of application of Employees' Health Insurance to part-time employees whose regular working hour is less than thirty hours a week.
On the other hand, employers repel, because they have to shoulder greater burden of legal welfare expenses.
Currently, large companies hiring more than five hundred workers are subjected.
But range of application is gradually expanded, and in the end, companies hiring more than fifty workers will be subjected
-this is government's plan, according to the recent notice from Health insurance association
However, there is a provisions that even if the employees are hired at those companies, they cannot be covered if they correspond to any of those four conditions:
Designated working hours is less than twenty hours per wee k
Employment period is less than one year , which is changed to two months from the next October.
Salary is less than eighty-eight thousand yen per month
Full-time high-school or college students

IF I WERE an employer who is eager to reduce labor costs without caring about employees, I might try to escape social security fees by hiring only non-regular employees who meet those conditions or student part-timers.
- Once I imagined so , but before I took up with today's composition, I hadn't realized the actual problem which is one of the causes of labor shortage;
Quite a few married female part-timers control their working hours in order to hold down income and stay the position of their husbands' dependent.


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