Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
リカー!!【シリーズ10-line】:黒い壺_実際は七味入れ てれびテレビTV:【シリーズ10-line】:蛸坊主みたいなハンガーかけ sports-people-ship【シリーズ10-line】:ゴング?いえ卓上チャイム

1. Before Pandemic, corporate drinking parties like year-end parties and new-year parties had already been shunned not only by younger workers but also middle-aged workers.
 It's easy to make those year-end parties come back like before:
Stop going for communal drinks regularly.
   At least, if you want to go for a drink after work, just people who really want to go should go, completely apart from business.
And hold those in-house drinking parties only once or twice a year.
It gives impression to employees that these events are special, and attract participants.
-Just like my workplace:

Partly because each member's working hours are not the same, and I have noticed that I don't drink regularly since I had psychotic depression.
And since I married, fortunately, there is no insensitive people who invite a wife for a drink while she has to go home and prepare dinner.
Restaurants are very crowded at year-end party seasons? No need to stick to year-end parties.
For example, you could hold foundation day parties instead.
Whatever... It's time to realize that workplace is a place to work, not pal club.

2. Last year, I disposed TV set which I hadn't used at all since I married -At last!
Also, I dissolved receiver contract with National broadcaster.
That's the very reason why I'm in favor of an idea to make National broadcast pay-per-use billing system.
Unlike seventy years ago, it's not impossible technically now.
Currently, just have a TV set at home, and we are forced to contract with National TV station and pay TV bills.
Also, We have to pay the same fee regardless of the time to watch National broadcast TV -less than one hour a week or twenty-four hours a day, which is their major problem and dissatisfaction source among nation.

It's fair if we have to pay the reception fee based on time to watch.
If National broadcaster introduces pay-as-you-watch system, it might ferment the awareness that Time is money .
Less people idle the time away in front of TV, and whole society may be more productive.

3. Less and less children play baseball these days.
The reason is not only the number of children is declining.
Baseball tools and uniforms take a lot of money, power-harassment by victory-chauvinism coaches, baseball teams for children still count on teammates' mothers' unpaid labor while both mother and father have to work in order to earn a living, and so on.
Adults have a sense of impending crisis; Currently, professional sports mostly means baseball.
But from now on, how about switching to soccer?

Player numbers of soccer is also declining as the number of children declines, but unlike baseball, it doesn't require specific goods.
There was a book about time management in 1990s pointing out that soccer is superior to baseball at the point of time management The game time is fixed.
The game time of baseball is not fixed, and if they cannot settle the game in nine innings, they don't hesitate to extend the games, sometimes interminably.
Soccer game certainly ends in ninety minutes surrounding halftime, and even if the game is tie and extended, they settle the game quickly by golden-goal rule or penalty kicks.

As this book describes that conferences at companies in our state is like baseball , our nation is said to be careless about time while they are seemingly punctual.
 I've felt that it can be linked with popularity of baseball.
  Then if soccer leads professional sports world instead of baseball, our sense of time might change, too.

:Ready to place summery if asked


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最終更新日  2022.09.03 12:39:35
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