Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
#SLT30-40-AndBeyond【シリーズMusic10-line】_UFOランプ EARTHSONG【シリーズ10-line〕:松ぼっくり 生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015

1. In spring sixteen years ago, Satou Chikuzen 's weblog was infested by trolls.
Chikuzen took necessary measures, and at the same time, he set up his weblog so that only people who subscribe Rakuten and prove their identity can post to his weblog.
 Since then, many fans set up weblogs one after another.
So did I, that was 5,800 and one more days ago.
   As a result, this move turned out to give us opportunity to meet and become friends with each other

2. Since the current massive Military invasion, I heard on the radio column that the West is trying to break dependence on energy from Aggressor state,
And this move is coincided with so-called sustainable development goals
, such as developing renewable energies.
Outrages by antiquated Dictator state are working as a boost to change the world better
 -Is it a kind of irony? Global self-purification? Or...what?
This is another story for today whether Esudhiijiiizu are working as intended or exists only as empty words.

3. No need to mention at this late date that our nation is mother-hostile while pressing women to reproduce future human materials.
Once I thought a nonsense to strike back in case moss-headed child-haters bully expectant mothers :
" You have come to the world not through your parents but from a special container in laboratory or factory. No wonder you have no ounce of respect to life.", it seems that different counter phrase is necessary.
Because the Special container was actually developed in the Largest-population state.

Also, the world would need international regulation to prohibit discrimination on the basis of method of birth in addition to nationality, race, gender, social status and so on.
In this country, overpopulation have been a major problem, and Authority forced strict birth control for a long time.
Now population growth is slowing down as they intended, but as they find that aging is going on rapidly, they selfishly began to force childbirth to general public.

Following those Authorities' points of view , what they must do first of all is to prohibit abortion for the reason that fetus is girl, isn't it?
They need to secure future child-bearing human materials, don't they?


Who is 606060th visitor!?


最終更新日  2022.04.18 10:06:19
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