Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 まず大人から【シリーズ10-line】:マルビル?いえアロマランプ0001.jpg LeRougeEtLeNoir【シリーズ10-line】:スペード型フック LatinVulgate【シリーズ10-line】:紅白玉子ペア 必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ

1. Every time child abuse cases receive attention, and especially when mothers are arrested,
Accuses come up against those mothers that they must not have babies if they don't have willing to raise .
At the same time , there are frequent cases that father is indifferent about their families, and under isolation, mother vents her exhaustion and frustration on her children.
Therefore, those White-hat wannabes need to order those FATHERS that they must not have sex if they don't have willing to raise children who are born as the result of their acts.
no sex, no pregnancy -

2. Prohibiting abortion is constitutional? That could be a thought; aborting fetus might be the same as murder.
Then, there must be the fundamental assumption that women have to learn about and exercise their natural rights to reject sex they don't want.
Also: If they apply criminal penalty on abortion, those MEN who caused the pregnancy need to be punished.
 Then it's fair, isn't it?
Spontaneous pregnancy without involving men is impossible - except for Virginal conception.
Especially, castration penalty is indispensable for sexual violent - putting aside the real situation in this State in question.
According to The First Letter of Paul to Timothy woman must not teach or to exercise authority over man, instead, she must learn quietly with all submissiveness , because Adam was formed first and then Eve , and besides, Eve was deceived and became a transgressor while Adam was not deceived, yet she will be saved through childbearing if she continues in faith and love and holiness with self-control.
 Do the Court still cling to such Doctrine?
  Then they could deserve disparaging phrase as ancients than conservatives, since their ideas haven't made progress for thousands of years.
For God's sake, why don't the world reconsider the significance of religion?
At least, it's about time to crack down on harmful Cults religions seriously, for the sake of respectable religions
-After an international Cult triggered the tragic assassination case in our state, as is mentioned next.
Superfluously... in this country, street children increased rapidly .

3. During the campaign period of the latest Upper House election, a current Ruling party Grandee had the impudence to make a remark that women have to be tolerant to men, since many men want to marry but women don't think they need to marry.
Instead of pouncing on the word and question, I shall counter that men have to be prudent , realizing how they've just rest on vested interests of only being men.
However... following the point of the Ruling party's view , this sexism remark didn't seem to affect the latest election.
Because they ended up in landslide victory after all, which was not so surprising.
In addition to clothespin votes, force-of-habit votes and so on, this time , they must have drawn sympathy votes after the ex-Premier with the longest incumbency was suddenly assassinated two days before the Election day.
If Panjandrums absolutely accord the Longest-office ex-Premier a state funeral, it's merely the matter of form,
But since the current Premier made an arbitrary decision at a Cabinet meeting without Diet discussion, why don't they charge the expenses to the Cult society mentioned above or make all the Ruling party assemblies share the expense, instead of spending tax money?

:Ready to place summery if asked


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