Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
リカー!!【シリーズ10-line】:黒い壺_実際は七味入れ 生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 Thought-attackers【シリーズ10-line】:鉄瓶2014


4. A shameful policy in our state seems to have created ridicule among international media, not only domestic general public.
Recently, general public, especially young people drink less and less, and liquor tax income is decreasing.
Thus, Panjandrums plot to encourage young people's drinking for the sake of tax revenue.

Are they promoting alcoholism, drunk-driving, violence and harassment and crime using liquor as convenient shield, productivity slowdown, too?
Gone are the days that you could blame alcohol for those evil deeds.
  But as long as they can levy immediate tax, they don't care about corrupting general public.
-Is it fine to explain like this in English?
What a double-dealing after they persecute taverns and bars as source of infection!
Besides, not all the people afford to drink regularly while national wage has been declining for years.
Also, a wrong vulger belief had been circulated that small amount of alcohol boosts blood circulation and benefit health, but actually, the fact has been already revealed that even small amount of alcohol is harmful .
Young people who are disenchanted with this policy are very wise and practical.
Even under Pandemic when people who go for a drink were demonized, Panjandrums indulged themselves in wining-and-dining, breaking the rule that made by themselves.
It must be them who contribute to alcohol tax income the most.
  I've wondered why they don't raise liquor tax to appropriate for extra military expense while they plot to raise tobacco tax for this purpose -is this the reason?

5. Do Panjandrums seriously believe that general public have children more by distributing coupons for delivery?
Panjandrums appeal that they support parents by raising lump-sum birth allowance and expanding assistance to parents with two-year-old or younger children ,
But don't they know that childcare still goes on after children are three years old?
Needless to say now, our nation is child-hostile -or more like mother hostile.
This society has no willing to raise children, and still baby-seeking -just like moss-headed fathers.
And as is pointed out, education expenses increase from the time children become fifteen, but this problem is seldom discussed.
If I try to mention furthermore, today's weblog will be a mile long, though.
Unfortunately, I approve greatly that the more realistic general public are, the less they are positive about childbirth.
-Me? What is true about mathematical law seems to be true about my life, too:
Multiply minus by minus, and then plus.

6. Vandalizers insisting that survival of the human race is more important than artworks have to realize their own self-contradiction first of all.
With soup and flour that they used for artwork destruction, they could have fed a few starving children.


最終更新日  2022.12.22 09:49:12
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