Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

テーマ: 嫁姑問題!(76)
カテゴリ: 10-line essays
生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 Thought-attackers【シリーズ10-line】:鉄瓶2014

Once I read a translated article from a country where sexual violence is major social problem appealing that if parents raise boys properly, women are saved .
This proposal is true not only for sexual violence prevention but also solution of family issues and declining childbirth problems.


Currently, at this late date, declining number of childbirths is an unforeseen discussion material.
One of the major backgrounds is that less and less young people marry.

It goes without saying that those who don't want to marry or have children concern the hardship and financial burden , and actually, their concern is right.
Is their pessimistic anticipation based on only information from media news or online? NO.

For a long time, wives just put up with oppression by tyrannical husbands and parents-in-law.
But not now anymore.
Some counterattack straightly or take shrewd revenge and reclaim them.
Some are saved by other family members, friends and various third parties.
Some try to gain financial independence and take legal action in order to win freedom

Then what about those couples' and families' children? Do they have good images about marriage and dream it?
Especially girls can recognize that marriage means deprivation of freedom, and throw away desire to marry.
No need to wait for distant future.
Vintage year divorces increase rapidly among their parents' generation, and there is a fact that divorces tend to be claimed by wives.
If those couple's children's generation learn the reality, or hear friends or siblings who got married earlier are suffering from troubles and harassment at new home,
 No wonder they assume marriage as the graveyard of life.
  Therefore, I’d like to leave a proposal as a bystander:

Bullied wives need not to bear nor suffer from self-reproach.
You can learn from various successful examples and fight against harmful people before you fall into despair, especially in case neither your husband nor parents-in-law are your alley.
You have the right to live happy life.
I shall also suggest those wretched parents-in-law and abusive husbands to go through therapy , for the sake of themselves.

Poor mother-in-law must have been oppressed by her husband and parents-in-law during all her marriage life, and expresses her disgusts by tormenting her son's wife.
 But nothing comes from chain of hatred.
I recommend mother of son with wife to treat her daughter-in-law as she wants her daughters or granddaughters to be treated at their husband's home.
If a wife with son is currently distressed by her mother-ln-law, she needs to be careful as well.
The mother-in-law that she is holding grudge against can be herself in the distant future.
As for abusive husband, he must have been raised wrong.

I'd like to confront all the fathers and educators with a question again:
Do you want their sons and students to grow up to abuse women?

It's too late when your sons and students are sentenced to break off relations from their partner or families, brought lawsuits, or arrested.

:Ready to place summery if asked


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