Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
まず大人から【シリーズ10-line】:マルビル?いえアロマランプ0001.jpg 生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 sports-people-ship【シリーズ10-line】:ゴング?いえ卓上チャイム What's HINKAKU【シリーズ10-line】:カラフルオーブ.jpg


4. Some moss-headed people blame younger parents -especially mothers who leave their children with nursery facilities and go to work, criticizing that those children are poor who are raised by loveless mothers.
I'd like to suggest those fossils to criticize those parents' employers who exploit those parents.
Incidentally, I've heard about a survey that children who go to kindergarten or nursery facilities tend to grow up to gain social skills and do netter at school .

5. There are husbands unconcerned about family and wives are forced to raise children alone, while both of them work full-time to earn their living.
Some of those husbands actually wish to spend more time with family and children, but their employers and coworkers restrict those fathers.
If that is their problem, what wives must be angry at is husbands' employers who don't know that those parents are raising future workers and customers.
On the second thought... plenty of fathers neglect family on the pretext of their being too busy with work
Those fathers have no right to excuse if their wives regard their significance of existence as money-bringers and studmen.

6. Around this September 14 and 15 , did people in London witness residents from our state gathering at Trafalgar Square and singing a fight song of one of the baseball teams in our country?
 The name of the baseball team is Tigers .
  This animal is called in our language " Tora ".
This Baseball team won the pennant in this season after eighteen years of absence.
For those fans, Trafalgar Square is Tora -falgar Square , and that's why they gathered at this Plaza.
-Is this explanation fine in English?
Last time this Team won the league title, at Trafalgar Square, some Tora fans dove into the fountain.
But now, the fountain is out-of-bounds, so nobody committed such act of folly.

Guess why they acted such disgracefully at the last time of Tora
In the Prefecture where there are especially many Tora freaks, when this Team wins, maniacs dive into a canal at a downtown of the Prefectural capital city, and media reports their dangerous behavior with interests.
Twenty years and eighteen years ago when this Team won, thousands of mobs dove into the Canal and several died, which was more than they deserved.
This year, thanks to strict guard, there was no accidents nor apprehension, but still, dozens of freaks dove into the Canal.
How dare they dive into such soiled water?
I've never watched baseball games at site, but I've read the Corporation's indignation about fanatic freaks' abusing jeering against opponents.
Not all the general public are sports fans; there are haters, and uninterested people -like me.
The reason can be ill-mannered freaks why those Anti hate certain sports teams or uninterested public don't care about sports.
Incidentally, I've heard that all kinds of sports originate with military exercises and wars
That doesn't allow fans to riot and slander each other , though.

:Ready to place translation if asked


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