かなりマイペースな更新ですが、今年もchalita's kimono diaryをよろしくお願いいたします。 I hope you keep enjoying chalita's kimono diary through this year even it's not updated so often.
今年のお正月、祖父母宅での一日をお送りしたいと思います♪ I would like to show you the new year day at my grandparents house.
今年も、去年同様、妹にも着物を着せました! I dresse up her with Kimono aslast year.
She felt very uncomfortable even the OBI was half-wide OBI.But I did good job and we both are so satisfied! The kimono doesn't come loose nor uncomfortable for all day. I do love to see people wear Kimono not only I do like to wear, so I felt so happy! By the way, She doesn't look like me at all.Our caracter is also different but we are very close and I am proud of her.(It is shame that she is not interested in Kimono)
まずは、宴会開始のお手伝い・・・。 At first, we prepared for the feast.
ひと段落したら、近所の神社へ初詣!もう一人の子は従姉妹です。来年は彼女にも着物を着せたいなぁ~。残念ながら彼女も着物に興味がないようで・・・。 Then we payed our first visits of the year.The other girl is our cousin.I wanna dress her up with Kimono next year but she is also not interested in Kimono...
帰りには、酒屋さんで宴会用のお酒の買出し♪着物姿と日本酒は合いますね!残念ながら私は日本酒は飲まないんですが・・・。 On the way we go back,we shopped SAKE at SAKE shop.Kimono goes well with SAKE! I don't drink SAKE through....
帰宅後はお屠蘇。味はともかく、年中行事デス。 After we went back, we tasted OTOSO(New Year's spiced sake). It is an annual so the taste doesn't matter...