It is not uncommon for wars and civil strife to destroy not only the cultural properties of enemy countries but also the cultural properties of one's own country. The influence of these acts cannot be limited to one era, not is it limited to the cultural history of one nation. From a broader point of view, it would destroy wisdom that mankind has pains- takingly built up. I do not hesitate to say that cultural vandalism is a "crime" against humanity. Because, in spite of repeated acts of destruction, we continue to study histry, archeology, human history, paleontology, geoarcheology, as well as space archeology. It is because we continue to search for what mankind is, and we must continue to search it.
By the way, just before 2:00 pm, 21 Dec. 2022, CNN reported a very interesting fact. The Ukrainian Border Guard was constructing efensive facilities on the banks of the Donipro River. they found fragments of ancient pottery and other pottery in the ground about one meter deep. The Ukrainian military immediately contacted archeologists. It was veluable histrical rekic. The military stopped con- struction of the facility. After achiving a "victory," the Border Guard said a team of aecheologists will begin work on the site, CNN concludes.
What I said was "interesting" is that the military immediately contacted archeologiste and stopped construction of defensive faciliries. In the midst of war, and in the midst of daily missile bombardments by vicious invaders, a relic appeared quite unexpectedly that would fill a missing piece in human and culutural history. At that point, the preservation and protection of relics was given top priority, and the construction of military facilities, which was on the verge of death, was stopped. I have never heard of such an instance. I was amazed at the military commander's intellect, which foresaw the future of national and ethnographic history, and said, "Oh, there are such soldiers in this country (Ukraine)!"