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カテゴリ: 学習

Cross Learning

Basically, when you enter a new field and build knowledge in a new area, your new competency inevitably leaks into existing areas of knowledge and can expand and alter your perspective.

This often means things in a whole new light and coming up with a whole host of ideas you would have never thought of otherwise.

Indeed, innovation comes from viewing things from multiple perspectives. A physicist, for example, who has a good knowledge of biology, too, will have a unique perspective on his craft,
and be able to view things in a more enlightened broader way.

本当に、革新は、複数の見地からものを見ることからやって来ます。 例えば同じく生物学の良い理解を持っている物理学者は、彼の技能に関してユニークな展望を持ち、いっそう賢明なより広範囲の方法の中でものを見ることが可能でしょう。

Musk has a degree in both economics and physics, which are two vastly different areas. His knowledge of each respectively informs his overall outlook on his business. And means he can
come up with ideas no one else can.

マスクは経済学と物理学両方の学位を持っていますが、それは2つの非常に異なった分野です。それぞれの彼の知識はそれぞれ彼のビジネスに関する彼の全体的な展望の情報を与えます。 そして彼が他の誰もできない考えを思いつけることを意味します。

Elon Musk’s brother Kimball Musk claims that growing up, Elon would read at least two books a day, a total of 730 books a year, there is no doubt that extensive reading is a great tool for

イーロン・マスクの兄弟のキンボール マスクはその大きくなるにつれて、 イーロンが1日少なくとも2冊の本、これで年に全体で 730 冊の本を読むであろうと主張しますが、広範囲にわたる読書が学ぶための素晴らしい道具であることに疑いがありません。

But what is key about his reading habit is that he would focus on a diverse range of disciplines, and so acquire the learning method called  Learning transfer. けれども、彼の読書習慣について、鍵とは何かは、彼が鍛錬の多様な範囲に焦点を合わせて、それでいわゆる 学習転移 という学習方法を獲得したのであろう。

Learning Transfer

This simply means taking knowledge from one area and applying it to another. From reading all those books, Musk learned a great deal about various subjects and is able to recall and transfer
that information over into his professional life.

Learning about new subjects becomes easier because of the backlog of applicable information. This bar layouts for how Musk was able to take a rudimentary knowledge of artificial intelligence and engineering and combine them to create the technology we see in Tesla.
新しい主題のことを学ぶことは適用可能な情報の蓄積のおかげでより容易になります。 この制約はマスクがどのように人工知能とエンジニアリングの基本的な理解をとることが可能であるか、そして我々がテスラに見るテクノロジーを創造するためにそれらを結合することができるかを割り付けします。

In a Reddit Ask Me Anything from 2014, Musk spoke about seeing knowledge as a semantic tree. By this, he meant that learning fundamental principles should constitute the tree trunk, with other key topics forming the larger branches. And finally adding the finer details for leaves.
2014 年から Reddit ASK Me Anything で、マスクが、知識を意味の木として見ることについて、話をしました。 これによって彼は学習大綱が、他の主要なトピックがより大きい枝を形成するという状態で、木の幹を構成するはずであることを意味して言いました。そして葉で最終的により素晴らしい詳細を加えます。

Starting with the small stuff means the leaves have nothing to hang off and your knowledge is unlikely to be retained. So, when it comes to learning about new subjects Musk recommends
tackling the core first before you get caught up in the more superficial details.


Another way to think of this is like learning ballroom dance, naturally, you need to master the most basic steps before you can start learning any of the flourishes like spins and lifts. Approach your learning in the same way and get to grips with those fundamental steps.

Once you’re firm on your feet, then you can start adding the wow factor stuff. And the good news is that supplementary knowledge will come much easier and faster when you’re secure on
the core.


Like we’re learning a language. If you get the basic grammar down, new vocabulary can be learned and applied to the rules you already know in no time at all.
我々が言語を学習しているように。 もしあなたが基本的な文法をしっかり身に着けるなら、たちまち新しい語彙が学習されて、あなたがすでに知っている規則に適用することができます。

The Semantic Tree

The semantic tree metaphor Musk uses also represents another significant method for learning and building connections. When it comes to learning memory is obviously a vital factor

According to musk and several memory experts, building connections between facts is the best way to get them secured in our minds. We’re all vaguely aware of course that linking new knowledge to a piece of information we already know makes it much easier to remember.


We’re more likely for example, to remember someone’s name if it’s the same exact name as our own mother’s. And we also stand a better chance of remembering a word in a foreign language if it relates to a word in our own language.


New Knowledge simply won’t be as quick or straightforward to acquire without a strong base knowledge first and it is therefore even more essential that you spend adequate time securing
fundamental knowledge into your brain.


So, if you want to learn faster than others, don’t pursue advanced material, even if that’s what you’re most interested in until you’ve securely acquired the core principles of the subject.


Taking this approach will lead to a quicker and smarter learning in the long run, which is, of course, the goal.







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Last updated  2022.11.06 06:13:08
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