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Cryptocurrency Arbitrage —  Beginner’s Guide

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Sergei Tokmakov Terms.Law  from  Pixabay
ピクサベイからの用語 . 法律、セルゲイ・トクマコフによる画像

Ahmed Ejaz
アーメド エジャズ

Oct 10, 2022

Imagine saving up a ton of money to buy your favorite iPhone, only to learn that you could have got it way cheaper at a different place. Yes, the disappointment is real. Imagine if you were a trader and the iPhone in question was your cryptocurrency of choice. Failing to conduct market research before making such a significant purchase can result in a considerable loss of profits and dissatisfaction.
お気に入りの iPhone を買うためにたくさんのお金を貯めたのに、別の場所ではもっと安く手に入れることができるだろうと知ることを想像してみてください。そう、その失望は本物です。あなたがトレーダーで、問題の iPhone が仮想通貨であるとした場合を想像してみてください。このような重要な購入を行う前に市場調査を行わないと、利益が大幅に失われ、不満が生じる可能性があります。 This comparison can be expanded upon and used in the crypto ecosystem. One requires a great deal of knowledge and practical experience to become an experienced investor. Fortunately, arbitrage in cryptocurrencies closes that gap.

It’s the key to risk-free trading for a newbie investor. Most folks aren’t familiar with this technique. Therefore, in this post, we’ll go through the basics of arbitrage, how much money you can make with it, and why the concept is so enticing.

What is Crypto Arbitrage?

Photo by  David McBee

Although crypto arbitrage has become a bit of a buzzword lately, it’s not difficult to wrap your head around this concept. Let’s begin by dissecting its fundamentals. What would you do to make a couple of extra bucks back in the day as a student? Well, you might babysit your neighbor’s child or take their dog for a walk.
仮想通貨鞘取りは最近少し流行語になっていますが、この概念を理解することは難しくありません。その基本を分析することから始めましょう。学生としてその日に数ドル余分に稼ぐためにあなたは何をしますか ?  そこで、あなたはあなたの隣人の子供をベビーシッターしたり、彼らの犬を散歩に連れて行ったりするかもしれません。

By repeating these chores, you can earn a decent amount of money which you can utilize on commodities of your choice. But that’s what a naive kid would do back in the day; what if we modify this strategy to yield more significant profits and minimal risk?
これらの雑用を繰り返すことで、ある程度のお金を稼ぐことができ、それを好きな商品に利用できます。しかし、それは昔の純朴な子供がすることでした。この戦略を変更して、より大きな利益をもたらし、リスクを最小限に抑えたらどうなるでしょうか ?

Simply put, instead of taking your neighbor’s dog for a walk, you can find people willing to do this for you. By collaborating with these folks, you reduce the effort and risk involved. For instance, if your neighbor is willing to pay you $20 for taking his dog out for a walk, you pay $10 to the volunteer for doing this in your place while you keep the remaining $10 for simply setting up the deal.
簡単に言えば、隣人の犬を散歩に連れて行く代わりに、あなたはあなたのためにこれを喜んでする人を見つけることができます。これらの人と協力することで、関連する労力とリスクを軽減できます。たとえば、隣人が犬を散歩に連れて行くために 20 ドルを支払う意思がある場合、あなたはあなたの代わりにこれを行うためにボランティアに 10 ドルを支払い、残りの 10 ドルは単に取引を設定するために保管します。

You increase returns while minimizing risk by doing this. You gain by engaging in a lawn service arbitrage, the yard owner gains by having his grass cut, and the volunteer benefits by getting employed.

Crypto arbitrage is pretty similar. The method relies on the time-honored principle of making money by purchasing low and selling high. The process of buying cryptocurrencies from one exchange and immediately selling them to another exchange for a higher price is known as cryptocurrency arbitrage.

Long before the creation of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, which sprang to renown owing to the commercialization of crypto, arbitrage was a cornerstone of conventional financial markets. Frequently trading cryptocurrency assets across hundreds of exchanges globally gives arbitrage traders more opportunities to spot profitable price disparities.

All they need to do is take advantage of the pricing difference. Crypto arbitrage often entails purchasing digital currency, such as ETH, from exchange 1 for $2400 and reselling it at a markup on exchange 2 for maybe $2700 to profit from the price discrepancy.
彼らがしなければならないのは、価格差を利用することだけです。暗号通貨鞘取りでは、多くの場合、 ETH などのデジタル通貨を取引所 1 から 2,400 ドルで購入し、それを値上げして取引所 2 でおそらく 2,700 ドルで転売して、価格差から利益を得ることが必要になります。

Leaving all of this explanation aside, you might be curious as to why cryptocurrency values vary among exchanges. Let’s delve a little deeper into the concepts that underpin this process to conjure up an explanation.

Facts Behind the Fluctuation Across Crypto Exchanges

Photo by  Austin Distel  on  Unsplash

Liquidity and Volatility in Trading Volume

The problem with Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies is that no one knows what they are worth or what these coins should be valued at. Therefore, the volume of trade greatly influences their value.

This is the underlying principle of cryptocurrency arbitrage and the major reason why prices fluctuate on various exchanges. It is crucial to understand that this virtual currency is not connected to fiat money like the British Pound or the US Dollar, nor is it connected to a certain exchange or country.

When you decide to make a deal, the market’s supply and demand conditions determine the value of Ethereum, Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency.

For instance, buying Litecoin (LTC) from Coinbase might cost you over $62.165 per piece, while buying from Binance will cost you around $62.94. This price disparity exists primarily due to variable trading volume.
たとえば、コインベースからライトコイン  (LTC) を購入すると、 1 個あたり 62.165 ドルを超える費用となるかもしれないが、バイナンスから購入すると、約 62.94 ドルの費用となります。 この価格格差は、主に変動する取引量が原因で存在します。

Compared to Coinbase, Binance has a greater user base or trade volume for LTC. This rise in trading volume raises demand, which raises the price of Litecoin as a result. Because there is less demand due to Coinbase’s reduced trading volume, the price of Litecoin is a little bit lower.
コインベースと比較して、バイナンスは LTC のユーザーベースまたは取引量が多いです。この取引量の増加は需要を高め、その結果、ライトコインの価格を上昇させます。コインベースの取引量の減少により需要が少ないため、ライトコインの価格は少し低くなります。

The activity of trading assets to profit from variations in the asset’s value across several markets or exchanges is known as “Arbitrage Opportunity,” which is brought about by this price variance.

But numerous other variables than liquidity and trading volume fluctuations impact the value of cryptocurrencies. Let’s dive into them to comprehend this situation better.

Collateral Deficit







Last updated  2023.10.23 11:58:19

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