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カテゴリ: ブルゴーニュ赤

[2005] ジヴリー ピエ・ド・ショーム ルージュ 750ml (ジョブロ)赤【コク辛口】



2005 Domaine Joblot Givry Pied de Chaume

Jun 2007 David Schildknecht 89 Drink -  
The 2005 Givry Pied de Chaume - matured primarily in once-used barriques - displays aromas and flavors of lightly-cooked cherry, cinnamon, honeysuckle, and fresh red meat. Juicy and satisfying on the palate, it finishes with pure fruit and lovely inner-mouth florality.

Jean-Marc Joblot says he is always seeking precisely what 2005 delivered - the best fruit of his thirty year career: concentrated, pure, its elements in equilibrium. He continues to rely on roto-fermentors and is unafraid of new wood. But the wines are not just well-concentrated. They are well-balanced and possessed of considerable refinement, once again proving that the best reds of the Cote Chalonaise deserve more serious attention than most Burgundy lovers or journalists accord them. Joblot was at pains to warn me that these wines were traumatized from recent bottling, although I can't say I would have arrived at that conclusion from their performance.


Last updated  2008/08/09 11:39:37 PM
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