全128件 (128件中 1-50件目)
Our expert team of writers has thought of several story lines for the Mail Magazine, and one of them was the romance between Bill and Yuko. It seems that it was not so popular, so that we stopped that storyline about two months ago, and we have moved on to topics dealing with other workers in an international office.If our readers have other ideas about topics or storylines that they'd like to see in the Mail Magazine, I will take them into consideration. Please post them here or send them directly to me.Brian
Please put your answers for Number 80 here.Brian
I cannot believe that Musashi was allowed to win! It is shameful, and what he did to K-1 last night is offensive to all true K-1 fans.Because he continued to attack Wan Quiang after he was down, he shows that he has no honor, and lacks all qualities of sportsmanship. For these reasons alone, he should be thrown out of K-1, and never enter the ring again.It is my sincerest hope that K-1 management will look on this crime with shame in their hearts and terminate his contract permanently.Brian
There are some really strange things going on!Dog shoots owner in the backhttp://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/index.php?cl=3549300Kangaroo cull plan catches military on the hophttp://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070803/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_australia_kangaroosWhat is going on with these animals (and their owners?)Brian
I was very shocked to see this accident yesterday! I pray for the victims and their families, and that the rescue workers will be able to help find anyone the can.At first, I thought that the collapse of the bridge could have been terrorism. It doesn't seem like that at this time, and I'm relieved to know that terrorists didn't blow up the bridge.But, when I think about it, there are 40-year-old bridges around here in Japan, and I hope that the local and national government is taking good care of them, so that this kind of incident does not happen here. Knowing the scandals here in recent years (姉歯, 日本道路公団) it does not make me think that the possibility of the same thing happening in Japan is zero.Brian
Please post your responses or questions here.Brian
I saw the TBS Debate last night, and I had some interesting insights (I think) into the candidates.1. Ozawa (Democrat) He had large dark rings around his eyes, which couldn't be hidden by make-up. This could indicate damage or a problem with his internal organs. He was also gripping his own hand at times, made speech slips, and seemed like he wasn't paying attention. I thought that maybe there was some kind of neurological condition that was affecting him.2. Ota (Komei) He had on so much hairspray and foundation that the glare was really strong!3. Fukushima (Shamin) She is like most non-LDP female politicians, since it was obvious that she bought her dress and accessories from 野党通販 (where they sell all of the strange pastel colors.) I wonder if anyone noticed that she has a slight speech impediment, and she can't say 「た、つ、ち、て、と」 correctly all the time. It was really strange listening to her.4. Shii (JCP) It looked like he lost weight and dyed his hair black. I think that he'd be more appealing if he changed his glasses from the square type to a more modern style.5. Abe (LDP) He's really too intelligent to express his own thoughts well, but I thought that he looked a the opposition and debated well. He was very disciplined (unlike others) and made a good deflect to Ozawa when Ozawa wasn't ready to answer.6. Watanuki (Kokumin) What can I say? He reminds me of Mito Komon!I would have like to have seen 丸山弁護士 in the debate, just for laughs!Brian
It's true...I really wonder:"Did the national IQ of Japan suddenly drop after Golden Week 2007?"It seems strange, but in 13 years of living in this country, I have never thought that suddenly there was a dramatic increase in idiocy, but after Golden Week this year, it seems that has happened.I wonder if anyone else thinks this is true?Anyone can name a list of problems and people that are in the limelight, but, even at a personal level, I've noticed that some people I knew to be bright suddenly came back after Golden Week seemingly less intelligent than before.Is it me? Is it true? Brian
Recently, I've found myself carrying three (3) cellular phones:1. Softbank 910 SHIt's my personal phone, and with 5.0 meg camera and a 2GB microSD, it is almost as good as a PDA, iPod, and digital camera all in one.2. Softbank 812SHThis is one that I'm using for business, and I'm just getting used to it. It seems to work well with the 910, likely because they're both Sharp models.3. Willcom AH-K300IVI'm using this PHS just to keep in touch with only 6 people (VIPs) and it's about time to get rid of it!My question about 1 & 2 is which Bluetooth wireless headset should I use? I think that the Plantronics Voyager 510 would work well, does anyone have any experience with it?Brian
Please write your answers for Mail Magazine 54 here.Good Luck!Brian
Suddenly, I've become so busy! I'm sorry for my readers, since I haven't been able to post or visit your blogs in a few weeks.Likely, you're wondering "What has Brian先生" been doing?" So, this is the latest news.1. I was in Ishikawa Prefecture twice last month, for a total of five days. I thought that Kanazawa City was very historic and beautiful, and that the countryside of Ishikawa reminded me of the countryside of Miyagi. It seems that countryside areas anywhere in Japan are similar.2. Another co-worker of mine suddenly had to go to another part of Japan for two weeks, and I had to take over all of his responsibilities. 3. Somehow I got a stomach cold and was out with stomach pain for 2 days. Luckily, I've fully recovered from it now.That's about it.Brian
Terrible Terry Tate, or "T-Train" or "TTT" is one of the funniest video series I have seen lately.Terry Tate, Office Linebacker in "Draft Day"Would you want TTT in your office?Brian
I wonder if many Japanese people know what a "redneck" is? Basically, it is a kind of lower-class white person, generally from the South of the U.S. Of course, this is a big stereotype, but, rednecks can be found anywhere! Play this video! Redneck ChristmasIf you want to really understand how a redneck is, check out: "Larry The Cable Guy" doing some Christmas carols "Redneck Style!" You might meet these people in certain parts of the U.S., especially El Cajon, California or anywhere east of there...Brian
I got to see this over Golden Week on BS, and it had been maybe over 15 years since I last saw this classic movie.It's hard to believe that so many great classic actors appeared together just in this one film! Lee Marvin, Donald Sutherland, and Charles Bronson in all together!In a way, the Korean re-make "Silmido" is based on The Dirty Dozen, I think.But, it's hard to really compare the two movies, since The Dirty Dozen is so grand in the schemes and final climax!Brian
1. In House's office.House: "As I always say, there is no "I" in team, however, there is a "me."House is quoting a famous anonymous quote, and then twisting it backwards, since the letters "m" and "e" are in the word "team."2. Speaking with Cuty:Cuty: [About Foreman] "He wants someone he can trust."House: "Must have called his parole officer."This is another implied racial slur from House, since he is making a "Black = Criminal" link and calling Foreman an ex-con. This is ironic since House is often served with legal charges and taken to court.Brian
1. In House's office, House tells Foreman to go and search a kid's room for drugs.House: "I'm sure you know all the good hiding spots."Foreman: "I've never done drugs."This is based on the Black = Drugs idea, and House is basically saying "You're black, so you use drugs" which is ironic considering that House is a Vicodin addict [Vicodin is 3/4 as strong as morphine.]2. Again, in House's office, discussing a patient.Chase: "I'm Australian."House: "You've got the Queen on your money, you're British."A snotty remark, but it is something that Americans do say to Aussies, Kiwis, and Cannucks.Brian
I'm a little late with this entry, but I had to work during Golden Week (makes you wonder why it's so golden?)Basically, I thought that the camera work was pretty bad in Hawaii, and I wonder why K-1 allowed it to be shown on Japanese TV?On to the fights...1. Sawayashiki vs. Randy KimThis was a good standing K.O.2. Mighty Mo vs. G. KimEnded with a typical Mighty Mo "hook" K.O.3. Choi vs. Mike MaloneI thought that Choi got about 2-3 illegal punches on Mallone that the referee didn't notice during the 1st round.4. Mighty Mo vs. NoroikyaAn even better Mighty Mo "HooK" K.O.5. Remy Bonyasky vs. Graube FeitozaHonestly, I didn't think that Remy had a chance, but, finally this was an old-school kicking-punching aggressive fight! Like old K-1!6. Hari vs. FujimotoTotally amazing 1R K.O. kick from Hari. I expected this fight to go to Fujimoto, since the referee is typically prejudiced against non-Japanese fighters. But, I guess that you can't debate a K.O.!7. Mighty Mo vs. PichoknovKyokushin vs. boxing! A good fight! Mighty Mo showed that he could kick, and his 3R low kick was impressive.In the end, it was a good fight night for Mighty Mo. It makes me think that he may be able to beat Schilt and become the K-1 Champion this year.Brian
こんにちは~。最近、楽しい質問をメルマガ読者のみなさんからいただいてのブライアン村スタッフです。このところ、ほかのメルマガのように、「無料レポート」を発行してほしい、というお願いをたびたびいただくようになりました。BUT It's big but in capital letters, どんなテーマがよいのでしょうか~???ブライアン先生は、とても知識の幅が広いので、いろんなテーマについて書いて下さると思います。え~と、でも~、hands-on dating tips that work!なんていうのは、ちょっとスタッフも含めて不得意系じゃないかと思います~。何か役に立つもの、ということで、ビジネスプレゼンの仕方なんていかがでしょう?読みたいレポート、希望をお知らせくださいね~。
Is there a second allergy season now?I've had these strange sneezing attacks...like 10 times in a row, and I can't stop!It's at least once a day.Brian
初級英語のマダムNです~アニョンハセヨ!英語ブログだったはずなのに???看板替えではないですよ~実は、毎週金曜日配信のブライアン先生のメルマガ今月のTopic「恋愛編」のテーマがあの冬ソナの名台詞を英訳したらどうなるの~なのです。(こちらのバックナンバーで読むことができます^^)私マダムNのたっての願いで実現したのでぜひ読んでくさいね~なんたって、ブライアン先生にお願いしたところ「自分のメルマガに冬ソナ?!死ぬ、十字切腹をして僕は死ぬ~~~」と言うのを拝み倒して実現したのですから皆さん、ぜひ、ぜひ見てくださいね^^ヨン様が流暢な英語でささやいたらこんなふうになるのかしら~英語のお声も素敵だわ~な~んて妄想が楽しめる上に、英語が覚えられる素敵な企画!!ところが、「I have no interest in KOREAN Austin Powers!」しかも、ハングルで返事が返ってきました~(翻訳サイトで訳したらしい…)まだ抵抗しているブライアン先生~あきらめなされ~もう配信しちゃいましたからね~^^お~っほっほほほ~~ちなみに Austin Powersって誰?という方はこちらですよ~↓↓
Recently, I thought about these small Japanese phrases I've seen.1.) このポスターはイメジです。2.) このドラマはフィクションです。3.) リアルタイムで運行状況を知らせる。Aren't they strange? Do they make sense? Why?Look at 1, a poster is an image by definition. Why is it necessary to write that the poster is an image?How about 2, again, any drama is fiction (actually, "drama" is a Greek word that means a play where someone dies at the end...) so of course a TV drama is fiction (it wouldn't be fiction if the actors in a TV drama actually died!)But, 3 is the most mysterious. By using the 外来語 word リアルタイム, it makes me wonder whose "Real Time" does it mean? Is it my "Real Time," as in the time I am at when it is telling me transportation information? Or is it the transportation company's vision (or image) of what they think the transportation situation is?Do you feel that meaning is lost or somehow twisted when you read these?Brian
こんばんわ~初級英語のマダムNです^^今日は宿題になっていた“味”の表現についてブライアン先生に聞きました~「すっきりした切れ味」なんて言うの~?「う~ん、それはBe refresh」と言ってバドワイザーの宣伝キャッチコピーは「It's that Rereshing!!」「それに、ビールはおいしいに決まっているんだから~日本のCMは面白くない」とおっしゃるのです。確かに、バドワのこのCMなどは秀逸です!^^ではちょっと意地悪に、「わさび」の味をなんて言って伝えたらいいですか?「わさびはアメリカでもWASABIだから、辞書でわかるよ~“A very pungent green Japanese condiment made from the root of the herb Eutrema wasabi. ”pungentというのがあのわさびの突き刺すという感じの意味になるよね」ブライアン先生が夏休みに帰国した際、近くの普通のスーパーにもわさび、味噌、お好み焼き粉まで売っていたのでびっくりしたそうです。では、辛い味の後には~「私は甘党です」は?「I have a sweet-tooth.」でも、ブライアン先生の場合、この表現は「今、甘いものが食べたい~!」という時の場合かな~とのこと、なるほどじゃあ、「口直し、たとえば~甘いものを食べたので口直しに塩辛いものを食べたいと言う場合は?」「After I eat something sweet,I want to refresh my palate with something salty.」“palate"は口の中の上あごの裏(口蓋)のことです。続いて~「こってりした味」は rich or heavy?「rich」「味が濃い」は thick or storong?「strong] フムフム~^^今回は、味の表現についてブライアン先生とお話をしてやはり、漢字・ひらがな・カタカナと文字数が圧倒的に多い文字文化の日本は本当に豊かな表現があるのだなと改めて感じました。蛇足ですが、マーケティングの仕事をしている私、こんなことも聞いてみました~○○園のお茶をアメリカに売り込むとして「中国4000年の味」というキャッチコピーはどうですか?とたずねたところ~「無理だね~日本人ほどアメリカ人は中国について知らない。それに中国についてのイメージもまったく違うからね~カンフーとつなげてPRしたほうがいいんじゃない」おお~!私、マダムNが大好きなジェット・リーなんてどうでしょう!とついつい話が違う方向に行ってしまいました^^ちなみにSnappleというアメリカのドリンクメーカーのHPでGeen teasを見るとOriginal, Asian Pear, Mango and Dietと種類がいろいろ~
英語の勉強と、資格試験は、切っても切れない関係ですが、このたび、海外ドラマ検定というものを見つけました。さすがに、I love Lucyとか見てないし、だいじょうぶかな、と思ったら、わからないものはとばしてもよいそうです。ブライアン先生と競争しようかな。年齢で勝てるかも。実は、助手Lは、美形美女に弱いため、最近、Point Pleasantなどを見て、眠くなり、仕事に支障をきたしそうに、(たぶん、しそう、でなく、していた。)なりました。え?そうなの?という何か中途半端な終わり方だったのですが・・・。ほとんど、毎日の12時からの放送でした。悪魔の子ども、という設定のクリスティーナ(エリザベス・ハーノイズ)が最後に結局、悪魔になって、街が滅んでしまって終わる、という、簡単に言うと、本当に、え~!の内容でした。でも、「バフィー」のプロディーサー、マーティー・ノクソンと「トゥルー・コーリング」のドーン・バロウズ、ニール・モリッツが製作総指揮だったんですよ~。もう一回別のエンディングで作り直して欲しい・・・。
こんばんわ~初級英会話のマダムNです~春も一進一退ですね~(これって英語でなんていうのかな?)ところで、電車のつり広告第2弾を検討しているのですが、これから暑くなりますとビールなどの宣伝がにぎやかになります。そこで、”味”の表現って英語ではどうなんでしょうね~例えば、学校で習った“味”と言うと…Sweet 甘いHot 辛いBitter 苦いSour すっぱいこのぐらいしか思い出せない初級英語の私ですが^^;「すっきりとした切れ味~」とか英語でなんて言うのでしょうね?と言うわけで、近日中にいろいろな味の表現をまた電車のつり広告で見つけてブライアン先生に聞いてみますね~もちろん皆さんからもご質問もオッケーです^^お楽しみに~
I'd like to thank all of my readers who wrote kinds words supporting me during the time that I was suffering from Hay Fever and allergies.I stopped taking anti-allergy medication last week, and have basically been symptom-free for 1 week now.Hopefully, this is the end for 2007!!!Brian
I have some "Strange Questions" that I've been thinking about recently.1. If "communism" is (according to Marxs and Engles) fundamentally against money (since money is a symbol of capital and oppression.)Question: "Why does the Japan Communist Party talk about money so much?"2.) If 1 in 10 cars on the Sobu Line between Chiba and Ochanomizu is "Women only," that equals 10% of all cars between 0649-0849 AM M-F. But, if women are 51% of the population, it makes me ask:Question: Since this ratio implies a 1.96% chance of a woman being a victim of some trouble with a man, does that mean 1.96% of all women riding the Sobu Line are victims? Or, does it mean that 41%-54% of all men in the other 9 cars in a 10-car-train are potentially men who would somehow do something improper toward women?These are recent mysteries that I often think about.Brian
From Episode 1-111.) In House's office, looking for a diagnosis.Chase: "Drugs will fit just as much as Lupus..."Foreman: "He doesn't seem like the type."Chase: "Because his Dad drives a Porche? Rich kids do drugs just like poor kids."Foreman: "Didn't mean to offend you."This is interesting because the stereotype is that poor black kids (Foreman) do drugs, while rich white kids (Chase) do not, and chase is stating a fact, but insulting Foreman by saying "you're black, so you do drugs..."2.) Outside House's office. Cuty is trying to get House to quit Vicodin.Cuty: "It's double what you were doing when I hired you!"House: "Because you're twice as annoying."This is funny! House blames his Vicodin addiction on Cuty being more annoying!3.) Near the elevators, Cuty is still trying to get House to quit Vicodin.Cuty: "Patients talk, doctors talk."House: "About how big your ass has gotten lately? Not me!"HAHAHAHAA!!!!! Classic House! Cuty is trying to scare House into quitting Vicodin, and then he says that her butt has gotten fat!4.) In House's office, discussing why House is acting strange.Williams: "He hasn't had Vicodin for over a day."Foreman: "Does it hurt?"House: "You ever been shot?"This is a big question in House; is House addicted to Vicodin? Cuty said he was taking 80mg. / day, which is 16 tablets / day. My doctor gave me Vicodin when I was about 18 years old and had an operation. I used it for about 9 weeks, and I could maybe take 2 or 3 tablets in one day, if I had a lot of pain. I think anyone who takes 16 a day is an addict for sure!Brian
「腰巾着」って、英語でなんていうの?と忙しく仕事をしているブライアン先生に聞きました。flunky?henchman?(すいませ~ん、また、くだらないこと聞いて。)以上の二つの単語を例にあげたのですが、どうもどちらも違うニュアンスらしいのですね。会社は、一応、英語がとびかっているのですが、"You don't make any sense in any langauges."とからかわれている日本人社員(あれ、私?)もいます。ブライアン先生に、腰巾着という存在はね、You have a subordinate,and that person does anything for you, like a slave, kind of voluatary slave,and that person does anything in the manner you like・・・but the reason is more selfish,と説明すると、So, that's about everyone on this floor...including me....あ~、そうですか?そういわれてみると、何か、自分を客観視できる気がしてきました。flunkyは、「使いっぱしり」というニュアンス、henchmanはどちらかと言えば、ポジションを表現しているもののようです。マダムNがいたら、このあと、腰巾着とたいこもちの違いを教えてもらったところなのですが、マダムもいそがしそうなのですね。あと、「ちょいワル」と、「あたりや」っていうのも聞きたいのですが・・・。忙しそう・・・。今週のメルマガのkey sentencesは、Dangerous Englishなので、録音しているとき、聞かれたくない、変な人だと思われてしまう、といつものように、CUTEなブライアン先生。聞いた人が、offendedと感じるから、だめだよ、といいつつ、社内をうろうろ。録音するコンピューターを持ち歩けないですからね。さて、その録音の内容、聞いてみたい人は、早速登録してくださいね!
Good fighting this time, and there were some really interesting bouts. But, I also thought that some fights were kind of boring and slow.http://www.k-1.co.jp/k-1gp/top765.htmI'll comment on the fights as shown on TV:1. HIROYA vs. NISHIMURAHard to believe that HIROYA is 15-years-old! His final attack before the KO was amazing! Maybe there is hope for Japanese fighters in the future?2. SCHAFFA vs. OZAKII thought this was the best fight of the night.The match was an interesting combination of full-contact tae kwon do and boxing / jujitsu, and I saw a lot of interesting moves that were based on each fighter's style, with cool roundhouse kicks, backhands, and incredible punches.This was an incredibly good, violent fight. I thought that Ozaki actually took a number of downs, and Schaffa should have won by KO. I didn't want to see a decision, and I was hoping for a draw so they would go to an extra round.3. ZAMBIDIS vs. TAKEDAThis fight built up from being slow and boring to being bloody and violent. Zanbidis should have gotten a KO in round 1, but I guess it was his style to let it go. I thought Takeda took a lot of damage, and it's surprising that he kept going. By round 3, it was total violence, and lots of knees!4. OLOGON vs. BUAKAWIt's hard to even THINK that Andy Ologon would consider fighting the defending champion. What guts! But, it was even more impressive that Andy survived 3 rounds, even after a low blow. I think Andy Ologon has a kind of natural talent for fighting, and he'll be a good fighter in the future. If he trains hard, and puts on more muscle, weight, and skill, he could be a serious fighter.5. KALAKODA vs. MAEDABasically two boxers (my style) and it was close-up and fast-moving most of the time. However, I think this should have been a regular boxing fight, not a K-1 match, since it was a good boxing match, but a boring K-1 fight.6. SOUWER vs. SATORound 1 was boring, but the speed picked up in round 2. Sato had a good defense, but I really expected Souwer to beat him up, so I thought it was a boring fight. Sato has NO stamina, and he kept hugging Souwer too much.NOTE: The judge for this fight is, in my opinion, often wrong. He also appears to be prejudiced against non-Japanese fighters, and often makes unfair calls, cautions, and fails to call downs. In almost every fight, I tend to find something that he does wrong, and I would suggest that the K-1 organization remove him from judging professional matches.7. MASATO vs. LAURSENAgain, I find it hard to believe that Masato won! This was a good, solid fight, and I thought that Laursen can take a lot of damage and keep fighting. I was surprised that Masato got as many shots in as he did. I was hoping that this would go to an extra round, so we could see a KO, but they called the decision for Masato.Overall, it was a good night of fighting!Brian
こんにちは~初級英語のマダムNです~皆さん、先週のブライアン先生のメルマガでPod cast 配信をしましたが、聞いていただきましたか~?^^ ↓Making of Brian’s e-mail newsletterさて~今日は助手Lさんが私に勧めてくれた本がとってもよかったので是非ご紹介したいと思います。それは、日産のカルロス・ゴーン氏の「ゴーン・テキスト」。ゴーン氏のスピーチや社内会議などをテキストのようにまとめ、前から開くと日本語、後ろから開くとその英語版。しかも、英語版のCDもついているというビジネスの教科書です。Go Global「ゴーン・テキスト」英語CD付き初級英語の私としては、ビジネス書として大変興味深い内容ですので本を読んだ後は、CDを何度も聞いてみようと思っています。日本語版はあっという間に読み終わりますので、英語版も読んで、CDを何度も聞いてみようと思っています。しかも内容が、ゴーン氏のスピーチなどですから暗記してしまうと思っています^^なりきりゴーン氏を目指して~というわけで、グローバルリーダーの英語、良いですよ
何を隠そう、恐れていました。今週、クレームが怒涛の嵐のようにやってきたら、どうしよう、と。初めてのメルマガPODCASTING。でも、無事に終わったようで何よりでした。ご挨拶が送れてすみません。こんにちは。助手Lです。冷や冷やしていたブーイングもなく、いつものように、価値のあるご指摘をいただいて、本当にありがたく思ったメンバーズです。「あじさいの英語名はhydrangeaでは?」というメールをいただきました。私たちの拙い新企画を聴いて下さっている方がいるんだな~と感激でした。ありがとうございます。先にお答えしてしまうと、ご指摘の通りなのですが、この言い方を知っているアメリカ人はほとんどいない実情です。それで、なんて言うのかわからない~という話になっていました。hydrangeaというのは実は学名の一部で二名法で表現された前半の部分になります。学名は、属名+種小名の二つの単語で表現されます。通常、植物には学名とは別に、英語では、英名があり、日本では和名があります。たとえば、ひまわりは、sunflowerですが、学名はHelianthus annuus。 ヒヤシンスは、Hyacinthus orientalis なので、ちょっと似ています。シンビジウムなどは、学名のまま流通しています。誰でも知っている、ゴリラの学名はGorilla gorillaです。イグアナはIguana iguana。面白いですね。それでは、また、今週もよろしくお願いしま~す。
Envyhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0326856/I caught this movie on BS last night, and I couldn't stop laughing!!The review at IMDB is WRONG! This movie was good, Jack Black was himself, just as he always plays himself. I thought he was great. Christopher Walken as "J-Man" was hilarious as well.The whole movie went from one stupid scene that was funnier than the next, and I loved how it ended in with the deus en machina ending of "Tube Flan." I think anyone who is a Jack Black fan will like this film. If you've seen "Orange County" and "School of Rock," then you'll like this film.Brian
こんにちは~初級英会話のマダムNです。毎週発行しているブライアン先生のメルマガで今週は、ブライアン先生の生英語を聞くことができるPod castを配信します~パチパチ出演者はブライアン先生、助手L、そしてマダムNです。お話しの話題は「日本のお花見」話しが脱線しながらも約21分間の楽しい英語でのおしゃべりを聞くことができます。メルマガに掲載されているURLで音声を聞くことができますが、Pod castでダウンロードもできますので、電車の中などで、ブライアン先生の英語を楽しんでくださいね。金曜日配信です!!メルマガの登録はこちらでどうぞ^^http://www.kyoiku21.net/金曜日に間に合わなかった方もバックナンバーで聞くことができますのでご安心を^^
こんにちは~。今週は部下のトレーニングで忙しいブライアン先生。"I'm gonna terrorize your blog"と脅かしてお見送りした助手Lです。When the cat's away, the mice will play~。早速,マダムNが最近調達した痩身アイテム、Billy's Bootcampのお話に興味津々。ふ~む、bootcamp (新兵訓練)。ハードなものに違いない。1週間で3キロ?Billyの話している英語をききながら、ダイエットにもなって、リスニングの練習にもなる?リズム感がよくて、中学生、高校生には大人気?何か、筋肉の名前hamstring (ひざの後ろ側のくぼんだ所の腱)など叫んでいるinstructorの声を一生懸命聞いていると・・・動きが間に合わない!「このスピードについていけると痩せるわね。」とマダムNの一言でした。「私が1ヶ月半で7キロ痩せたのはね、」と教えてもらったのが、肥満兵士用にドイツで開発されたというボノラートというスープでした。どこの軍隊も"肥満の兵士"という存在は、いけないものなんですね。余談ですが、知り合いの韓国人はドラフトで入隊したとき、「おまえのようなぶよぶよの体型を、国境で北朝鮮に見せるわけにはいかない。」ということで、体重を減らす活動だけに専念させられたということでした。おかげで除隊の時にはひきしまった体型になり、「お国のために働いて、立派になって。」と感激の涙のお母さんに、とても本当のことは言えなかったそうです。でも、痩せられてよかったですよね~。って、家に帰ったら、またもとの体型にもどるのに時間はかからなかったというオチがあります。さて、Billy's bootcamp,結果をご報告しますね。それでは、Have a great weekend!
I had the worst allergy attack ever yesterday. I was doing simultaneous interpretation over a wireless system, and just when the CEO was starting to give address, it hit me. My eyes started to water, my nose started running, my throat closed up, etc. I had to keep sipping water to make it through the last hour.I took some allergy medicine at lunch, and it helped a little, but, by the time I got back home in the evening, I knew that things were getting worse. So, I took another kind (much stronger) of antihistamine and stayed in my "clean room" with a HEPA filter going on full-powerThis morning, however, it was even worse. My eyes were running, in fact pouring out tears...and so was my nose and my throat choked and I coughed and sneezed. My face was on fire!!!I went to see Dr. Fujimaki, and he gave me an IV 「点滴」of the strongest medicine that is used in Japan (or at least he said so.) He also changed my regular medicines. Fortunately, it worked, and I was able to make it to work just after lunchtime.I hope things work out and this doesn't happen again, but Dr. Fujimaki told me that if it happens again, I can come directly for the IV, and skip all of the other patients waiting. That's good to hear.I hope that this hay fever / pollen / allergy season finishes soon!Brian
The genre of "Revenge Movie" is one that I made up myself (I think?) But, basically it has to deal with the issue of revenge, so it is a classical drama, meaning that someone will die by the end of the movie.Truthfully, in our current society, we have so many rules that bind us to not take revenge out as we would perhaps imagine, or even subconsciously desire or hope to do. I admit this, unlike so many hypocritical people in this world. There are times that something angers us and we want to take revenge, but we know that it is the wrong thing to do. However, in the film world, we can experience getting revenge (and perhaps Justice) which forms the attraction of the "Revenge Film."In my collection, I think the following films are classic "Revenge Films:"1. "Enter the Dragon" (Bruce Lee)This movie is the best revenge film ever made! Bruce Lee is out to get revenge for his sister and for his Shaolin temple's lost honor. The whole movie is revenge and nothing but it.2. "Pulp Fiction" (Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, John Travolta)In some sense, almost every character gets revenge in this movie, or is a victim of another character. The movie starts out with a gangster revenge hit, and then the fight between Marcellus Wallace and Butch, followed by Butch getting revenge on Vincent Vega.3. "Aliens" (Sigourney Weaver)An SF movie, but pure revenge. This is for certain when Ripley says to Burke "You're going out there to destroy, not to collect?" And later she says "I say we take off and nuke the whole site from orbit." She is bent on destroying the aliens at any cost.4. "Terminator 2: Judgment Day " (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton)This one falls into the revenge category because Sarah Conner is out to get revenge on Skynet, Terminators, and the future. The crux of the movie is the phrase "...no fate but what we make..." which is the true mantra of any revenge film. And, Sarah takes this out when she goes to kill Miles Dawson and prevent him from inventing the CPU for the Terminator.5. "Kill Bill Vol. 2" (David Carradine, Uma Thurman)I didn't like Vol. 1 very much, and I thought it was a martial arts film without a real story. The story comes out here, and The Bride is really our for revenge against Bill, which she finally gets in the end.There are many other movies that could make the list or get an "honorable mention" in this genre.Brian
From Season 1, Episode 7.1.) Scenario: Allison and House are discussing a woman patient who is sleepy, depressed, and irritable.House: "I didn't know that it was possible for a woman to be unusually irritable?"訳:「女性は「非常にイライラ」してるということがあると知らなかった?」HAHAHAAHA The nuance here is that House considers women to be always irritable, so the idea of being more irritable than normal. (つまり女性はいつもイライラしてるから「非常にイライラ」はあり得ない。) This is a very sexist remark! So typically House!2.) Scenario: House just assigned Foreman to go check on the patient's workplace. It's obvious that Foreman doesn't want to do it.Foreman: "Why are you riding me?"「なぜ俺を負ぶさってる?」House: "Was it worse than last week?"「先週よりヒドイ?」Foreman: "Yes."「ええ。」House: "That rules out the race thing. You're just as black as last week."「それはその人種のことを除外するだな、お前は先週と同じ位黒のだ。」Now, this exchange is harsh! I wouldn't stand this from any boss, and I'm surprised that Foreman doesn't quit, since this is the second time that House has made a racist remark in the last few episodes.Nonetheless, classic House-isms here! He has no rules!I hope that you can see that House himself speaks a whole dialogue about not only medicine, but also culture, race, gender, truth, and society.Brian
I've been playing these games recently sometimes on the side:1. MADDEN NFL 2007 (PS2)http://www.japan.ea.com/madden07/This is an incredible game, since my wife loves American Football, and we can play together and she learns the rules of football and English at the same time!My favorite part of this game is how rich in detail it is, and how when you are playing you can use the "Madden Call" and get John Madden's advice for your next play (if you follow his advice, you usually win.) Also, playing the game is like watching an NFL game, so if you like American Football, then this is THE game to play!2. DOOM 3 (PC)I got this game from a co-worker, and got hooked quickly on it. It is very different from the original Doom, and much better than I expected. http://www.doom3.com/The action is a lot like the Biohazard series, and the storyline is a cross between the original Doom and Biohazard. However, the feeling inside the game is a lot like being inside Aliens. Brian
こんにちは~初級英語マダムNです^^さて、今日は英語ネタではなく~映画ネタ(近いでしょ^^)昨晩某TV番組でニコラス・ケイジが口元を手で隠しながら食事をするハリウッド流試食シーンを見て、あまりにもおかしかったのでさっそくブライアン先生にA native speaker would…?「あ~僕はわざと見なかった」???「彼は僕の俳優リストから落ちている」???「いい映画ないよ」オッと、意外なご返答~オマケに自分の唇の上下を両手でめくり、「彼は歯が出ているから、食べるとかっこよくないから隠したんじゃないの」おお~そんな~ニコラス・ケイジがボロボロですところで、その後ひとしきり映画談義で盛り上がり(マダムNもブライアンも映画ファンなのです~」ブライアン先生の潜水艦映画ベスト5を教えてくれました1位 「ダスボート」2位 「クレムゾンタイド」3位 「ローレライ」4位 「K19」5位 「レッドオクトーバーを追え」なるほど~あれ?「Uボート」は?と思ったら、1位の「ダスボート」はドイツ語で「DAS BOOT」邦題で「Uボート」になっているわけなんですね~その他、ブライアン先生の「リベンジ映画」という分類もあるそうです^^次回、ぜひ聞いてみます~ちなみに一番最近見たのは、ケーブルテレビで「コーヒー&シガレッツ」面白かったらしいですよ~^^今日は英語なしでゴメンナサイ~次回の映画の話題ではぜひ、映画シーンからいいせりふ紹介してもらおうかしら
WOW! This was a very exciting event. It had a large percentage of KO's, which has not been so common since the "Golden Age" of K-1 (Aerts, Hug, Bernardo, Hoost, etc.)The results are here:http://www.k-1.co.jp/k-1gp/top770.htmI'm going to give my comments on each match below:1. CHOI HONG MAN vs. MIGHTY MOAn incredible KO from Mighty Mo! This was the first time that Hong Man was ever KO'd, so I thought it was awesome! To be honest, I don't like Hong Man very much, and it was good to see him get knocked out by an American.2. CYRIL ABIDI vs. MITSUGU NODAA judgement, but, I thought "Finally, Seido Kaikan has brought back a Japanese fighter who can fight against veteran foreign fighters." I think Noda has a good possibility in the future.3. BADR HARI vs. RUSULAN KARAEVI haven't seen a K-1 match so fast and violent since the "Golden Age" of K-1. I thought that Karaev was going to KO Hari, and then, BOOM, Hari KO'd Karaev. Again, a great fight.4. MUSASHI vs. FUJIMOTO YUSUKEThis was 3 rounds of total boredom (I actually felt sleepy watching Musashi,) followed by an extra round. I was really impressed when Kakuta got up in the ring and told the fighters to "Stop playing around and fight!" Finally, Fujimoto KO'd Musashi with a left high kick. I don't like Musashi at all, and seeing him get KO'd yet again was even better than seeing Hong Man get KO'd by Mighty Mo.I wish that Musashi would just quit. He's a bad joke, and an even worse fighter.5. JEROME LE BANNER vs. JUNICHI SAWAYASHIKIThis was a boring fight, and it seemed like Sawayashiki had no technique at all. But, he is really a strong fighter. He got 2 downs on Le Banner, and his last punch knocked Le Banner's mouthpiece out. Well, since I don't like Le Banner, seeing him lose is always good.6. SEMMY SCHILT vs. RAY SEFOThis fight was boring as well. Schilt's KO punch was a matter-of-fact, since he is the better fighter. Sefo was way too overconfident. --There were some boring fights, but, the best part of this event was the high number of KOs. It seemed for some time that every match was a decision, and that nobody could KO anymore. K-1 had almost become boring as a sport, and now it seems that it has come back as a sport with an interesting future.Brian
Is there something wrong with this country?It seems the FUJIYA has started producing candies / desserts again!I wonder "What is going on in the Japanese mind?" How can such a company ever be forgiven? How many of you ate a FUJIYA product? I bet most of you did, since that "Peko-chan" face is so popular. Look at the truth here:http://www.fujiya-peko.co.jp/release/index24.htmlISO 14001 is the international standard that covers clean food handling. A violation of this standard is basically the same as admitting total failure and gross incompetence, or even mailcious intent.How can the Japanese people and consumers allow this to go on?From my perspective, it is impossible to even think about it. It makes me sick to think that FUJIYA cakes were sold for 100 yen in supermarket sales, and that sometimes I used to buy them and have them with my wife. They were not as good as other companies, but they were cheap. We could have been eating something made from bad milk. How many times did we get sick without knowing that it really was a FUJIYA cake or something that we ate from them that made us sick?Is anyone thinking about the social cost and risk that this company caused?Does anyone remember Snow Brand? 「雪印」?A DECLARATIONブライアン先生 officially declares a boycott of all FUJIYA products, effective immediately, and without revocation until the time at which FUJIYA as a company closes business permanently.I will never eat FUJIYA again.Brian
OK, it's pretty simple. ブライアン先生 plays way too many video games. I can try to explain this: My father did not allow video games in our home, and he did not allow me to go to a game center. NEVER! So, I never grew up with PC or televison-console video games, and I never owned a PC or any game software until I came to Japan and bought a PC and a copy of the original Warcraft. I played that game for about 2 years.After getting my Master's degree at Surrey, I decided that I would buy a motorcycle. But, getting a licence in Japan is not so easy for Americans, so I decided to buy a gaming PC. That was the start.My current Gaming PC: Dell XPS 600 (2.8Mhz / 2GB / 250GB / 6800)CNET Review (with video)PC Magazine ReviewThe reviews are right. This is the fastest and most powerful PC I've ever used. I think it is really only going to be beat by a handmade PC or a top-line Alienware.Current Games:Somehow, I find myself playing these two games a lot recently.1.) America's Army: I have been playing this game since 2005, and I have an honor level of 28, which puts me in the top 3.8% of players worldwide. I also have an Expert rating on the M-16, which puts me in the top 17%. I've completed all the training except the SERE part of Special Forces training.It is hard to turn this game down, since it is 100% free! I know that it is a type of recruiting tool for the U.S. Army, but, once you get inside the game, you come to realize that it is hard work being a soldier, and if you break the rules, you end up in jail or die. I think that the most important part of the game is communication and teamwork, since it is possible to survive without shooting or killing the enemy. Also, since over 8 million people are playing this game, you will always find people from all around the world on it.America's Army Official SiteInformation in Japanese by 4Gamer2.) Battlefield 2 & Battlefield 2: Special ForcesI just started playing this game as a break from America's army. But, I think this game is just as thrilling, and sometimes even more realistic (as far as storyline) than America's Army. The environment is freer, and you can explore many types of strategies, gear, vehicles, and so on.Battlefield 2 Official Site (EA Games Japan)Battlefield 2 Official Site (EA Games U.S.)Reviews by 4GamerThe interesting thing about BF2 is that there are many Japanese people playing the game, and with built-in VoIP, it is easy to communicate in Japanese. This is useful when playing large games, since people from all around the world join the game, and if you can find a partner or team who speaks Japanese, then the other players won't know what you're saying (most speak English.)--In this column, I'm going to review some of my favorite games, and I'm waiting to get a PS3 and review games for it.Brian
From Season 1, Episode 4.Situation: House is in Lisa's office arguing with her (she's his boss.)House: "That's why I don't waste my money going to shrinks, because you give me all these great insights."Lisa: "If you went to a shrink, I would pay. The hospital would have a bake sale!"--Now, House was being completely sarcastic about going to see a psychiatrist, but Lisa of course thinks that he should and wants him to go. So, first she offers to pay for House herself (which is very expensive in America,) but the funniest part is when she says the hospital would have a "bake sale" which I found a definition for:ベイク・セール - 学校などの団体が資金集めのために手作り菓子などを販売するバザー。It is very common for churches to have bake sales to raise money for projects, donations to the poor, etc. In general, when we talk about having a bake sale, we mean that we have no other way of making money.That is what makes it so funny!!! Lisa is so desperate to make House go to a shrink!!!Brian
Yesterday, I felt like my face was on fire!So, I searched Yahoo Japan's hospital ranking, and went to Fujimaki ENT Clinic in Minami-Gyotoku.I was impressed by the clinic. The staff was very friendly (they even spoke English...but I don't need it...) and, of course, I was relieved because Dr. Fujimaki is a Juntendo Medical School graduate. His clinic was very nice, clean, and speedy. The staff even asked me if I wanted to fill out the new patient form in English (that makes me think they have a lot of foreign patients.)Dr. Fujimaki impressed me. As typical of Juntendo doctors, he took an X-ray, and I was surprised by his ability to determine my condition by looking at it. His diagnosis was not "Hay Fever" but rather sinusitis. He prescribed me medicine for that, and much to my surprise again, I was out of the clinic in less than 45 minutes! Also, the charge was only about 1,700 yen, which is a bargain compared to other ENT doctors who will easily charge more than 3,000 yen for a first visit.--I've had many bad experiences with ENT doctors in Japan, and it seems that most of them aren't very good at what they do, or they just want patients to keep coming back every week to check on how you're doing so that they can get more points and more money from National Health Insurance.One of the best ENT doctors I've seen in Japan is Dr. Miyoshi in Sendai. However, it seems that when I came to Tokyo, even mentioning the name "Miyoshi" made most ENT doctors dislike me as a patient. I wondered why? I thought that Dr. Miyoshi's treatment was very effective, and when I went to an ENT doctor in Tokyo, he told me "Miyoshi thinks every day is Christmas..." What is that supposed to mean? So, it seemed like mentioning the name "Miyoshi" was poison, so I just stopped.I wonder why this situation exists in the Japanese ENT world?Brian
こんにちは~。このところ, Personally, I am involved in studying "How to multiply your stress”の助手Lです。オフィスにおけるストレス倍増計画にあたり、なんと言ってもお局様という存在が有効なのじゃないかと妄想した私としては、お局様は英語でなんと言うのか知りたくなりました。助手L「ブライアン先生、お局様って日本語はですね、たいてい、スキルが高い女の人で、 会社に長くいて、office politicsも知り尽くしていて、 若い女性社員に意地悪な人なんですよ・・・。 そういう人のこと、同じ表現ってありますか~?」Brian「英語の場合はね、実際の人(real life character)の名前 を使う場合が多いんですよ。 例えばね、”wicked witch of the east”とか。」助手L「それは、オズの魔法使い(The Wizard of OZ)の登場人物ですね。 東の魔女は悪い魔女でしたっけ。」Brian「それでね、WW 3 o’clockっていうように会話の中で使うんですよ。」 (※ブライアン先生の椅子から3時の方向 ―つまり右側に直線をのばした方向にいる東の魔女がね、って感じです。) 助手L「それって、Native speakerは、3時の方向、とか、 6時の方向(つまり真後ろ)っていうと、みんなピンとくるんですか?」Brian「そう、9時の方向もありですよ。」 (い、いけません、9時の方向には、当社の本当のお局様が・・・。)助手L「(話題をかえなければ・・・)他にもありますか?」Brian「そういえば、以前、いっしょに仕事をした人で、本当に強い女の人がいましたけど、 Elvin Rommelって呼ばれてましたよ。」助手L「Rommelっていうと・・・?(難しくて聞き取れない助手L)」 (L&R is always difficult to catch.)Brian「ロンメル将軍ですよ。 彼女は本当にタフな人で、ロンメル将軍の異名、 DF(desert fox)とも呼ばれたんですよ。」 「それからBattle-ax(e)なんていうのもありますね。」助手L「口やかましい女?え、口やかましい男っていうのは、ないんですか?」Brian「ないですねー。」助手L「あら? A fierce, unpleasant older woman with strong opinions. なるほど。私もRommelと言われるくらいに、仕事にがんばりますね~。」
This week's department is the Advertising Department:EditorCopy EditorProofreaderWriterIllustratorI think this department is easy for Japanese learners to master, since many of the words have become Japanese already.Brian
I've got hay fever 「花粉症」and it is already starting this year! Last year was easy, but the year before (2005) was horrible.So, I'm back to using my main-line therapy:Kirkland Signature AllerClear LoratadineWith a back-up nasal spray:Nasonex Nasal SprayRight now, these seem to be doing a good job. I wear one of those cheap masks coming/going from work, but I could use some sunglasses that didn't fog up in the morning.If it gets worse, I'll have to go the allergist. In 2005, I had crazy sneezing and watery eyes, so I went, and the doctor gave me something Zyrtec, Clestamine, and a nasal spray and it worked.I hope I don't have to take heavy allergy medicine this year!Brian
こんにちは~初級英会話を勉強中のマダムNです^^私はマーケティングの仕事をしていますので、電車の中吊り広告などを結構真剣に見ておりますそこで、今日はその中からいくつかのキャッチコピーをA native speaker would…と、ブライアン先生に聞いてみました^^1、「ご愛飲感謝キャンペーン」ア○ヒビール2、「人生を変えるこころのブレーキのはずし方」フォレ○ト出版3、「3年は長いようで、短いようで、おいしい」リ○ルート社4、「SA○SONのローン百選」セ○ンカードブライアン先生のご解答1、Beer lover’s Campaign!2、How to unlock your heart and change your life.3、3year? Too long? Too short? Just right!4、SA○SON’s high-quality premium select loan.こんな感じになるようですが、どうでしょうか~^^さらにお茶目なブライアン先生ですので、こんなサイトを教えてくれました。アメリカのコメディアンがアメリカの広告・宣伝に使われる言葉を早口でしゃべる面白いサイトで~その名も~George Carlin - Advertising Lullaby LYRICSまた、会社の同僚いわく、以前、クロスカルチュラルのクラスで、アメリカの広告はすべて「自分に正直に」とか「自分自身であること」などが基本の考えになっているというのを習ったことがありますとのこと~なるほど~
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0238380/My wife caught this movie half-way through, and then I recorded it when it was on replay.Honestly, I was very impressed with this movie. It was easy to make comparisions of it to "The Matrix," but I think that the storyline is closer to a combination of "Fahrenheit 451" and "1984," which are classics of post-modern totalitarian literature. The "gun kata" and martial arts scenes were interesting, and I thought it was scarier than "The Matrix," even though the special effects were not as thrilling. An interesting point was the pistol that the "Priest" used. It was a modified Beretta 93r pistol, which is very rare to see. There was one point where magazines were switched, and later the bullet was traced to another "Priest," which I thought they copied right out of "Judge Dredd." So, I thought that the movie had a good plot, good action, and gave a lot of references to classic works of Science Fiction as a genre.If you liked "The Matrix" or "Ghost in the Shell," then I recommend this movie.Brian
Season 1, Episode 4 (Aired on Fox Japan last week)Scenario: A young man comes in sick and is not responding to treatment. House and his team are in his office doing a differential diagnosis 「鑑別診断」and House insists that the man has 2 illnesses, while his team thinks he has only 1.Dialogue:Foreman: "I think your argument is specious!"House: "I think your tie is ugly."HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!Foreman was being completely serious, and saying that House was making a specious argument (that is, an argument that makes no sense) and then House just tells him that his tie is ugly! That's incredible. If my boss did that to me, I'd leave.Brian
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