just in case there is a chance some non-Japanese person might read this article...
about this insident which really upset me...
last year in Japan, a non-Japanese national driver ignored the red light and caused a car accident. As a result, one little Japanese girl's life was lost. She was only 2yo.
This offender NEVER made any form of apology at all!!! and WHATA NERVE!!!!? This offender flew outta Japan and went back to her country, giving no time for Japanese police to arrest her!
What this person did will certainly affect other innocent foreigners residing in Japan, typically...because of a small bunch of idiots, the rest of innocent, good ones have to go through some unwanted shitty reputation and stereo types...
THINK ABOUT IT!!! It doesn't really matter, which nationality or race the offender is, can be Japanese or whatever...the point iiiiis...this offender went back to her own home country and NOW leading a normal life!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? Oh, yes, I can believe, but NEVER FORGIVE!
Seriously....just because Japan doesn't have a certain treaty with the offender's country...should this case be left untouched??? NO WAY, man!
Race or country aint the case here.
If you don't feel anything with this case, you have some problem with your sense as a normal human....even a hypocrite person like me is feelin it badly...honest..
What a nerve, this whoeva, bitch should get caught n get punished PROPERLY, SEVERELY!!!
SHAME of the county...does she think she can get away with it like that??? NO WAY, ...ahhh...sorry, i heated up by now.
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