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私も還暦になりました。 I also became the sixtieth year(Kanreki).
私も遂に60歳(還暦)になりました。子供の頃は、60歳と言う年齢が創造もつかなかった。とてつもなく遥か未来のことに思えた。しかし、自分が60歳を迎えて思うことは、昔も今も自分は自分。何ら変わりがないような気がする。あっという間の歳月だった。子供の頃に見上げた夏空、大学生の頃に見上げた夏空、子供たちと一緒に遊んでいる頃に見上げた20年前の夏空、そして今。いつ見てもそんなに変わりのない風景に感じる。多分何年後かに、更に老人になってから見上げた夏空も同じだろう。しかし、その頃の自分を今は少し想像できる。つまり先が見えてきたのかもしれない。更に老人になった頃に楽しかったなと思えるように、今やれることはやっておきたい。いつの時代も、次を見据えた努力が必要だ。楽しい老後を迎えるため、お互いに頑張りましょう。 梅酒作りの季節になりましたね。写真は今年我が家で作った梅酒です。飲み頃はいつですかね。
I also became the sixtieth year(Kanreki). When I was a child, I had no idea that I would be 60 years old. I thought of the tremendously distant future. However, what I think at the age of 60 is that I have never changed before and now. I feel that there is no change. It was an instant for quite a while. The summer sky I looked up at when I was a child, the summer sky I looked up at when I was a university student, the summer sky 20 years ago I looked up while playing with children, and the sky I am looking at now. I always feel the scenery does not change so much even when I look. Perhaps the same is the summer sky I looked up after becoming an old man some years later. However, I can imagine myself a little for some years later. In other words, I may be able to see the future. I also want to do what I can do now, just as I thought it was fun when I became an old man. In any age, it is necessary to make efforts for the next. Let’s work hard with each other in order to have a happy old age. It’s time to make plum wine. The photo is plum wine made at my home this year. When is it time to drink?
良い母の日でした。 We were able to spend a good mother’s day.
Today is Mother’s Day. As always, We have lunch at Michi-no-Eki Miyoshi Hina-no-Sato at the mother’s request. Michi-no-Eki Miyoshi Hina-no-Sato is about a 10-minute drive from Tomiura IC at the end of Tateyama Road. It is also famous for there is a Bingo burger that you know. The surroundings are surrounded by rice fields, and swallows are making nests in the corridor of the facility. A few weeks later, I think that many swallowed baby birds will be born. Mother and wife always eat set meal of rural restaurant “Country Mum” But of course I eat bingo burger. I always eat an ordinary bingo burger, But, because the person who lined up before is saying “Spar Bingo Burger”, I sayed too“I would like to have a Spar Bingo Burger and avocado topped. The price is a super price, and an ordinary bingo burger costs 1000 yen, but “Spar Bingo Burger” was for 1500 yen, and I asked for avocado with topping, so it was +200 yen. However, I was surprised at the size when I got my order, and I was convinced of the price. Even a regular bingo burger is quite voluminous, “Spar Bingo Burger” contains two large patties, which may be about three servings. I thought I could eat it all, but I couldn’t eat it. But it was very delicious.
The talk has deviated a little, We were able to spend a good mother’s day with good weather and drive.
ギラティナを遂にGETしました。 I finally got Giratina.
As usual, I got off the escalator at Chiba Station and checked Pokemon GO, but there was no gym doing raid battle in the station square. But I could see the Giratina shadow in front of the Tsukamoto Building a little further ahead. I wondered what to do there, but I still had about 10 minutes left, so I decided to go immediately. There were about 20 people in front of the Tsukamoto Building, so I decided to join the group with some expectations. But when I participated in the battle, I was the first person. Then three people … five people … eight people …. It was time to end up with eight players. Even if the first six Pokémons are defeated, you can challenge as many times as you like within the time, so I think that this number of people will win. As expected, the match was able to beat Giratina, but this is my real game. I have reached so many times in the past, but I have never got Giratina with a white monster ball. There were only nine white monster balls this time, but I was able to get the fourth ball when I was throwing as much as expected. “What?” I was stunned for a moment, but I was very happy just because I was not expecting it, and I immediately reported it to my daughter in LINE. It was me who hesitated to go to the front of Tsukamoto Building, but if I do not participate, I can not GET. I recognized again that there is a possibility even if I participate. It’s a bit bloated, but if you don’t take a step towards your goal, it means that you can’t get anything.
母親感謝デー Mother's Thanksgiving Day
Today is Mother's Thanksgiving Day of this month, so it is a standard, but after shopping at Tokinan Minori no Sato Road Station, we ate at Kuonan Station on the sea. I always am joking about my mother's day, Mother's Day, "It's a day when my mother thanks me." My mother always says, "I understand." Minori no Sato sells fresh vegetables at cheap prices. In addition, passage of sales floor is made widely. Also, the parking lot is wide. Therefore, it is often used because a mother with a handicapped gets in a wheelchair or presses a silver car (car pushed by an old man) without much concern. Umino Station Kujukuri is good for me because fresh seafood bowls are offered at reasonable prices. There are three restaurants on the second floor of the station Kujukuri Umi Station, and it seems that stores are regularly replaced. The delicious menu of which store is lined up and We wonder what to eat. I ate a set meal with tempura and sashimi, which is the most popular menu of the innermost shop "Haburi". My mother and my wife ate the special lunch, which is the signboard menu of the shop "Watasi no mise" in the foreground. It was a 3-hour short course event that left the house, but the weather was fine and it was a fun day.

Today is Mother's Thanksgiving Day of this month, so it is a standard, but after shopping at Tokinan Minori no Sato Road Station, we ate at Kuonan Station on the sea. I always am joking about my mother's day, Mother's Day, "It's a day when my mother thanks me." My mother always says, "I understand." Minori no Sato sells fresh vegetables at cheap prices. In addition, passage of sales floor is made widely. Also, the parking lot is wide. Therefore, it is often used because a mother with a handicapped gets in a wheelchair or presses a silver car (car pushed by an old man) without much concern. Umino Station Kujukuri is good for me because fresh seafood bowls are offered at reasonable prices. There are three restaurants on the second floor of the station Kujukuri Umi Station, and it seems that stores are regularly replaced. The delicious menu of which store is lined up and We wonder what to eat. I ate a set meal with tempura and sashimi, which is the most popular menu of the innermost shop "Haburi". My mother and my wife ate the special lunch, which is the signboard menu of the shop "Watasi no mise" in the foreground. It was a 3-hour short course event that left the house, but the weather was fine and it was a fun day.

As usual on the way home from the company, I checked out Pokemon GO at the roundabout in front of Chiba Station. That is my daily routine. There are 4 gyms at Chiba Station’s roundabout, and they are always busy with Pokemon GO. This week, the legendary Pokemon Latios has appeared in many places, and today it seems to have appeared at three places at the same time in the roundabout at Chiba Station. The reason I came to do raid battle is that I recently taught my daughter about the system. Even if I defeated Pokemon seriously, I had only once got the legendary Pokemon with a white monster ball. Here are a few rules I will explain. Suddenly eggs appear in the gym, and the type of Pokemon that is produced is different depending on the color of the eggs, It seems that the legendary Pokemon is born from the black egg. A legendary Pokemon is born from a black egg in a certain period of time, but after that period it can not be GET. Therefore, for Pokemon enthusiasts, it is a very valuable Pokemon that they want to get by any means. I once encountered Palkia, Giratina, etc. and challenged several times with white monster balls, but I have a bitter experience I couldn’t finally get. And today, I met Latius three times, but I was very happy because I could get two. By the way, it was yesterday in Latios that I got only once in the past. I have never been able to GET the legendary Pokemon until now, but I think it would be better if it could be from now on. For those who don’t play with Pokemon, it may seem silly, but I think that there is a world of excitement.
伝説のポケモンを探しに千葉ポートタワーに行ってきました。 I went to Chiba Port Tower to find the legendary Pokemon.
Today I went to Chiba Port Tower to find the legendary Pokemon with my daughter.On the Internet, the park of Chiba Port Tower was introduced as an area where rare Pokemon infested, but today it is not that much, and it seems that it was a day when Tatsubayi appeared well. It is also a pleasure to get the legendary Pokemon, but being connected to my daughter through Pokemon is more treasure than anything for me. There were several pairs of parents and children with small children who were pokemon in the park. And I saw everywhere that friends and lovers were connected through Pokemon. It was a day when I felt that it was the goodness of Pokemon.
ポケモンGOって知ってますかすか? Do you know Pokemon GO?
ポケモンGOって知ってますかすか?遊んだことはありますか?子供たちが小学生で、僕たちがバリバリのお父さん(お母さん)だった頃、ポケモン流行ってましたよね。ゲームボーイ版のゲームで、グリ−ンにレッド、金、銀、パール(ニュービーズか!!!)僕はよく一緒に遊んでいました。音楽(効果音)も良かったですよね。『海パン小僧が…』とかトレーナーが出てくるとノリの良い効果音が…実に楽しかったです。また、オハスタでポケモンの名前の歌も流行ってました。子供と一緒に『ピカチュウ カイリュー ヤドラン …』歌っていました。良い思い出です。僕自身楽しでいたし、子供と一緒に遊べてとても嬉しかった記憶があります。そんな時代だったので、ポケモンGOをやったことがなくても、知っている人は多いかと、思います。
Do you know Pokemon GO? Have you ever played? Pokemon became popular when our children were elementary school children and we were active fathers (mothers). A gameboy version game with green, red, gold, silver and pearls (new beads?) I used to play with my children often. Music (sound effects) was good too. “The kaipan kid …” When the trainer comes out the good sound effect of Nori …It was really fun. In addition, the song with the name of Pokemon also became popular in Ohusta TV show. I was singing “Pikachu Kairyu Jadran …” with my child. It is a good memory. I enjoyed myself and I remember having a great time playing with my children. Because it was such a generation, I think that there are many people who know even if they have not done Pokemon GO.
The Pokemon GO landed in Japan in 2016.






