Arts Integration

Woodburn is proud to be a part of Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA)

Why teach with art integration?

Woodburn teachers strive to integrate the fine and communicative arts into all instruction throughout the school day. We believe that arts integration enhances learning for all students, particularly visual, tactile, and kinesthetic learners, and those whose home language is not English. Using the arts to learn more traditional academic subjects provide natural connections for differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students. 

Teaching with the arts provides students with multiple ways to remember, transfer and apply their learning. When the arts are integrated into academic subjects, instruction is likely to be more active, hands-on, personally meaningful and vivid for students - all research-based techniques proven to increase the rate and retention of student learning. Educating students using the arts also provides a foundation for their appreciation of and participation in the arts as life-long learners.

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Our work with the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra

Woodburn has proudly partnered with the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra for the past six years. The FSO has provided a host of opportunities for our students, including bringing resident musicians to the classroom and providing tickets for local concerts.

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