Tutoring Options in FCPS

Explore four possible tutoring options for students

Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to supporting each and every student and helping them meet or exceed high academic standards ( Strategic Plan, Goal 3 ). 

For students who need additional support, the following opportunities may be available to support them. 

If you have questions regarding your child and their progress, please reach out to their teacher or counselor to see what options are available at their school. 

No-Cost, Virtual Tutoring through Tutor.com

Online tutoring through Tutor.com is available as a resource for all FCPS students, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for both support and enrichment. Online tutoring support is one-on-one, on-demand, and anonymous. Tutors are able to address any questions or specific skills gaps. 

Tutor.com services are available at no cost to students and families.

Online tutoring through Tutor.com also includes SAT/ACT prep, and drop-off review for feedback. Tutor.com is available to all FCPS students (who have not been opted out). 

In-Person Tutors for Hire - List From Family Resource Center 

The Family Resource Center (FRC) maintains a list of FCPS employees who hold a valid Virginia teaching credential and who are available to be hired by parents as a tutor .

This list is a resource offered by the FRC, but families are responsible for contacting and working directly with the tutors. This list is not “approved” by FCPS and is only meant as a resource to families. 

In-Person Tutoring  for Identified Students

The  High-impact Tutoring program is intended to be relational, consistent, and targeted for specific students based on needs. In order to be effective, this style of tutoring requires the use of high quality instructional materials, regular assessments, progress monitoring, and collaboration among parents and staff.

FCPS began offering this service at a select number of schools in the 2022-23 school year. Students are identified for this program by their school based on their learning needs.


Ignite Partnerships with business and community groups provide tutoring services at some partner schools in the division. One partnership example is EduTutorVA , which  pairs college education majors from 14 colleges and universities across Virginia with students in grades 3-8 for virtual, high-impact tutoring.