Ever wonder who would be your best match from those sexy men on Sex and the City? わ!おもしろそ!
It's Friday evening, you are most likely to find yourself...
a. reading a book at a coffee house b. out dancing at a club c. at a gallery opening d. at an exclusive restaurant うーん… どれも、あてはまらないな・・・ あてはまらないので、どうしていたいか・・・ という観点から考えます。で、C。
You casually scan the crowd, and one man's ........ catches your attention.
a. smile b. Italian suit c. bulging pec d. intriguing accent そりゃ、当然 A のスマイルでしょう。
You then...
a. introduce yourself b. make eye contact and wait for him to make the first move
After a brief introduction, you order a ........... to drink
a. beer b. mojito c. martini d. wine e. bourbon f. coffee mojito ってなんじゃ? ビールは好きだけど、このシチュエーションでビールはなし。マティーニかな・・・
What an interesting guy! You could ........... all night.
a. discuss theater b. talk business c. converse about relationships d. suck on his face D はやりすぎ。A、B はかたすぎ。relationships の話もありでしょう。
A pretty girl walks by your table.... he ...
a. doesn't even notice her, as he is fixated on you b. check her out (and so do you!) c. comments on her shoes. もちろん A。
After dinner, you go .............
a. enjoy a walk in the park. b. go window shopping c. find a dark corner and make out. ウィンドウショッピングもいいけど、公園で散歩の方が好き。
It's getting late, you.......
a. give him your number and say good night b. invite him over to your place c. get a hotel room - you can't be bringing home strays A 以外ありえません
The next morning, you awake to find him ......
a. making breakfast b. ordering room service c. gone d. Find him? I gave him my number and told him goodnight! D 以外ありません
A few days have passed, you're happy to see that he has .......
a. sent you flowers b. called c. not found you 花か電話で迷ったけど、やっぱ、花の方がポイント高いですね☆
Aidan Shaw is your best match!!! Aidan is irresistibly charming, with laid-back sex appeal. Warm and accessible, he's not afraid to make a commitment. だそうで・・・ やっぱりねーーーー だって、私 Aidan が一番好きだもん。